bexrbetter Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 Quote You'e probably right Nev, . . . but I guess it COULD be a Wegional thing, depending upon what wegion we are born in ? You wackscally wabbit you ...
bexrbetter Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 Ok, I got a gripe, Youtube or other videos of cars, trains, planes and other machinery where they play music over the natural sounds that I want to listen too, idiots.
Tomwantstobeapilot Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 Quote Ok, I got a gripe, Youtube or other videos of cars, trains, planes and other machinery where they play music over the natural sounds that I want to listen too, idiots. Yeah, this annoys me too! Especially when they're of planes with beautiful radial engines, models or full-scale. Tom
Russ Posted April 24, 2013 Posted April 24, 2013 Gripe.............renewing me asic card each time.............they have all my details from previous cards, NOTHING has changed, but i have to resend the EXACT same documents all over again...............??????????
dazza 38 Posted April 24, 2013 Posted April 24, 2013 Quote Gripe.............renewing me asic card each time.............they have all my details from previous cards, NOTHING has changed, but i have to resend the EXACT same documents all over again...............?????????? And the renewal price has gone up or is going up very soon.
bexrbetter Posted April 24, 2013 Posted April 24, 2013 Quote Gripe.............renewing me asic card each time.............they have all my details from previous cards, NOTHING has changed, but i have to resend the EXACT same documents all over again...............?????????? Welcome to China, Public Service systems learnt in early last Century courtesy of the British and hasn't changed since. Everything written out by hand and duplicated over and over again .... one mistake and you do that entire page over again, no corrections allowed and you also go away and do it losing your place in the queue.
Jabiru Phil Posted April 24, 2013 Posted April 24, 2013 My gripe Over 75 and have to have a drivers license medical in Janurary. My pilots certificate is due for renewal in May Why can't I just photo copy my drivers licence instead of repeating the process? Shoot!
Phil Perry Posted April 24, 2013 Author Posted April 24, 2013 Quote Ok, I got a gripe, Youtube or other videos of cars, trains, planes and other machinery where they play music over the natural sounds that I want to listen too, idiots. Bex. . . . . . . I think we are of the same mind my friend. . . . . . I CANNOT BLOODY STAND. . . . and this is MAINLY Radio news reports where there is some background noise ( I will not denigrate one of my trades by calling it music ) where there is a BUM DIDDI BUM DIDDI BUM DIDDI BUM track in the background under every bloody news report I hear on radio bloody One, (UK ) and a lot of other short news reports on the telly as well in the UK. . . . . . WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ALL ABOUT ? I'm not a regular "Disco - Goer". . .so WHY ? can someone please tell me, do the programmers seem to think that we need a musical beat behind these news broadcasts ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Is it just me being an old fart, or what ?? If these news reports are aimed at Y O U N G people,. . . then they are wasting their time . . .because Y O U N G PEOPLE don't give a rat's ass about what is going on in the world, just who is doing well on "Britain's got talent" ( ? ) or the next text message from their girlfriend. . . . This means that the majority, and it doesn't matter WHAT radio station you're listening to,. . . have to suffer a load of background beat as if to make the report more IMPORTANT ? ? ? ? ? WHAT A LOAD OF BLKS. I sincerely hope that you don't have to suffer this crap in Australia. . . . . ( What ? YOU DO ? ? ? )
Phil Perry Posted April 24, 2013 Author Posted April 24, 2013 Quote My gripe???? Bloody whingers ;-) Met. . . . . If people didn't WHINGE. . . . . nothing would ever change. . . . ? Lighten up my boy ! ! ! ! ! Phil
Russ Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 2nd gripe........heading off for extended holiday, overpay credit card so it's way way in excess.......( limit, plus plus ) then when you redraw YOUR money, they hit you with a "cash advance".........hang on, that's my excess money in the account Mr ANZ......sorry sir, thems our rules. Only did it the once.......the excess bit.
M61A1 Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Quote Ok, I got a gripe, Youtube or other videos of cars, trains, planes and other machinery where they play music over the natural sounds that I want to listen too, idiots. Along a similar line..........I hate when someone posts a clip, titles it something like "Massive crosswind landing in 747", you have a look and it's some bellend teen flying a flight sim.
bexrbetter Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 I have another gripe, bloody Admin here put a "top of page" feature on the forum and now I'm spoilt, every time I go to another website I instinctly look for the feature!
metalman Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Quote Met. . . . . If people didn't WHINGE. . . . . nothing would ever change. . . . ? Lighten up my boy ! ! ! ! ! Phil I'm light mate,,,,,,just being me ,,,,just look for the smilie,,,if its not there I'm being serious unless I'm serious and light all at once ;-)
flyerme Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 MY GRIPE ..grrrrrrrrrrrrrr sent broken prop to bolly (express post) been sitting there 11 days un opened so far called 5 times and same answer!!!!!!!!!!! flat out will check it out this arvo and call you (flat out? when I was there last month they said business was slow?)........... still no bloody call..getting p&^%$# off now. . ahh thats better yeh good thread
damkia Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 Some word are definitely outdated or so seldom used as they should be removed from the language. A good example is: floccinaucinihilipilification floc·ci·nau·ci·ni·hil·i·pil·i·fi·ca·tion [flok-suh-naw-suh-nahy-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-key-shuhn] Show IPA noun Rare. the estimation of something as valueless (encountered mainly as an example of one of the longest words in the English language). Origin: 1735–45; < Latin floccī + naucī + nihilī + pilī all meaning “of little or no value, trifling” + -fication .......kind of like the word itself, eh?
Phil Perry Posted April 26, 2013 Author Posted April 26, 2013 Quote Some word are definitely outdated or so seldom used as they should be removed from the language. A good example is:floccinaucinihilipilification floc·ci·nau·ci·ni·hil·i·pil·i·fi·ca·tion [flok-suh-naw-suh-nahy-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-key-shuhn] Show IPA noun Rare. the estimation of something as valueless (encountered mainly as an example of one of the longest words in the English language). Origin: 1735–45; < Latin floccī + naucī + nihilī + pilī all meaning “of little or no value, trifling” + -fication .......kind of like the word itself, eh? Y'know,. . . you're dead right with that one D, . . . . .I just got diagnosed with an ingrowing toenail,. . . .and the Doc's medical descriotion of it was about thirty letters long ?. . . . WHY ? ? ? If I was asked to invent a word ( being a wordsmith,. . .I often get asked ! ) for something insignificant, then, I'm sorry but I'd find the shortest word possible. like, er,. . . Bleugh, or even "- - - - -" as it's a descriptive of something of a nonentity, then it really doesn't deserve a WORD of it's own. ? In the English language, we are showered with many words which basically mean the same thing, which is why English is one of the most difficult tongues on the planet to master ( and most of us don't. . .) I can imagine how difficult it must be for the many immigrants to the UK from all over the place, having to learn English. . . .! and then there's the GRAMMAR ( OMG ) this is the order in which words should be distributed to produce a correct phrase orr statement. . .( so I am told. . .) ie, " I wish that there were less aircraft accidents" WRONG ! !! It should be . . . "I wish that there were FEWER aircraft accidents". . . get the picture ? ? ? it's a minefield. ( is that a similie, or a metaphor ?. . . . .) my brain hurts. . . . Phil
Phil Perry Posted April 26, 2013 Author Posted April 26, 2013 Just got a gripe from my friend 59, or Glenn as he is normally known, ( We have a TV advert here in the UK for the 118 118 telephone directory service, and the guys they use are identical twins, who look EXACTLY LIKE my mate Glenn and his twin Bro Pete. . . .SO. . . obviously, they are called one one eight, one one eight. . . ? makes sense doesn't it . . . ? ) perhaps not. . . but since Glenn is half of the team, we call him . . . yep,. . .59 ANYWAY.. . . they are flying down from England, thru France to Spain tomorrow, for a few days away, and they just came up with a question regarding SKYDEMON . . .dunno if you lot have got that, but you probably have,. . . where you pay an annual subscription to download all of the nav charts onto your Ipad or other digital panel. Their worry is that what would happen if your subscription ran out whilst you were many hundreds of miles away from home base in a foreign land ? ? ? I don't know, because I have not got an Ipad ( my youngest Daughter nicked it. . .) I only have Bum instruments in my two planes,. . .ie,. . . ANALogue. . . They are wondering if you simply get disconnected from the service and have a blank screen, and have to use road maps to get back home. ( this is silly because all pilots MUST carry a current nav chart in the aircraft at al times no exceptions ) but it makes me wonder how many actually DO. This question arose just a very short while ago, when Glenn rang me to ask if I had any info on the subject. . . I didn't, but it's an interesting one. Do you guys use downloaded charts for Nav ? I would imagine, that,. . .if you get disconnected, then you simply phone the supplier and give them your credit card number and then you'll be re-connected with the system, YES,. . . I appreciate that in Australia, especially out in the bush, if you can't get Telstra, then, in an equivalent situation, you would probably be stuffed and back to the paper charts, IF you thought to bring them along. . . . this is the sort of interesting question I get asked, being airfield safety officer at a fairly large club. I can just imagine, knowing how subscription viewing of TV channels is BIG business, ( I have a SKY tv card too. . .) what the scenario might be like if you were sliding down an ILS on a dark, rainy night, and your digital panel said " Your subscription has now expired. . . please telephone us between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm to renew it. . . . . and THANK YOU for using our digital panel navigation download service,. . . have a nice day. . . ." You COULD of course,. . . as part of your extensive and professional flight planning for a foreign jouney,. . . check this out first. . . . but they obviously have not done so, and there's nine aircraft going. . . .. Phil
rdarby Posted April 26, 2013 Posted April 26, 2013 You have to carry a paper chart by law. Even if you didn't there is no way I would rely on something electronic, even though I have 2 GPSs I fly with. I use OzRunways and it has an emergency mode. If your subscription does run out you can put it in emergency mode and it still works. There is a limit on how often you can do that I think. In the plane on the Dynon there is a GPS and it used AvData maps I think. They are currently expired and just have a message over the location of the plane telling you that. It still works well enough to get you to within a few miles of where you want to go, but I don't use it anyway.
damkia Posted April 27, 2013 Posted April 27, 2013 Quote Just got a gripe from my friend 59, or Glenn as he is normally known, ( We have a TV advert here in the UK for the 118 118 telephone directory service, and the guys they use are identical twins, who look EXACTLY LIKE my mate Glenn and his twin Bro Pete. . . .SO. . . obviously, they are called one one eight, one one eight. . . ? makes sense doesn't it . . . ? ) perhaps not. . . but since Glenn is half of the team, we call him . . . yep,. . .59 Actually that should be 59o59, being half of 118118....... Speaking of England, why is it that the English language when spoken in England is incomprehensible to any other country? All it is is a musical bag of vowels with nary a consonant spoken? (now there's another word we could dispose of - "nary")
Jabiru Phil Posted April 27, 2013 Posted April 27, 2013 Talking of the English language as a kerfuffle (thats one for you to ponder on Phil) Do the Germans, Italians have X word puzzles? Phil
damkia Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 Quote Do the Germans, Italians have X word puzzles? Phil German ones are usually spread across three pages and fold out two pages deep along the bottom to accommodate their concatenation of words. Italian ones??? How can you incorporate hand gestures in a crossword? Ever seen Italians "speak"? Italian without hand gestures is like words without vowels and consonants. I think crosswords would be an impossibility for the Chinese/Japanese/Koreans
facthunter Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 Don't the germans have "iron" cross word puzzles? Japanese and Koreans often have "cross" words. Nev
Jabiru Phil Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 Quote Don't the germans have "iron" cross word puzzles? Japanese and Koreans often have "cross" words. Nev
Jabiru7252 Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 Playing scrabble these days is so easy because nobody knows how to spell anymore. I got away with nite instead of night or knight.
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