Phil Perry Posted May 1, 2017 Author Posted May 1, 2017 Quote Damn you all to hell bloody Buddhists! Or was it the Hindu's again? The 'MAY DAY' riots have been predicted for some time. Usual suspects, French citizens of Turkish origin originally 'Guest Workers' imported many years ago, who decided to France was a lot better than the fly blown craphole they came from. No banners, no claims of any particular grievances, just riots. As a rule, the French cops are instructed to keep out of these areas unless they start to spill outwards, as they did in several prefectures today. The police will not 'Go In' and sort out the ringleaders, if indeed that are any, as they simply do not have the manpower and are beng gradually overwhelmed. This stuff goes on nightly there, ona smaller scale, and also in German cities, although you'd never hear about any of this on the mainstream media. It's happened in several cities today, including Frankfurt, Hamburg, parts of Berlin and also in Turin, Italy. Once again, without social media, noone would ever know, apart from those who can actually see it happening. Friends in Greece tell me it's non stop in many cities and towns, particularly on the migrat routes supplied by these clever NGOs like Medecin Sans Frontieres, with their well organized TAXI pickups of migrant dinghies just off the Libyan coast, collecting migrants from the people trafficker gangs who then return the rubber boats to Zawarah, for another pre-arranged pickup the next day. There are several well financed NGO groups doing this, and an Italian prsecutor has intercepted radio traffic evidence of this collusion going back months. This is just a quick snapshot from earlier today, with nine Migrant vessels waiting around at the pickup area for the net NGO ship, in this case the 'Aquarius' which has been logged as enroute to the SAR ( Pickup area ) from it's last migrant delivery to Italy. . [ATTACH]48710._xfImport[/ATTACH] The nine vessels in the picture left the port of Zuwarah in Libya earlier this morning ( May 1st ) and are blatantly waiting for the NGO vessels to pick up all their migrants. NOT rtefugees, just mainly Africans. . . by the time of postng, these vessels will have returned to port for the next lot of migrants, who are being charged around $1500 per person for the crossing to the promised land of Europe for all the free money, accommodation, milk and honey they've been promised by the traffickers. What mad world this is. . . .MCF is financed by several international 'CHARITIES' the largest of which is the Billionaire George Soros Open Foundation. . . why does his name keep cropping up I wonder. . .the same foundtaon which financed the Gina Millar attempt in the UK High Court, to thwart the triggering of Article 50, basiclly to stop Brexit, against the democratic wish of the UK people. .. . .blimey, anyone would think that there's a bit of a worldwide conspiracy going on here,. . . .but I don't believe in conspiracy theories. . . . One thing is statistically inevitable though, at the rate of 'Population Growth' due to completely Uncontrolled Immigration, by 2025, Europe as we know it, will have ceased to exist. The arithmetic cannot be denied, and that is based upon the numbers we KNOW.
storchy neil Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 Gee what they need is that slogan stop the boats Why don't Italy refuse entry to these boats that pick up Neil
Phil Perry Posted May 1, 2017 Author Posted May 1, 2017 Quote Gee what they need is that slogan stop the boats Why don't Italy refuse entry to these boats that pick up Neil Your guess is as good as mine Neil. . . .if that prosecutor in Italy pushes too hard, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a terrible accident. . driving in Italy is a bit frenetic you know. . . The NGO boats are quoting HUMAN RITES as usual, well, if they are 'Rescuing' these people, they are only 20 minutes away from a Libyan Port. . . why take them all the way to Italy and Greece ?. . .makes no sense unless it is all planned, which it obviously is. Someone, or a lot of rather dark 'Someones' with loads of dosh and bad intentions are driving this bullcrap. . . .
storchy neil Posted May 1, 2017 Posted May 1, 2017 There we go again human rights at it again why in the hell don't they go the source off the problem there ball are not that big maybe Neil
Phil Perry Posted May 1, 2017 Author Posted May 1, 2017 Bloody Lying barstards. . .Amnesty are the worst of the lot ! MSF have been called out bby the Itialian Government and are now Lying to prtect their lucrative little Boat Taxi scam. . . . [ATTACH]48711._xfImport[/ATTACH] Yeah, right you slimy twots.. . .we KNOW what you're doing and the evidence is mounting daily. . . yer can't hide from technology ! . . . 'SEARCH AND RESCUE' ? ? ? their idea of search and rescue is to pick up a load of people from 12 miles off Hobart, then rescue them all the way to Sydney. . . . Pull the other one. . .it plays fecking jingle bells ! [ATTACH]48712._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Phil Perry Posted May 1, 2017 Author Posted May 1, 2017 Quote There we go again human rights at it again why in the hell don't they go the source off the problem there ball are not that big maybe Neil Since the people they are 'Rescuing' are not Refugees at all, and are mainly from West Africa,. . .these places are not exactly where you'd want to spend your vacation maybe, but they are not at war. The 'Passengers' are economic migrants. and Europe just cannot take all of them. The ones they have are already causing friction due to their completely different outlook on life and what is considered 'Reasonable' in european countries and yet,. .. Mrs Merkel refuses too put a brake on the whole thing. . which she personally started with her crazy 'All Welcome' statement. . . . 'OPEN BORDERS' . . .to quote several very eminent people, ( Not Donald Trump, he pinched it from Winston ) 'If you do not have borders,. . .then you do not have a country'. Take the front and back doors off your house, then get back to me in a while and tell me how that works out. . .
bexrbetter Posted May 7, 2017 Posted May 7, 2017 Well as expected Macron won and about the 60/40 I thought. Of course the Left media who ran the election will run all the "Right Wing smashed" type stories now rather than the facts. .. and the facts are the LePen got 2% 2 Elections ago, 9% last Election and 22% this Election (Primaries), and of course 35% of the main vote with a disturbing 30% not voting at all. There are problems. These "Right Wing" (alleged) Parties didn't get but a handful of voters 20 years ago, now they are toppling Governments. It is obvious everywhere in the world there is a growing force of people feeling they are forgotten or mistreated. They will not be resolved by pretending they don't exist, and a quick look at some of the Press editorials a minute ago just shows another disgusting round of perfect world going on while it obviously isn't.
Phil Perry Posted May 7, 2017 Author Posted May 7, 2017 Quote Well as expected Macron won and about the 60/40 I thought. Of course the Left media who ran the election will run all the "Right Wing smashed" type stories now rather than the facts. .. and the facts are the LePen got 2% 2 Elections ago, 9% last Election and 22% this Election (Primaries), and of course 35% of the main vote with a disturbing 30% not voting at all. There are problems. These "Right Wing" (alleged) Parties didn't get but a handful of voters 20 years ago, now they are toppling Governments. It is obvious everywhere in the world there is a growing force of people feeling they are forgotten or mistreated. They will not be resolved by pretending they don't exist, and a quick look at some of the Press editorials a minute ago just shows another disgusting round of perfect world going on while it obviously isn't. Yeah, well, I cashed out at 11:2 on Macron, on the weird offchance that he might lose. . .but that's just me being greedy ! since he was obviously going to win it, being the EU / corporate backed candidate for the status quo. Le Pen would have run the economy down after a few short years with her socialist dogmatics, ie nationalizing everything and particularly maintaining the short working hous beloved by the French ( 35 Hr week ). . .sad really. She might be portrayed as Joan of Arc, but she isn't. However,. . .she also isn't Right WIng, . .nor FAR RIGHT as the BBC sneeringly prefix her name whenever they mention it. . .she is actually centre left if that makes any sense, BUT the media use 'FAR RIGHT' as it is the same as 'NAZI' in the mind of the MSM audience. It's all a big game. Mind you, with all the currently censored Wikileaks which are now coming out describing Macron's dirty financial dealings with offshore accounts,. . . he might not last very long, then I wonder what they'll do. . .re run the election ? ? ? Vive La France. I might move over there and open a business selling those Tea Light candles, always lit at vigils everywhere, following every muslim murder / atrocity in that battered country. . . make a fortune I reckon. . . .
bexrbetter Posted May 7, 2017 Posted May 7, 2017 Quote BUT the media use 'FAR RIGHT' as it is the same as 'NAZI' Yes, yes they did. Macron would have still won even if the Press had been the Press, but there may have been more understanding of why the LePens and Trumps are rising, it can not be denied aven by the Liberal ****wits that scream they are all Right Wing racists. Just power words that play so much a part of our lives now and kill discussion. It's sad that the Press get to play so much a part in these decisions rather than staying neutral and reporting facts from all sides. Oh sure, the press always leaned to one side, that's just nature, but now it's 100% one sided with extreme prejudice, you can not have fair and reasonable democracy in society while it goes unchecked.
Phil Perry Posted May 7, 2017 Author Posted May 7, 2017 Here's a take on the French Election by my mate Ian, who is a 'Left Leaning' freelance journo. The French are screwed. They've seen islam take over their streets and watched it murder their countrymen, women and children, yet they are voting for a man (if you can call him that), who wants more immigration and more islam. They were bled white by the Germans in WWI and would have collapsed if it wasn't for Britain, because without us there never would have been the troop numbers from our Empire to save them. This wasn't just white Anglo-Saxon troops from Canada, NZ, Aus and SA, it was ordinary soldiers from all over. They fought just as hard as anyone else and suffered more than most. In WWII they got invaded again and ended up with half the country under German occupation and the rest nothing more than a vassal. It fell to the usual suspects to not only hold the fort, but also try and get the US into the war and ultimately free the French once again. Both times there was huge loss of life and massive destruction. Having been through all that one would have thought that their national psyche would have hardened towards allowing foreigners to encroach on their territory and push aside the French culture and way of life. However, they seem to have a death wish just like the Swedes and Germans. It's madness. The problem of course is we are doing the same thing, just at a slower rate. The EU countries won't unify whist there are white Danes, Dutch, Spanish, Swedes, Poles etc. It seems they've decided that the only way to achieve the European dream is to extinguish European culture and swamp the people with aliens and a foreign culture. Even then it won't work, just see how fractured the Middle East is. When the (civil) war comes the Russians are not going to sacrifice 10 million men again. They'll watch on the sidelines as European cities end up as smashed as they were during the last conflict. ( Ian writes for the Guardian, the Spectator, the Independent, the Telegraph and the Times . . . .Being a 'Lefty' I don't always agree with him,however, we have a drink together and have raging rows, but he DOES listen to other opinions. .and I believe he got this right )
Marty_d Posted May 8, 2017 Posted May 8, 2017 Spare me. Christ, more than half of the press - including everything owned by Rupert Murdoch - has been well and truly biased to the right for years. Suddenly, when they start telling hard (and obvious) facts about Donald Trump, Pauline Hanson, Marine Le Pen and any other dog-whistling rabble-rousers, it's "fake news" and they're all "lefties". It's all a conspiracy, I tells ya! Phil, when you sell those tea candles, get the punters to return the foil bases when they're finished. I'll recycle them into hats for anyone who believes that all of "mainstream medya" is part of one giant conspiracy to swing the world to the left. I congratulate the French for NOT going the same way as the USA, instead electing the candidate that stands for progress instead of reactionary, insular fear. I think this one from the New Yorker sums it up perfectly. French Annoyingly Retain Right to Claim Intellectual Superiority Over Americans (warning - may contain traces of satire...)
bexrbetter Posted May 9, 2017 Posted May 9, 2017 Quote Well as expected Macron won and about the 60/40 I thought. I was going through the numbers today and LePen actually did better than what the press would have you know. The actual figures; Macron 41%, LePen 26%, Abstained 9% Didn't go and vote at all 24%. That's closer to a 1.6:1 ratio for Macron's majority over LePen than the 2:1 being quoted. Near 10% of the population bothering to go and stand in line for an hour or 2 just to abstain is amazing. Consider the alleged "Right" movement and that lot of abstainers,, there's a lot of unhappy people out there. BTW, there's a lot of angry French people on both sides about Macron walking out to his Victory speech with the EU Anthem playing and not the French Anthem.
storchy neil Posted May 9, 2017 Posted May 9, 2017 I was going through the numbers today and LePen actually did better than what the press would have you know. not surprizing that you would find the press a little misleading one clown takes a guess at a figure and the rest off the sheep follow neil
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