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Phil Perry

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The UK just imported some distraught 'Unaccomapined' CHILDREN . . .from the 'Jungle' in Calais.


This has caused widesperad outrage in the MSM, and especially in the 'Soshul Media' ( All disgusting racists obviously ) when it was obvious to anyone with a brain, that these desperate 'Children' . . .were around 20 to 40 years old. . . . and will be sent to 'Junior' schools for education. Amongst proper Children of that age. . . You just couldn't make this shyte up folks. . . 'Children',, six feet tall with beards. . . . I feel our country is run by imbeciles. These people were in a 'Safe' country. ie, France. not a 'War' zone, and they had travelled through several 'Safe' countries in order to get to Calais. The EU regulations state that, to qualify as a 'Refugee' ( Which nearly NONE of them are by the way, just economic migrants with Nike trainers and iPhones ) never applied for 'Asylum' in the first EU country at which they arrived on thieir rickety boats,.. financed by 'People Smugglers'


The reason for this is that the current British 'Govenment' . . .offer the best 'Bennies' ie, benefits. Free Accommodation, Free money, and then Free Social housing,. . displacing those indiginous folks who have been on social housing waiting lists for sometimes Years.


These desperate 'Children' dispose of their identification papers into the sea, encouraged by the traffickers, and we now have Syrian Nigerians, Syrian Kenyans, Syrian Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Eritreans, Libyans, ALL heading for stupid ENGLAND. . .with it's ridiculous 'Open Borders' EU inspired mentality.


I can see certain Government people hanging from piano wire on the bridges over the Thames in the not too distant future. . . .


Today's 'Children' imports from the Calais Jungle were screened so that the media could not get a look at tham, but I think you get the picture.


The UK is FULL UP. . . we have more than 500 people per square mile. . .look at the stats for France and other countrues and it is immediately obvious that we are being swamped. . . . .the National Health service is at breaking point. . . schools are full up with kids who don't speak English, to the detriment of locals who can't get their children into a school place without travelling ridiculous distances. . .. . .we are a small Island nation. . . .and STILL we cannot get the pointacross to the Governmant that, if they insist that any Immigrant must be self supporting for at least five years, before they receive Free health care and any benefits then the problem will increase until it explodes into something really nasty. . . .


Yhe bloody Lefty media suggests that it is US old geks that are taking up places in the health services, and 'Bed Blocking' . . .well Sooooory. . .but those old Geks have paid thier national insurance stamps for their entire working lives, to Guarantee, their healthcare into old age.


The whole thing just boils my P1ss. . . . .


Rant over.



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Ok Even if educated and fluent in multi languages , we should still all be living by the ONE set of Laws,Australian Law,,not SHARIA LAW ah Marty

Geez! Things have changed since I left! You have sharia law there now? Looks like I left just in time ...



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What's 'Apex' ?

Je ne se pas. . . . .

A notoriously violent group of africkan youth gangs terrorising local residents in Melbourne with violent car jackings and robberies and murders.....And they concist of illegal boat arrived immigrants totally



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Geez! Things have changed since I left! You have sharia law there now? Looks like I left just in time ...

Yes You did as we have had several cases already of A sharia court operating here and Islamic reprisentatives pushing for more.........



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Australia has one legal framework Bull. We don't have sharia law. We never will. Even the separate Koori courts etc are run by the state governments. Maybe you should relax and enjoy life instead of worrying about stuff that isn't a problem.

Do some research marty and check out the court cases of busted imam,s that have been PRACTISING sharia here



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Do some research marty and check out the court cases of busted imam,s that have been PRACTISING sharia here

Bull, people can practice whatever religious/cultural practices they want to, as long as they don't break federal, state or local laws. Not sure which part of that you don't understand. If a bunch of muslims want to be bound by a sharia ruling, for instance a property dispute or whatever, then that's up to them. Just like if you're a member of a flying club you agree to be bound by their rules. This is limited, as is your flying club, by Australian law; the imam can't enable someone to marry an underage girl, just as your flying club can't give you permission to fly inverted under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.


If associations and clubs can't make up their own rules, how can the AFL charge a player $5,000 for swearing at an umpire? He hasn't broken any Australian laws yet he cops a fine? Out with the AFL, I say! Deport the illegal buggers!


If as you say there have been court cases of dodgy imams then it just goes to prove the system is working. When they breach Australian law they get charged. Unless you want to take away the rights of EVERYONE in Australia to join a club, religion, society, sporting code or whatever, then you can't go pointing the finger at one set and say "take away their rights to do their own thing!"



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Ok Even if educated and fluent in multi languages , we should still all be living by the ONE set of Laws,Australian Law,,not SHARIA LAW ah Marty

For a start, Sharia law has no legal standing in Australia as such. None. It cannot have any legal standing unless it is actually passed into Australian law by the Government. Chances of that happening? Zero.


Yes You did as we have had several cases already of A sharia court operating here and Islamic reprisentatives pushing for more.........

They are not operating a "sharia court". They were using sharia principles in negotiated family divorce settlements. This allows the women involved to initiate a religious divorce from their religious marriage due to the unique complications in Islamic marriages before stuff ends up with the Family Court. Australian law however is still overriding.


Do some research marty and check out the court cases of busted imam,s that have been PRACTISING sharia here

Once again, if it does not comply with Australian law, then it is illegal no matter what they are doing. It's no different to stealing from a 7-11. It's illegal and if you get caught you will be punished. Born and bred aussies break the law all the time and get punished for it. If muslims do, they get punished too. In fact where I live, a large number of born & bred aussies have no respect for Australian law at all. What's the difference?


By the way, if you strictly want to wipe out all sharia principles from Australian society, you should lobby hard to ban the protection of personal property and family, because in fact that happens to a sharia principle too. Of course that would be a dumb thing to do, but it does show that before calling for a blanket prohibition on things it pays to actually know something about them.



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If associations and clubs can't make up their own rules, how can the AFL charge a player $5,000 for swearing at an umpire? He hasn't broken any Australian laws yet he cops a fine? Out with the AFL, I say! Deport the illegal buggers!



And about time too....spacer.png Deport AFL players and their followers I say...


That should raise the IQ of the country a fair whack...spacer.png



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I'm not so sure of the maths behind that. In theory at least, deporting all AFL players and their supporters will leave a greater proportion of rugby league supporters in the country, per capita.


In particular, the number of Queenslanders will be virtually unchanged whereas most Victorians, a number of New South Welshmen, plus most South Australians, West Australians, Tasmanians and Northern Territorians will leave.


This should, if my calculations are correct, actually significantly lower the average IQ in the country,,,,,spacer.png



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I'm not so sure of the maths behind that. In theory at least, deporting all AFL players and their supporters will leave a greater proportion of rugby league supporters in the country, per capita.

In particular, the number of Queenslanders will be virtually unchanged whereas most Victorians, a number of New South Welshmen, plus most South Australians, West Australians, Tasmanians and Northern Territorians will leave.


This should, if my calculations are correct, actually significantly lower the average IQ in the country,,,,,spacer.png

Well, if most Victorians were to leave, that would be a good start. Then we could just call it "South Queensland" or something suitable. In any case, just getting AFL players and their supporters out would be an overall improvement.


One of the young Army trainees at work is an avid AFL fan, I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for him or happy. Sorry that's all his life revolves around, or happy that he can be so happy with just the simplest things.



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Well, if most Victorians were to leave, that would be a good start. Then we could just call it "South Queensland" or something suitable. In any case, just getting AFL players and their supporters out would be an overall improvement.One of the young Army trainees at work is an avid AFL fan, I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for him or happy. Sorry that's all his life revolves around, or happy that he can be so happy with just the simplest things.

I sometimes envy avid sports fans, it must be nice having something you can get so enthusiastic about with other people.



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Tell that to the poor Melbourne residents having to live with the apex gang

As a "poor Melbourne" resident I can tell you that we are not living under siege from Apex gangs. Perhaps you could convince me to be as afraid as you are by quoting crime statistics at me.


20 Of The Safest Cities In The World


1370.0 - Measuring Australia's Progress, 2002


I have lived in inner Melbourne for 5 years and I feel totally safe. I regularly walk though Footscray at night and have never felt threatened or frightened. Yes there has been crime committed by some African immigrants and somewhat more crime committed by Australian bikies shooting up other bikies houses but this citie of 4 million it is a remarkably safe city to live in.



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Bull seems to be having problems interpreting statistics in a sensible way (such as this link he posted showing that in 75% of Muslim countries, support for ISIS is in single digit figures - and in Iran and Lebanon it's actually zero).


I have a lot of friends in Melbourne, none of whom are cowering in fear thinking they could be the next target of an African immigrant crime gang.


However speaking of crime, I am getting heartily sick of the white unemployed aussies in this region stealing cars and setting them on fire near major interchanges and on main roads. It's just getting worse and worse. Honestly, if the muslims want to reach the lofty heights of criminality from their anglo-saxon compatriots around these parts, they really need to work a lot harder at it.



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However speaking of crime, I am getting heartily sick of the white unemployed aussies in this region stealing cars and setting them on fire near major interchanges and on main roads. It's just getting worse and worse.

Oh....I'm so sorry...spacer.png.I didn't realise that you lived in or near Caboolture.spacer.png



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Bull seems to be having problems interpreting statistics in a sensible way (such as this link he posted showing that in 75% of Muslim countries, support for ISIS is in single digit figures - and in Iran and Lebanon it's actually zero).

I have a lot of friends in Melbourne, none of whom are cowering in fear thinking they could be the next target of an African immigrant crime gang.


However speaking of crime, I am getting heartily sick of the white unemployed aussies in this region stealing cars and setting them on fire near major interchanges and on main roads. It's just getting worse and worse. Honestly, if the muslims want to reach the lofty heights of criminality from their anglo-saxon compatriots around these parts, they really need to work a lot harder at it.

Drive through Melton with a nice car with the windows down, lol,,No seriously I have been a silly boy with my fear of islam , but I really hate snakess and spiders,,,as to the snake theory that someone put up ,we are having a bit of a problem up here at the moment,,in The Mackay area alone in the last 30 days we have had 63 people admitted to hospital for snake bite [one death],So the general rule is if walking around at night ALWAYS carry a torch and preferably a shovel and if in long grass carry some sort of weapon and make heaps of noise.. The crafty buggers get into peoples houses up her especially the dunny for some reason 15 of those people where bitten in the home,,so it pays to be prepared Ah .......be it snakes or muslims ................



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I'm not so sure of the maths behind that. In theory at least, deporting all AFL players and their supporters will leave a greater proportion of rugby league supporters in the country, per capita.

In particular, the number of Queenslanders will be virtually unchanged whereas most Victorians, a number of New South Welshmen, plus most South Australians, West Australians, Tasmanians and Northern Territorians will leave.


This should, if my calculations are correct, actually significantly lower the average IQ in the country,,,,,spacer.png

Having rethought my position on this....maybe if ALL football players and their loyal supporters were deported, that way you could raise the IQ of both the southern and northern states simultaneously, and if the were relocated to the US that might raise the overall IQ (although very marginally). Unfortunately this would create the risk of enveloping Melbourne in a thick layer of "smug" (refer SouthPark episode)and would create unprecedented levels of demand for hybrid cars and specialist coffee shops, but at least most of the remaining people could form a sentence without the use of the term "youse". Speedway would probably cease to exist also, and I imagine some the remaining inner city types may have to be recruited to drive trucks. It might make for some interesting times.



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What disgusts me is the number of cases recently where a breakdown in a marriage has resulted in the deaths of innocent kids at the hands of one of their parents.

The "If I can't have them, neither will you" syndrome.


FFS, if you and your partner don't got on, don't take it out on your kids.

Have you ever wondered what role the Family Law Court and the Child Support Agency plays in these cases? If we had a fair system would there be fewer incidents?


As mentioned in the article about DV (and personal experiences of several others including myself), lawyers frequently recommend to the woman that a DVO be obtained even if there is no violence. I wonder if, that in many of the suicide cases, and murder suicide cases surrounding family breakups, how many are related to the futility of the likelihood of a fair and just outcome in our Law Courts.


Our current system makes the children more or less an asset, to be fought over, because who ever has the children will pretty much get everything else, and someone to pay for it all until the kids are at least 18. While the payer will frequently be alienated from the kids he is forced to pay for, and more often than not the high percentage of earnings that are supposed to support the kids often ends up supporting the mother's lifestyle.



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