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An article (Breitbart of all sources - why didn't you just get it from Disney?) describes an incident where a young woman is raped and murdered by a refugee.


As we all know, if refugees were not allowed in our society here, there would be no rapes or murders. Right Gnu?


Because if you go through all our worst rapists and murderers over history, none of them are white and born here, are they?


Must be fun inside your bubble. How do they feed you?




One migrant commits a heinous crime so therefore, logically, all migrants are the same. Leftist, mentally ill, demonic muslims - the lot of them!




Thanks for clearing that up Phil. And here I was, thinking you was Phil - the - Greek!


Carry on. Please.


(Heads off in search of dictionary and thesaurus, phrase book and interpreter)




They were full up years ago. I got on a London bus several years ago, when they were having rolling electricity blackouts. The traffic lights stopped working so we sat and talked. My wife and I were the only people on the bus who had been born in England and were the only people who didn't live there.. Most of them were well sunburnt, and I think I saw my first black English resident in 1955, a caribbean who had been to uni in England and they got him for National Service.



Recently Arrived "Migrant" Arrested After Rape and Murder of EU Official’s Teen Daughter

They sacrifice their own children to the cause. Leftism; is it a mental disease or inherently demonic?


Not quite sure where you are going with this one Gnarly, BUT. . .considering your post concerns 'EUROPE' and having seen the responses to same; I shall respond briefly. I have to admit, that I don't look at Breitbart for news, as it appears to have a stilted agenda. It took me a while, but I think that the Murder to which you refer is this one.


infowars.com/german-government-worries-about-islamophobia-after-muslim-refugee-rapes-kills-woman/ …


I googled it and the looney bin site 'Infowars' run by the certifiable lunatic 'AlexJones' was the only site to have any comment on it. It did not, however, have any mention with regard to 'Leftists', 'Lefties' or similar, so I, nor they cannot / did not, / could not. . comment on that facet of your comment.. .


My take on the rape crisis in Europe can be summed up in this way. If you allow migration from a culture which has very little in the way of any education at all, no experience whatsoever of Western culture nor it's inherently ingrained values, and given no time to assimilate or learn any of this. . .then do not be surprised if these problems arise. This also goes part way to explain why Sweden is now the 'Rape Capital' of the world,. .


( Media description, not mine ) is similar. When peoples of a seriously completely different culture are suddenly placed in an alien ( to them ) environment, then these events should have been expected. However, since ( my opinion now ) Angela Merkel is a complete and utter idiot for not considering the consequences ofher invitation for 'At Least 800,000 refugees should come'. . . . it is hardly surprising that those who are NOT 'Refugees' will tag along, ie, from Western Africa, and Libya etc. . .who just want a better lifestyle, encouraged by traffickers who make a bob or two along the way, there are going to be casualties, but to say that just because the murdered lady was a 'Refugees welcome' activist, along with her Father, a 'Senior EU executive', is basically a 'Punishment' . . .which is the way I read your post,. . .is somewhat banal mate. . . The issue is a load more complex than that.


No offence intended.





They were full up years ago. I got on a London bus several years ago, when they were having rolling electricity blackouts. The traffic lights stopped working so we sat and talked. My wife and I were the only people on the bus who had been born in England and were the only people who didn't live there.. Most of them were well sunburnt, and I think I saw my first black English resident in 1955, a caribbean who had been to uni in England and they got him for National Service.




We are 'In the Red tonight in the UK. . .,. . .as power drain begins to exceed demand. . . . .


I've posted this interesting link on other threads, . . .it isn't in real time, but each time you access it, it will give you the current status of our power usage in the UK, and from whence each volt originates. I am bloody annoyed that wind power, is proving nowhere near what our beloved Govenment have promised over the last ten years, and to me it is basically bloody useless. . and anyone going on to me about 'renewables' being our future can go and get fecked. . .it just doesn't wash anymore guys. . ..it simply costs WAY more than it can possibly produce, and simply makes a few fat people even fatter. . . .


We need MORE localised small nuclear reactor capacity. ( But not supplied by the French, who are trying to get us to buy their unproven Nuclear reactor type, ten of these types have been under construction in France and NONE of them have been made to work yet, BUT NO MATTER. . .' THERESA MAY, in her innocence, ( or total cognitive dissonance ) HAS SIGNED US UP FOR A LARGE ONE. . . . and agreed that the Froggies ( EDF Energy ) can build it, In partenrship with the CHINESE GOVERNMENT ?


Who will have total digital control over it's operation. . . then they will charge us 35% above the national average electricity price for TEN YEARS, for the power that it Might produce, if it ever actually works. . . .but WE have to forfeit the £12 Billion for it's manufacture and commissioning. . . is it just me ? or is something a bit skewed here ? ? ?


Answers on a postcard. . . .I am beginning to sense a future filled with civil unrest, pitchforks, piano wire and lamp posts to solve this intriguing situation. . . .it is beginning to bubble at the edges. . .



and anyone going on to me about 'renewables' being our future can go and get fecked. . .

If renewables aren't our future then we're all "fecked".



If renewables aren't our future then we're all "fecked".

Fine mate. . .your opinion is always valued.


I don't agree though. I am more interested in our current REAL situation. Call me selfish if you willl, wind is no answer in the UK. There is not enough surface area in and around the land to provide for many more windfarms, nd the wind is nowhere near reliable enough to sate our needs on this already over crowded island nation. This has been showed to be true. No offence mate, none intended at all. It just doesnt; work for this small island with 75 million people and rising rapidly.. . .we need nuke. . . .reliable, and local Nuke and soon, or we're back to livin' in mud huts and having to use flying doctor pedal power for our tablets and laptops.


I couldn't stand the wait, if I had to throw a bottle with a message into the sea of Gravesend just to get a post on RF. . . .


XX Phil.




I should have said in the post above, that if you would like a discussion with me on the subject of renewables, then please feel free to contact me direct on my spare email addy, and keep the discussion off this thread.


<[email protected]>



I like the 'Pilot bit,. . .as you know, if there's a Vegan, an Actor, a Transgender person, or a University Professor in the room he / she / it, will tell you. .. this goes treble for pilots. . . . .I met several in London over the last 2 weeks, and before we'd even got into to a proper conversation, . . .three of them ( in totally separate locations I might add. . .) said,. . .'Actually. . .I'm a pilot. . .' ( ? ) I said 'ARE YOU,. . .How interesting,. . what, ? a Harbour pilot, or one that goes on a fast launch out to bigger ships ?


( Lying, I only retorted that once,. . .) It transpired, after some uncomfortable ( to him apparently ? ) 'discussion' that this 'Pilot' had experienced a Trial Flight. . in a Helicopter. . . .that rapidly became evident, when he couldn't remember the type of machine he'd' Flown'. . . but.I digress. . .


( If anyone else on this blog wishes to have a chat,. . .or give me a bollocking. . .you are welcome to use the same address, should the response on RF not be in keeping with whatever thread we are on. . . . way too much driftin' goin' on. . .( Does that sound like the title to a fifties rock 'N' roll song ? ? ? )




Its the price of STORED renewables that should be counted, but alas this is conveniently ignored.


And don't blame me... I actually ( ultruistically ) bought some shares in a local hot rock energy company,. knowing deep down that a baseload "natural" source would be ignored.


Hot Rocks is actually a natural reactor, but please don't tell any greenies that. They don't know that granite is radioactive.


Sorry to be so morose, I am grumpy that I can't fly he dog's model plane on the reserve because the dry grass is too high. The grass hasn't been mowed because lots of our rates go to pay fat-cat salaries instead of grass mowing blokes.



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