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Sorry fellas, I missed this, because I hardly watch any TV nowadays, thanks to deafness - plus I hate the 100 screaming, puerile ads every hour, that are guaranteed to turn your brain to mush. I get all my info from the 'net, so I'm not force-fed ads.


But despite the Chiko hand looking like a cool idea (and backed by a super-smooth ad campaign that makes it as desirable as a new 5.0L Ford Mustang) - the Chiko hand still looks about as useful as a hip pocket on a singlet to me.


However, that obviously doesn't stop people going absolutely beserk over them and offering them on eBay for $195.


Nothing like "limited edition" and slick advertising I guess, to make you feel like you're going to be a social pariah. if you don't possess the item.


Locally, the cops are right down on people eating and driving at the same time, claiming it's often a cause of crashes. Nothing like dropping a chunk of 200 degree temperature food into your lap, to distract you from your driving.


Half the nation can't can't keep their upright car on the road, or see someone stopped in front of them, now - let alone driving with one hand on the wheel, and putting their full concentration into the next bite of Chiko roll. spacer.png



Just what you've been missing - an extra hand when you need one.


I forgot all about Chiko rolls. . . I used to like those, with soy sauce squirted inside yummy . . .. Shame some enterprising person hasn't introduced them to the UK. . . the fish and chip shop fare is getting a bit boring nowadays !


Missed me steamed Dim Sims with soy sauce too. . .the chinky takeaways don't do them here. . . .




Where can I buy some of those "ear trumpets" Phil?


My girlfriend keeps saying no, when i'm sure she really means yes.


Her hearing is not what it used to be like (when I was a bit younger) and the ?experts say her hearing is ok for her age, and that's utter Bulls**t!



Where can I buy some of those "ear trumpets" Phil?My girlfriend keeps saying no, when i'm sure she really means yes.


Her hearing is not what it used to be like (when I was a bit younger) and the ?experts say her hearing is ok for her age, and that's utter Bulls**t!

You've got to be a bit careful with coloured pills,. . . I tried to buy some of that viagra stuff online. . .I had to search long and hard. . . . ( goes to get coat. . . )


Beggared if I can recall where I found that picture mate,. . . amongst the dross old guys collect I suppose, maybe you can buy them on EarBay ? ?


They were used to detect the sound of incoming aircraft in WW2, I saw a programme recently, where they used huge curved concrete wall sound 'Reflectors' on the South coast, facing out to sea. They tested them with a light aircraft, and a bloke using a hand held decibel meter. When he walked in front of the reflector wall, the sound came up a heck of a lot.


Mind you, since the human ear 'Listens' to increased and decreased sound, it does so Logarithmically, and not in a linear fashion. Basically you percieve the sound to be changing smoothly from soft to loud, but this is the brain filling in the gaps between the logarithmic 'Steps' 3dBA ( Decibels A= Audio frequencies ) is the minimum difference in sound increase / decrease which can be percieved by our ears. In real terms, 3dBa is an increase by a factor of Two. . . which is quite a lot, but is only just noticeable. . . . So remember, when you turn up the volume on your radiogram to listen to your fave Glenn Miller track that you are really hearing a series of steps. . .


In a similar fashion but totally different ( ! ) is the way your eye projects an inverted image onto your retina but the grey matter flips it upright. . . . ( Light is NOT measured in Decibels though ! )


Radio signals are also logarithmic, but if you wish to improve your signal over a given distance, you need to increase the transmitter power ( or 'Focus' the antenna on a directional ground station ) by 6dB. . . . a factor of Four, and this will only make a slight difference at the other end. . . . !



I had the exact same Charger as the one he stands in front of for the ad. Sunfire yellow. Loved that car

I remember the TV ads in the 70s for that car,. . .'HEY - CHARGER. . .! ! ( ? ) Only Valiant I had anything to do with, and I don't remember the model, belonged to the bass player in one of our rocky bands when I was domicciled in bORONIA, Vic


It had automatic transmission with a series of cylindrical push buttons, rather like the old phone box button A & B . .to select drive / rev / etc. . .maybe you'll remember what model it was,. . .in case it helps, . . . it was blue with a white roof. . .spacer.png



That's the one. Push button operated automatic gearboxes were considered a revolutionary leap in technology back then.

Well, this one was,. . .until engineer Phil fixed it, so that the buttons actually dd what they were supposed to do. . . . ( 6 hours work. . .disgraceful. . .! )






Only selling because the missus doesn't like it, I'm not sure why, it's VERY comfortable....





FOR SALE,Only selling because the missus doesn't like it, I'm not sure why, it's VERY comfortable....



That reminds me of something. Now what can it be...



FOR SALE,Only selling because the missus doesn't like it, I'm not sure why, it's VERY comfortable....



Is the material on this couch vulvat or leather?



Should sell it to a swingers club

Not mine really Litey. . . . but who the hell would buy a bloody horrible thing like that ?


I've been trying to flog two pairs of boring pastel green GA Headsets but noone seems interested. . . they're David Clark H-10-60s in good nick. . .me spare sets. Everyone wants ANRs nowadays. . . . oh well, maybe an aviation museum . . . .






My garage is full of RETRO things,


1, "AWA radio, seen in the "perfect storm" complete with paper.


2, A new mini computer " first on the market" Sinclair-spectrum.


the list is just too long





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