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Silly Picture Thread.

Phil Perry

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This appeared on Facebook. Naturally, there were a lots of comments, (eg. Grudge baby - someone had it in for him)


However an ex serviceman said that on a 3 year posting servicemen get to come home a few times on leave, so it might not be what a lot thought.

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My grandfather was reported " killed in action " a headshot . 

But even though his mates never checked him out. 

The ' advancing Russians ' sent him to their hospital. 

After three years and a silver plate skull piece. 

He returned home to find his wife remarried with a new child . That was grannies fifth marriage.  That was officially annulled,  & his quickly civil marriage his second .



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The critics of baby boomers (we get blamed for most of society's ills), seem to forget that many many post ww2 families had a tough time.

Nobody cam back from war without some form of ptsd.

It played havoc with a whole generation of children (and their mums).

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The wives and girlfriends suffered because they had no idea what their husbands/boyfriends had experienced. I can recall one woman relating a story where she cooked her recently-returned, WW2, ex-POW (of the Japanese) hubby, a beautiful rice dish for dinner.

Once placed in front of him, her hubby exploded in rage and threw the meal against the wall of the dining room, abusing her, and telling her she was NEVER to serve him rice, ever again.

The poor woman was devastated, she had no idea that a serving of rice would produce so much rage from her hubby, that she loved - but of course, he hadn't talked about what he'd endured as a POW, and no-one else had prepared her to understand what she would likely have to put up with, from her war-damaged hubby.

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