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Your icing skills need to be top-notch when you've been given the job of writing, "Happy Birthday, Clint!". spacer.png





Same problem with skywriting. Nev

Yeah,. . .I had a similar problem when skywriting with the Pitts. . . . either I ran out of smokejuice at an inopportune 'Textual' moment. . ., . . .or I got Wind. . . . . ( too much 'G' ? I dunno ) But I'll never get invited to do another gig for my mate Ben Fuchs . . . .



But I'll never get invited to do another gig for my mate Ben Fuchs . . . .

Didn't own kennels, did he? I can where a little slippage when skywriting "Ben Fuchs Dogs Home" may get you into strife...




Only BMW's regularly run out of blinker fluid. Of course, that's if you're lucky enough to have a BMW with functioning indicators.


It's a well-known fact that thousands of BMW's have left the factory with non-functioning indicators.


You see them on the freeways every day - but of course, that doesn't bother the owners of BMW's. Working indicators are only for the low-value, common makes.spacer.png



Only BMW's regularly run out of blinker fluid. Of course, that's if you're lucky enough to have a BMW with functioning indicators.It's a well-known fact that thousands of BMW's have left the factory with non-functioning indicators.


You see them on the freeways every day - but of course, that doesn't bother the owners of BMW's. Working indicators are only for the low-value, common makes.spacer.png

I must live in some kind of Bermuda Triangle for indicators.....they appear to fail to work on almost everything. It could be that locals expect them to be automatic, as the elbow never moves from the window, the phone doesn't move from their ear, the only visible movement is to flick the smoke butt out the window.




M61A1 you have me confused. From your profile it says you are located on the Darling Downs, but from your description of local drivers, I could have sworn you were describing Bendigo in Victoria.




It's interesting driving in Bendigo... the first time you glance in your mirror and see nothing but the grille of a Bushmaster about a foot off your rear bumper can be a bit of a shock.




How do you tell when a Volvo driver is about to turn left?


His windscreen wipers come on.


How do you know when it's raining ahead?


The Volvo left indicator come on.


This reminds me of the Italian yacht in the America's Cup. The other teams always knew when they were about to tack, the Italian crew would all throw the cigarettes overboard.



M61A1 you have me confused. From your profile it says you are located on the Darling Downs, but from your description of local drivers, I could have sworn you were describing Bendigo in Victoria.

Definitely Darling Downs Geoff........even AAMI last year reckoned that Toowoomba drivers were officially the worst in the country, rating highly with failing to give way collisions, and collisions with stationary objects. Not surprising really, when you see it for yourself. I've seen chooks and cattle that move with more purpose, precision and predictability than 80% of them. One of the most common causes of vehicular deaths around here is pulling out in front of trucks or other vehicles and most of them use more space to carry out a simple turn than a B-Double.


This reminds me of the Italian yacht in the America's Cup. The other teams always knew when they were about to tack, the Italian crew would all throw the cigarettes overboard.

That's another indicator that a driver here is about to speed up.... erratic and 70-90 k's flick the butt out the window, then straight to whatever speed it takes to make sure you cant overtake.



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