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Regrettably, we only have around seventeen DECENT, Intelligent members of Parliament at present, Some of them Labour, and some Conservative. . . NONE of the Lib Dumps are worth a light.. . .all have their noses deeply embedded into the EU Bribery / money Trough. The CABINET are equally divided into Remoaner / Leave EU philosophy and the Media are obfuscating everything and making it almost impossible for the average Joe and Joanne, lying on their sofas on Govt. Benefits, to see beyond the next Giro Cheque. . . so long as they can afford their 52" TVs and pizzas / chinky deliveries every night, fed as they are on Soap operas and other escapist TV bollox. . .believing everything that the BBC News says as Gospel. . .I really Fear for my country.






YOUR country !, There's not a TRUE ENGLISHMAN, alive. We're either ANGLO- Saxon/Norman/Roman, or Viking.


Which makes us /you more French than anything. LoL






Of course it is Phils country.


Surely he is one of those real Englishmen who goes dancing around the maypole. Just a thought "does that pole have anything to do with Theresa?


Maybe he does the re enactments of the Battle of Hastings and considers he was on the losing side. They seem to be in the majority nowadays.


I used to consider it my country, until I discovered Australia and then found out that my great grandfather was an Italian waiter in a Birmingham hotel. Now I know why my very English father hated "Eyties" as he called them.




Perhaps we on these forums should re-examine some of our paradigms. I bear the scars from forty years campaigning for renewable energy and related causes like climate change. Now that it's become mainstream, a new and unhealthy orthodoxy has taken root. I'm a little uncomfortable with the way dissenting voices are attacked.


Much as I disagree with him, we need people like Flying Binghi.




As was once said; 'Argument is an intellectual process, formulated by a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition'


Whether such proposition is aligned with, or at odds with the current narrative can then be rationally discussed by all concerned. ( or shouted down by a convinced majority as the case may be. . .)



Described PM Theresa May as a weak minded wankpuffin. ( And was largely supported by several other commenters ! )

Just for you Phil... a little picture of your favourite wankmuffin... I call her "Theresa May-Pole" (which makes her VERY English...)








There is insufficient MIND BLEACH in the WORLD to make me UN-SEE that Marty. . . .


***Edited to add*** I'd really LOVE to post that on the 'Conservative Woman' site,. . .Just because,. .. but, as I've already mentioned, . . Arm Band.




Theresa May's Husband, is on the Board of directors of an Arms sales company,. . .selling weapons to ?. . .yes,. .. you guessed it, Saudi Barbaria.


Anyway,. .. I thought that this was a Silly Picture thread ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?




There exists a SPECIFIC thread on here for that.



I see your point. Debate falls flat if there isn't any body challenging any comments.Thanks is the essence of refining a point of view.

I AGREE entirely,. . .an Echo Chamber achieves nothing.



Theresa May's Husband, is on the Board of directors of an Arms sales company,. . .selling weapons to ?. . .yes,. .. you guessed it, Saudi Barbaria.

Anyway,. .. I thought that this was a Silly Picture thread ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?




There exists a SPECIFIC thread on here for that.

Not much sillier than that picture!!


But seriously... I used that pole-dance pic because it had a black background so was easier to paste Tessie's head on it. But I may have, once or twice in my younger days, accidentally found myself in drinking establishments where scantily-clad young ladies performed a style of dance... I don't think I would have stayed if she looked like that!



Not much sillier than that picture!!

But seriously... I used that pole-dance pic because it had a black background so was easier to paste Tessie's head on it. But I may have, once or twice in my younger days, accidentally found myself in drinking establishments where scantily-clad young ladies performed a style of dance... I don't think I would have stayed if she looked like that!

I Dimly recall being dragged into such an establishment as part of my buck's turn. . .don't recall much else though !




Bloooodi cold at Rylstone


Shivering too much to get good pictures.[ATTACH]49366._xfImport[/ATTACH]









My sentiment. Should have been voluntary schooling not compulsory, then teachers would have to work harder to keep students in school.spacesailor

Actually, 'schooling" is not compulsory although education is. We did not send our son to school, also being a bit naughty we did not register as "home educators" (which is not quite legal) however now he is 28 years old and owns a successful company and is probably the happiest, smartest and well-adjusted person I know, I am guessing we are safe from prosecution now!



My sentiment. Should have been voluntary schooling not compulsory, then teachers would have to work harder to keep students in school.spacesailor

These days the government, parents and kids need to work harder to keep teachers in school; pressure from work, especially paperwork, drives many to resign after only a few years.




School being compulsory is partly because other wise many parents will have them working. Same as the compulsory voting was partly to prevent bosses employing them and not releasing them to vote during voting hours. Education (knowledge ) "frees" the mind. Doesn't load it. Indoctrination does but that's not real education. Younger people have enquiring minds till we knock it out of them. Nev




Luckily there are moves to radically reform school education. There's no shortage of good ideas and talented educators; the major limitation is the imagination of politicians and voters.



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