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Hi Guys and Gals. . . .


This thread is for having a Jolly good moan about stuff you're not happy about, no rules, apart from those of the forum, family show, keep it clean.




A man of action, I see. Phil.... I have no gripes about that, but this section may overwhelm us if it gets momentum, and it's christmas anyhow which is supposed to be a time of peace , goodwill and merriment even if you are not a christian. Seems to be extremely commercialised, but I hope to have a quiet time with my kids and some of their kids this time, and not go anywhere. Merry Xmas all!!!. and a good 2013.. Nev



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Oh Dear,


I just typed a rather large missive, and I lost it when I pressed the wrong button,. . . . ah well never mind, I can do it agoain some time in the future. . . .


I agree fully with you that it REALLY IS the time of goodwill, and maybe I'm being cynical in starting such a thread, but I thought it might be a better idea than the sort of really daft thread drift I 've seen.


Many felicitations for the season to all, from Freezing Cannock Chase.... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !



Many felicitations for the season to all, from Freezing Cannock Chase.... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !

Are you having a Gripe about the Cold Weather Phil??spacer.png






yes we are getting all the crap weather from all you mexicans....beautiful one day perfect the next hasnt been applying this past few years...I am sure its all those illegal aliens from south of the border bringing all their weather with them




Mexicans come from a hotter country nearer the equator ( LIKE Queensland) North gets colder in the northern hemsphere. but it's the reverse in the southern hemisphere where We are......Everyone seems to be coming here. This is the fastest growing place in australia. You can have as many as you want. Nev



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yes we are getting all the crap weather from all you mexicans....beautiful one day perfect the next hasnt been applying this past few years...I am sure its all those illegal aliens from south of the border bringing all their weather with them

Or as Max Gillies use to say in his Joh impersonation "S-s-s-sunday one day, Monday the next".



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Anyone south of the Qld border is a mexican spacer.png No Joh didnt like daylight savings because he thought the sun shone out of his bum and he didnt want to get up an hour earlier for anyone. I wouldnt be saying too much about people moving your way. Hervey Bay is now called little Victoria So many people have been moving to Qld we have almost gridlock across the city every morning until about 10am.



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Guest Howard Hughes

My gripe - Sunday morning cyclists, GET OFF THE BLOODY ROAD!


There I feel better now!spacer.png




My gripe.........Long school holidays and kids that are telling me all day that they are bored.


When I tell them what we used to do as kids they call me a fuddy duddy,



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Well here in the land of the gods (queensland) its too hot and too windy to fly

Yes I've been working in Brisbane and Mackay lately and I've come to appreciate the weather back here at home. QLD is lovely but it does seem a cloudy windy kinda place.



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Yes I've been working in Brisbane and Mackay lately and I've come to appreciate the weather back here at home. QLD is lovely but it does seem a cloudy windy kinda place.

It never used to be must be that climate change stuff......or all that Mexican breath




The Queensland Education Department has a lot to answer for.


Only in Queensland would a Company have to to brand their product XXXX because the majority of their customers couldn't spell beer.


Geography hasn't been on the curriculum for 30 years, and the teachers just use maps of North and South America which were a gift from Richard Nixon to Joh who was trying to reduce Queensland's debt at the time.



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