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Maybe not silly...but certainly unusual? Well, it's not something we see a lot of here, anyway.....




Apparently UAE have issued 28,000 falcon passports....while Lufthansa have a patented inflight perch...




Not that uncommon, actually.. I was on an Emirates flight years ago an apparently the whole of 1st class was occupied by Falcons.. Red-750???


Here's one that made me laugh:






I was in a very busy supermarket, and I said to this young lady, 'I can't find my wife,. . . can I talk to you for a few minutes?' She said, 'Of course you can, but how will that help ?'


I said,. . . . 'I'll bet you anything, she'll appear out of nowhere in seconds'. . .






The beam through the top rung would definitely stop the ladder falling over hence the joke referring to the safety lock (or whatever they call it) which is a required thing on a fair bit of ladder work these days.



The beam through the top rung would definitely stop the ladder falling over hence the joke referring to the safety lock (or whatever they call it) which is a required thing on a fair bit of ladder work these days.



When I built my garden shed / office / workshop in 1984, I encountered a 'Sort of' similar problem with the electrics in this case.


I had left a 10ft aluminium ladder up the side of the structure, for access to the metal 'caravan' type roof that I had nearly finished fixing. I had to leave the property for a few hours to do a job and left the electrician bloke to connect the electrics via a 2.5" dameter plastic conduit to the main building. his conduit would contain the main supply cable, 32 Amp rated twin and Earth, plus alarm cables, intercom cables and another 32 Amp backfeed from the distribution box to the garage which was a few metres away.


When I returned, the electrical feller had finished and I notced that he had passed the conduit through the aforementioned ally ladder. . . No, seriously.


When I spoke to him on the phone he said, 'Oh, I thought you said to leave the ladder where it was'. . . .? . . .It was far less engineering hassle to hacksaw the ladder than disconnect every circuit and re-route the conduit. . . .mind you, Wifey still uses the remaining six ft long ladder part to prune the trees. . .



When our house was built the builder provided this access door to get under the floor.[ATTACH=full]48113[/ATTACH]

Definitely a meeting of the minds there, pmc!


We once built a pole house, designed by architect but drawn up by a draughtsman...who then moved windows so he could get drainpipes down.


Or would have done if we hadn't told him to put the f******** things back and reroute his pipes.


Maybe the old fashioned kick up the ass for apprentices and journeymen who made stupid mistakes actually had some benefits???




I've seen too many supposedly highly qualified professionals make fundamental mistakes.


I blame much of this on over specialisation. People are trained to solve the problems within their increasingly narrow field and often ignore the wider picture; a problem made worse by a culture that rewards the worst cases of passing the buck.




At lease not dangerous!, Electrician wired all our new "panel heaters " wrong. and they were Alive. Turns out he was colour-blind.


New colour-code fixed him, but I always think: edited...(dangerous colour info given)...mod





At lease not dangerous!, Electrician wired all our new "panel heaters " wrong. and they were Alive. Turns out he was colour-blind.New colour-code fixed him,



Better change that thought SS... BROWN is active (previously red), BLUE is neutral (previously black), and GREEN & YELLOW striped (previously green) is earth.


Seems especially dangerous that you've conflated Earth and Active!






Well my professional electrician did the exact same thing !.


Ask anyone with out training to put colour codes to electric wires & see the outcome (other than the blind)





positive and negatives!To be honest, I cant see too much difference



Sorry but I couldn't resist the opportunity to take this SS quote totally out of context and place it here. I would make an awesome journalist:amazon:






Too true, But why change everything to appease the few.


The deaf aren't allowed to drive a car, but the "blind" are allowed to pilot an aircraft.


Crazy world is it not, next neurosurgeons with Parkinson's! .





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