Phil Perry Posted April 26, 2017 Posted April 26, 2017 Jonathan Pie. A Tongue in cheek news reporter who is very popular on UK social media. . . . * * *WARNING* * * Foul language throughout this video clip. if this offends you THEN DON'T WATCH IT.
Yenn Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 It seems that the rapid increase in electricity prices is fuelling the climate change debate. I have yet to hear why the prices are rising with any clear reason. Could it be that there is a better way to power our homes and industries? aAt the moment we produce electricity in Tasmania and Victoria and it is used in South Aus and similar transportation all over the country. Power losses are great in transmission lines and also the cost of maintaining transmission lines is high. We should be encouraged to produce and store our own electricity. It is doable now, but then the electricity retailers would not be needed, so government will not go that way. If we want the ease of transmitted electricity, why not produce electricity from steam heated by solar molten salts. It is a high initial cost, low running cost method of producing electricity.
facthunter Posted April 27, 2017 Posted April 27, 2017 Some of the presumptions of a single grid linked up system did not work. There's losses of efficiency failures and costs. The grid represents around 1/2 of the delivered cost, and we don't own it. The one in Victoria is owned by a Chinese (Hongkong) company and there's no sign of any tower having been painted for years. Suppliers don't' fall all over each other to supply at the lowest cost, either. Australians do have one of the highest per capita energy profiles in the world . "She's right mate" people argue there's not enough of us for that to matter. Per capita is an index of efficiency. Germany has an equal standard of living . Is heavily Industrialised and has a figure about 1/2 that of ours. Nev
bexrbetter Posted April 27, 2017 Author Posted April 27, 2017 Quote It seems that the rapid increase in electricity prices is More likely to be easing you into what's coming. I hate the petrol scam, lets say it's 102 cents, suddenly it jumps to 117 cents and everyone screams in protest, then are relieved and feel that someone listened to them when it drops back to 108 cents - right where the petrol company wanted it. - Suckers is the word that comes to mind. Quote why not produce electricity from steam heated by solar molten salts. It is a high initial cost, Question asked and answered.
storchy neil Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 On top mobile home three solar panels x $1100 each one inverter $2000 four batteries $300 equals $6500 Won't work electric spanner or big battery charger Needs back up generator costs $1300 On roof off house 12 solar panels that were going cost me $19000 then along came the leaders off this great country and said I will give you $8000 dollars to put on solar power Now that was good for me brain dead pollies giving me nearly half of my cost oh sheet how good is that oh don't worry there's more no not a set off knives but we will pay you 60 cents a kw for every kw you put into grid until year 2025 Now blind Freddy could see this not going to work when at 17 cents a kw for peek and 13 cents of peek at this time me being just a bit slow sighned up for this deal of 60 cents into grid plus 6 cents from provider Now to work stick welder need mains power When are persons going to wake up that the so called green power is a crock of bull oh buy the way main power now 32 cent a kWh peek Neil
Marty_d Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Quote When are persons going to wake up that the so called green power is a crock of bull Neil, do some research.
storchy neil Posted April 29, 2017 Posted April 29, 2017 Research what the biggest bloody con fooling gullible persons you are paying please explain Tas should have been exporting water to vic had the likes of brown been thrown into the franklin Wind power failed Desalination failed The cost of your so called green power SA gotta build a battery that cost oh what's that don't worry greens will print money Why in the hell aren't we building all these locally no import all the pieces neil
facthunter Posted April 30, 2017 Posted April 30, 2017 A high current welder will mean you stick to the grid, if you have the average type of set up. My last quote for 5 kw with inverter was $3800. (Cut for allowing sign on block). This is good quality stuff. More Omni directional, and the price keeps coming down. Battery $6,000. Bex is right we are power gluttons and very wasteful. Germany for years has used about 1/2 as much per person as we do. OK we are a large country and there's a cost relating to that, BUT..... Nev
Marty_d Posted April 30, 2017 Posted April 30, 2017 Quote Research what the biggest bloody con fooling gullible persons you are paying please explainTas should have been exporting water to vic had the likes of brown been thrown into the franklin Wind power failed Desalination failed The cost of your so called green power SA gotta build a battery that cost oh what's that don't worry greens will print money Why in the hell aren't we building all these locally no import all the pieces neil The only gullible people are the ones who think that we can keep destroying the planet with fossil fuel generation. Well, either gullible, or willfully ignorant. Or both. Tas shouldn't even be exporting power to Vic. That's why the idiots in charge lowered dam reserves to critical recently, trying to cash in on high power prices on the mainland. Then we had to spend millions on emergency gas generation. Wind power hasn't failed. If you're going to make silly statements like that, back it up with facts. Desalination with current technology is a mug's game. If we work with the local conditions instead of trying to grow inappropriate cash crops and using far too much water to do so, we wouldn't need desalination. You want to talk about cost? Tell me how much its going to cost to replace all those coal fired power stations with new ones (which banks won't finance anyway, because they know coal is on the way out). Because they all need replacing very soon. Either we replace with renewables or more of the same dirty old sh*t. Doesn't take a genius to work out which is the better choice. The only f*ckwit politician who suggested printing more money, was... wait for it... Pauline Hanson.
bexrbetter Posted April 30, 2017 Author Posted April 30, 2017 Quote The only gullible people are the ones who think that we can keep destroying the planet with fossil fuel generation. Well, either gullible, or willfully ignorant. Or both. You yourself have previously nominated your short attention span to those who's comments you disagree with, Pauline got a jab ... so I suggest you leap forward to 4.15 and try to watch for just 1 minute. Oh, and then come back and tell us your "solutions". Quote The only f*ckwit politician who suggested printing more money, was... wait for it... Pauline Hanson. Wrong, it was literally done by the USA in 2008, and it has been instituted in a number of countries. It is a genuine budgeting option, although not often implemented as many countries do not have the short term economic strength to stop it turning into rampant inflation. America did, have recovered from it, and Australia has the wealth, and exports to enable short term policies to control it if required. So I suggest actually typing stuff into Google before posting, researching and being educated on what you are going to post BEFORE you post it. Research often has the effect of avoiding looking less intelligent than the person they are deprecating. Why Not Just Print More Money? LMGTFY Quote Wind power hasn't failed. If you're going to make silly statements like that, back it up with facts. The old Greeny 2 step, where's your facts of success? KWs per dollar spent thanks. Guessing you'll be driving a car to work tomorrow morning?
Marty_d Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 Quote You yourself have previously nominated your short attention span to those who's comments you disagree with, Pauline got a jab ... so I suggest you leap forward to 4.15 and try to watch for just 1 minute. Oh, and then come back and tell us your "solutions". Short attention span? Listening to the BS Hanson spouts for 15 whole minutes seems like an eternity. Ok I leaped forward to 4:15 in the Ben Shapiro video (a man whose political views can be summed up by the fact that he thinks Sesame Street is left-wing propaganda). At 4:40 he says "ok, I'm prepared to wait for the evidence to come in, especially since we don't have a good solution for it." Now on the face of it that sounds like a simple statement, but let's unpack that a little. He's made two false statements and one big conflation in that sentence. The false statements: 1) Pretending that the evidence isn't in. 97% of reputable scientists involved in the fields pertinent to climate science agree that not only is it happening, it's caused by humans. This is science. It's peer reviewed. If anyone could disprove them then they would have. 2) Saying there's no good solution for it. There are ways to mitigate the effects. Firstly, cut the emissions causing it. How? Here's some. Stop burning coal for energy generation and switch to renewables. Solar. Wind. Hydro. Storage? Pumped hydro. Molten salt. Battery. Reduce energy use. How? Efficient passive solar building design. More efficient electrical devices. (Think light globes there - does anyone use 100w filament bulbs any more?) How does change happen? Put a price on emissions. Yes, a CARBON TAX. There's no one big silver bullet, there needs to be multiple lines of action and there needs to be political will to use the levers of government to start putting them into place. The conflation: He doesn't want to believe it's happening, because we "don't have a good solution". What has one to do with the other? He wants us to have a solution to a problem he doesn't think is a problem before he's prepared to believe in the problem? His belief that there IS a problem is dependent on there being a solution to it? So starting at 4:15 (besides his waffling about not liking the term "denier", and apparently 30 years ago lefties were saying we're in for another ice age - not sure who he was talking about there) - in 25 seconds he says nothing but absolute sh*t which is disprovable. I haven't the time or inclination to watch any more of his rubbish and disprove it line by line. Use your own intelligence. Quote Wrong, it was literally done by the USA in 2008, and it has been instituted in a number of countries. It is a genuine budgeting option, although not often implemented as many countries do not have the short term economic strength to stop it turning into rampant inflation. America did, have recovered from it, and Australia has the wealth, and exports to enable short term policies to control it if required. Firstly, if you look at the context we're talking about Australia. Neil said that the Greens would pay for renewables by printing money. I said that the only f*ckwit politician (perhaps I should have said "f*ckwit AUSTRALIAN politician", sorry if it wasn't clear enough) - was Hanson, who back in her previous shot at being elected said we should just print more money. Yes "quantitative easing" (or "making the rich richer while keeping the poor poor", or "executive-class welfare") does have limited applications in limited circumstances. It wasn't appropriate when Hanson suggested it. Quote So I suggest actually typing stuff into Google before posting, researching and being educated on what you are going to post BEFORE you post it. Research often has the effect of avoiding looking less intelligent than the person they are deprecating. I couldn't agree more. Hope you've learned your lesson. Quote The old Greeny 2 step, where's your facts of success? KWs per dollar spent thanks. So someone makes a statement and can't defend it with fact, and I have to do the work? Perhaps if Neil can't, you can. Come on then. He made the statement that wind generation has failed. Back it up if you can. Quote Guessing you'll be driving a car to work tomorrow morning? Guess I will, given that public transport isn't available from where I live. If it was I'd be using it. Oh, by the way, I see you haven't tackled me on the bit where I say our existing coal-fired generation infrastructure is ageing and needs to be replaced. Where do you stand on that, cheapracer? More brand new brown coal fired generators, funded by the taxpayer because the banks have enough sense to stay clear of them?
bexrbetter Posted May 1, 2017 Author Posted May 1, 2017 Bahaha! America has just decided to print more money, only a trillion dollars this time. Congress unveils $1 trillion spending plan to avoid government shutdown .. actually, it's not funny at all. Obama in for 8 years and now the country is broke, how people would like to blame Trump, and morons will, but this is from shocking mismanagement over a long period of time, include Bush in it if you like. "Printing money" is not a literal by the way, only about 8% of the world's 240 trillion is actually tenderable.
storchy neil Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 So inda is not building coal fired power stations neil
storchy neil Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 Adelaide black out wind turbines have safety switch that will shut it down should the wind exceed a certain certain speed neil
storchy neil Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 Banks not backing coal re ardina mine the bank that won't has not been asked that is fact Neil
storchy neil Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 Flannery shit for brains said we won't have full dams now their is a scientific explanation for crap and you believed him at a cost off four desalination plants fact Free insulation for you cost more than money how many lives don't mater Neil
storchy neil Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 Now the blue gums episode now what a waste off good grazing land Now the melting sea ice was the end of the world oh it's never happened before Humans have adapted to the climate the same as animals Weather patterns have changed very slowly Guns tasie loss of jobs Franklin river dam loss off jobs how Mutch revenue has that generated Lambie won't go there Oh by the way if Pauline Hanson is so bad there must be some thing she is doing that gets a following maybe she is saying it the way it should Oh my miss guided uneducated mind off mind according to some I am not to dispute so called facts written by so called experts Neil
Marty_d Posted May 2, 2017 Posted May 2, 2017 No one wants jobs lost Neil but the unfortunate fact is that from time to time certain industries become obsolete. Whaling. Morse code operator. Telephone exchange operator. The list is endless. In some cases, yes, coal miners and other people involved in the industry will become redundant. If we're smart we'd be encouraging innovation in renewables, getting Australia in front of the wave, creating new industries. Will it help coal miners, loggers, car manufacturers? No. Will it help their kids and grandkids? Yes.
storchy neil Posted May 3, 2017 Posted May 3, 2017 fairies in the bottom of your garden marty d If we're smart we'd be encouraging innovation in renewables, getting Australia in front your words marty you been listening to turnbull in the meantime india has got a contract with our opposition take a look at the poms and how they are IMPORTING wood chips to replace coal DONT worry about where the chips are coming from don't worry about the 3 or 4 million india persons burning ox sheeeeett to keep warm biggest so called polluter take a look at the latest pommy good idea to charge diesel powered motors a tax take a look at the cost to put solar power station at Shepparton borrowed money take a look at the cost off the insulation bull sheet borrowed money take a look at your wellfare system borrowed money NOW TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE COST off reeducating the coal miners on BOROWED MONEY do the sum an get back to me on the cost of milking 200 cows twice a day in vic as I have said before I get paid 60 cent from the government plus 6 cent from the provider that make 66 cent for every kw back into the grid until 2025 Telephone exchange that job has been exported over seas under the disguise of a new name neil
Phil Perry Posted May 3, 2017 Posted May 3, 2017 Bloody Governments. . . . [ATTACH]48713._xfImport[/ATTACH]
storchy neil Posted May 4, 2017 Posted May 4, 2017 Just read that adina mine to use Aust made Steele from SA wonder witch bank backs them Neil
Yenn Posted May 5, 2017 Posted May 5, 2017 Adani mine has said they will use SA steel and the price and volume were quoted on the SBC news. It worked out at $12000 per tonne. I wouldn't believe a word anyone from Adani or the government said, so I am wondering what was the real cost and volume as I can't see rail line costing anywhere near that much, especially in a big bulk order. Come to think what has this got to do with Brexit?
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