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What is he holding?

Yersss Ian,. . .I find that oddly 'Weird' . . .BUT then again, it's an American Uniform . . . .spacer.png


Perhaps I should have waited for the 'Slightly naughty' silly picture thread ?




Not 'Silly' as such,. . .but interesting. . . bet one of those would be worth a few bucks today !


This is a Studley Toolbox, Henry O. Studley was a piano maker, a carpenter, and a freemason in the 19th century, he made several of these boxes over the years, what do you guys think? Mahogany, Rosewood, Ebony and Mother of Pearl, it holds 300 tools. A truly beautiful creation.






This is the fearsome 'Warship' used a couple of days back by the Royal Navy to 'Scare Off' a Spanish naval vessel in British waters off Gibraltar.


Crewed by One Officer and six ratings. It has a twin stern deck mounted 'Utility machine gun and can cruise at 32 Kt. (Wiki for full spec on this type of Patrol vessel )




Gee,. . I'll bet the 'Dagoes' were terrified. . .spacer.png



Gee,. . I'll bet the 'Dagoes' were terrified. . .spacer.png

It's the bigger blokes hiding in the background they worry about, like the small kid sent in at school to start the fight ..




Not taking the wee wee out of the RN Bex, hope it didn't come across that way. . .


That maritime excursion by Spain was a false flag operaton ordered by the EU to muddy the waters during the brexit 'Negotiations'


I feel sorry for the poor buggers, we've got type 45 Missile destroyers with no missiles, and they break down if used in warm seas. . . 2 carriers under build with no aircraft to fly from them, until the F-35 debacle sorts itself out, . . .can't use anything other than choppers and Vtols, as they were designed without catapult launch facility. . .A previous Government flogged all the Sea Harriers to the US Marines for a couple of quid a pop. . . I'd bet there's a tear in Lord Nelson's one eye somewhere at the way one of the greatest navies in history has been run down to nearly zilch over the last four decades. . . Jeeze, even the bloody Coastguard hasn't got a single vessel ! The only asset the RN have which puts the willies up any potential enemy is a small bunch of Nuke Subs. . . .but they are a very BIG stick, and it's only the deterrent value with those. . . Gawd help us all if they are ever actually used in anger.



Not taking the wee wee out of the RN Bex, hope it didn't come across that way. . .

We're good Phil, always.


What gets to me is the downfall of the British Military, which i support as I am reasonably anti-War, but the spending hasn't gone down?


You're still doing 2% of GDP with no perceived enemy, well except for Belgium now, that's a lot of education and health..



We're good Phil, always.

What gets to me is the downfall of the British Military, which i support as I am reasonably anti-War, but the spending hasn't gone down?


You're still doing 2% of GDP with no perceived enemy, well except for Belgium now, that's a lot of education and health..


Well it certainly doesn't show,. . .the spending I mean, with major cuts in the Army, Navy and Air force, in both personnel and equipment,. . .maybe it's all going to those 160 odd retired Admirals for their pensions ? ? Plus all of the utterly useless bureaucrats in the Ministry of Defence who, for some reason which I must have missed, always buy the most expensive, and regularly, totally inappropriate equipment for any and every job. . .EG. 'Snatch' Landrovers, having NO armour on them at all, being used in Afghanistan and Iraq 1 and 2; resulting in the deaths of lots of soldiers, as even a a small calibre bulllet penetrated them with ease, and they were not much good at shielding the occupants from roadside IEDs either. . . the radios supplied to troops frequently wouldn't talk to each other, different frequency bands. . and even their bloody BOOTS were made for conflict in Northern Europe, so the soles melted in the desert heat. . .!


David Cameron had already sent our only working Tornado bombers - all eight of them,. . .to Malta, to engage with the Syrian conflict BEFORE he lost the Parliamentary vote allowing the UK to join the fracas. . .


Back to the Navy, I believe that we now have more serving Admirals in the RN than vessels, by a factor of around four to one ! ! I've already mentioned above, the lack of catapults on the two new Queen Elizabeth class carriers. . . .Our UK M.O.D are really not much good for purpose . . . Forward Thinking ?. . .


Ships ordered from foreign shipbuilders, when we have yards lying idle in the UK, along with lots of shipbuilding workers. . .but I think that is more to do with EU regs, but I won't go there in this thread.



I have just had my peanut butter addiction cured:spacer.png

NICKED and reposted. . .many many likes. . . . .and one 'You dirty bugger you are banned from this site ' ( S'OK though. . . .I blamed YOU ! )



I've already mentioned above, the lack of catapults on the two new Queen Elizabeth class carriers. . .

While I'm not great on naval weaponry, I thought the RAN had graduated to muzzle-loading cannon some time back...



NICKED and reposted. . .many many likes. . . . .and one 'You dirty bugger you are banned from this site ' ( S'OK though. . . .I blamed YOU ! )

Is that what all the hate mail is about?



While I'm not great on naval weaponry, I thought the RAN had graduated to muzzle-loading cannon some time back...

Oh yes, the RAN have Marty, but YOUR political masters understand the need for more advanced technology. . .whereas our MOD. . . .couldn't organise a pi$$up at a certain beer factory near Lygon street Carlton. . .



Is that what all the hate mail is about?

Yep. Banned from the Spectator comments ( again ) Along with the Guardian ( again ) The Telegraph,. .. in fact they were so sick of being told home truths about their pi$$poor articles by ne'er do wells like me, that they stopped all BTL comments for six months. . .




It was the Eagle Boys final kick out.


Eagle Boys is an Australian fast food chain specialising in Italian-American cuisine, in particular pizza. The chain was acquired by Pizza Hut in November 2016 and the brand is expected to be wound-down by mid-2017




I used to get loads of 'Walmart People' Pics from Cousin Greg in Michigan,. . .but I think even HE has become tired of the variety of wonderful individuals and changed hobbies. . What a shame. . .





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