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The Ruskies will never produce a better car than the Tree Model Ford.





Nah, mate.....can't see that goin' anywhere.........

Guest Nightmare1

Does anyone know where this airport is?





No idea, Neil. The photo was sent to me from explore.pinterest.com. I receive an email every day with a selection of funny photos. I had to go into my photo editor and boost the brightness to see the speedo. Certainly looks high. Near redline, hehee.

Everyone knows that it's HOT in Australia in the summertime ( except Stanthorpe ) this means that the IRS ( Indicated Road Speed )will not reflect the TRS (True Road Speed ) unless it is corrected for density altitude and compressibility error ( tyre pressures ) Jeeze . . .call yerself Aviators. . . .? ?




IRS = GPS - (0.1 x GPS)




The current ADR prohibits any under-reading:


"5.3. The speed indicated shall not be less than the true speed of the vehicle. At the test speeds specified in paragraph 5.2.5. above, there shall be the following relationship between the speed displayed (V1 ) and the true speed (V2).


0 ≤ (V1 - V2) ≤ 0.1 V2 + 4 km/h."


Prior to July 2006 the ADR allowed the speedo read ±10% of true speed. This means that cars sold new prior to 1 July 2006 could comply with the ADR even if the speedo under-read by 10%.


The existence of the ADR actually harms an argument based on honest and reasonable belief. If the ADR says your speedo can lawfully be inaccurate at the point of sale then it is not reasonable for you to believe that it is accurate when you drove the car. Having an inaccurate speedo will never help you in court, but an accurate speedo might. Some people claim the inaccuracy of speedometers could be used in court as a defence to a speeding charge. The argument is that the driver will allege that he or she was mislead by the incorrect speedo. Clearly an over-reading can not be relevant in any defence, because then the driver would be travelling slower than the displayed speed. You must have an under-reading if you want to argue that you exceeded the speed limit because you were mislead by your speedo.


( Inaccurate Speedos in Court )





. You must have an under-reading if you want to argue that you exceeded the speed limit because you were mislead by your speedo.

All well and good but doesn't explain why every Australian has to always push the limit on speed limits.


Why does everyone have to do 103 in a 100 zone rather than 95? And if you dare do 98 you'll have someone jammed up your backside ranting and raving.




Actually, given a stretch of road that allows the free flow of vehicles, the majority of drivers will travel at a speed that they consider to be safe under the prevailing conditions. This may mean that vehicles travel above the posted speed limit by up to 10% above the posted speed limit, or they may travel at speeds below he posted speed limit.


We have a section of dual lane road near where I live that has a "temporary" speed limit of 60 Kph due to major road works. The previous limit was 80 Kph. As there is no construction being done along this section of road, the vast majority of drivers travel at 70 - 80 Kph. Obviously they all consider that 70 - 80 is a safe speed along that section of road. That there have been no collisions there during the time the speed limit has been reduced, supports the argument that such speeds by all drivers is safe there.


And don't worry about speed and HWP cars sitting along freeways. In NSW they are only checking for unregistered vehicles and vehicles owned by unlicenced drivers. It's the RMS speed camera cars that are a worry.





OMENo way, they're all out (flat out) revenue ing. So the pollies can have paid travel when house hunting. spacesailor

It is disappointing that we considered that Minister Ley was a good one to support GA when she got into office as, before she got a ministry, she used to fly herself around her electorate. She does hold a commercial licence. Maybe the real purpose for using the government jet to go to Queensland was to put in some yoke time for her type endorsement.






Minister Ley still flies around her electorate. I don't have the details but I think it's a C182RG. That is 126,000 square kilometres for the the latte sucking small L east coast liberals



RAAF pilots need currency too. An opportunity to travel on what has been stated was official ministry business at both Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and used the fact that she was in the neighbourhood to check out the unit. Always ready to have a go at the Libs. What about Gillard using an RAAF plane to take a bunch of cronies to the wedding of one of her staffers to one of "We'll get the budget in surplus" Swann's staffers. As stated on Sky News, staff make the travel bookings. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Next they'll complain if they stop off for a burger.

Yeah, because we all buy an $800,000 apartment on a whim.


Bit different to stopping off for a burger. Give it the old logic test Red... what's more likely, that she wanted to go bid on the apartment so organised a bit of Gold Coast business to give it the whiff of respectability (and to use your tax dollars to travel), or that she had existing business planned there and happened to nip in to the auction?


I know which I think is more likely.


I'm not saying that Labor is any better, and parliamentary entitlements should be tightened severely. In fact the worst ever (that we know of) was Eddie O'beid who was NSW Labor.


Shouldn't stop us from commenting when someone gets caught with their snout in the trough. If pollies are so divorced from the expectations of the voting public that they can't use common sense when using our tax dollars, then perhaps they shouldn't be in the job.




I would ban obscene perks and will vote for any party which says they will stop them.


In fact, I would entertain a proposal that parlimentary members should get no payment at all, including from property subdividers.



Yeah, because we all buy an $800,000 apartment on a whim.

Bit different to stopping off for a burger. Give it the old logic test Red... what's more likely, that she wanted to go bid on the apartment so organised a bit of Gold Coast business to give it the whiff of respectability (and to use your tax dollars to travel), or that she had existing business planned there and happened to nip in to the auction?


I know which I think is more likely.


I'm not saying that Labor is any better, and parliamentary entitlements should be tightened severely. In fact the worst ever (that we know of) was Eddie O'beid who was NSW Labor.


Shouldn't stop us from commenting when someone gets caught with their snout in the trough. If pollies are so divorced from the expectations of the voting public that they can't use common sense when using our tax dollars, then perhaps they shouldn't be in the job.

At the risk of furthering the thread drift here; This minister claimed that she "met with health stakeholders" on the GC, but refused to say who those "stakeholders" were or what the purpose of the meeting was. I smell a large dead rat here. If she's travelling on the public dime, don't the public have a right to know why the money was spent?


Like Marty, I think the justification was cooked up to cover the trip cost.


And while we're on the topic of Gillard using an RAAF plane to go to someone's wedding ... pot / kettle etc. Whatever any Laborites have done, the Libs have done tenfold. It's just that the Libs scream blue murder (and so does their chief propaganda machine) if anyone else does what they do...."How DARE they!"



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