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Here's what would be needed... the Bible is re-written to get rid of the medieval barbaric nonsense.


There is ample precedent, the Bible has been re-written before. To do a re-writing with today's knowledge would be a good thing to do anyway.


BUT here's the bonus.. only the similarly civilized Koran would now be acceptable in Australia.




Yes, a new version. We are told that civilized christians don't follow the bad stuff anyway, so why have it there to exacerbate the nut cases?


Only then would we have the moral authority to ban the bad bits of the koran.


I have read that in China, you have to buy the bible at a porn-shop. Wonderful if that were true.



I have read that in China, you have to buy the bible at a porn-shop.

Well, have you read the Song of Solomon? Scandalous stuff. I reckon the old-time monks polished the bishop non-stop when they read that bit.



  • 2 years later...

Now that our government is looking at religious freedoms and will probably pass legislation banning dissent with religious beliefs, isn't it time we looked at what religions stand for.


The fiasco with Israel Folau showed that religion is not in step with the majority of people.


If religious beliefs are to be given the go ahead we should have a look at bringing the religious writings up to date.


If we allow Christians to say in their Bible that sinners go to hell, we must either really believe it, or it should be deleted from the book.


Muslims will no doubt say that their koran should be the final word, but if we allow that we are going to promote bloodshed. It is time for the religious tracts to be brought up to date and if not, they should not be freely quoted from.


The Bible and the Koran are really the standard operating procedures for two religions. If they are not brought up to date, but are given legal protection there is something seriously wrong.


Lets have a new King Charles bible. Too late for a Queen Elizabeth one.



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Maybe God's on facebook. The "ABSOLUTE word of god" wouldn't have been fiddled by MAN so much, if it was what they claim.. Heaven is UP THERE. But UP THERE is an infinitely varying direction for different places unless the earth is FLAT and it must be otherwise all the water would run off each end, and the top and bottom. . they told Columbus He would sail off the edge. Geez we're dumb..


  IF you let religion run the show, you get IRAN , or maybe even worse. The Happy Clappers in the USA reckon Trump is there because GOD made it happen. Maybe the Germans thought the same about Adolf.H.? Geez we're DUMB. (I know I said it twice).  Nev



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The basic philosophy of Christianity said to be presented by Christ and as recorded in the four Gospels is probably the best philosophy to follow as its core policy for interacting with others is respect for the needs of others. And the content of those four Gospels should be the sole source of guidance for Followers of Christ. Not the Epistles. Not the Acts. Not Papal Bulls. Not Jesuit theological writings.


Too much ill has been done in this World by false prophets who manufacture and manipulate Spiritual codes of conduct of Christianity for Temporal gains. Apart from reports of Christ telling people to "Go, and sin no more", the only two direct commands Christ gave to his followers were, at the Last Supper,


And he took bread, and gave thanks, and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. And after the Resurrection “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

There are no dietary rules in the Gospels. There are no descriptions of elaborate ceremonies, save the Eucharist. Everything else that is associated with membership of a Christian Church has been created by its adherents.   




I must do some research on how (who)  the biblical books were selected. The Gospels come closest to the 'real' Christianity, I suspect a bunch of patriarchal Church academics selected the rest. They all have some use, but we must remember who they were written to, and consider their prejudices and culture. I suspect the abhorrence of homosexuality in the New Testament letters is a rebuttal of some 'interesting' cultural features of middle east adolescence customs.






Because we were raised Christians, we think that his teachings are good and obviously humane. But another background might have us supporting the sword, warfare and noble death. Beware of judging other faiths or societies through the lense of your own upbringing.



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There seems to be only one religion that apparently espouses "supporting the sword, warfare and noble death". All others that we might class as Modern, ie founded during the Late Bronze Age, seem to have peaceful co-existence as one of their tenets. Some civilisations might be called "warlike" due to their expansionist territorial actions, but until we can discover and decipher their theological texts we won't know if "Church and State" went hand-in-glove in this expansionism. 


Who has studied the theologies of the New World peoples to determine how much their theologies directed their politics?




As Dawkins has pointed out, the very central idea of christianity is insane... God arranged for his son to be sacrificed so that he ( god ) could forgive third parties ( some of them not even born yet ) for their sins.


Just imagine a guy who arranges for the death of  one of his own kids so he can find it within himself to forgive the bikies in the next town. 


His lawyer would advise him to plead not guilty on account of insanity.




Christ is God's ONLY son. It's convoluted logic though, and in the old testament you can find just about anything if you look hard. We consider our own lot to be the GOODIES and the other mob to be the baddies, and vice versa for them.  We probably need SOMETHING to BELIEVE IN but why have something that is so obviously made up by US. Man made God in his own image is pretty easy to make  a case for. WE are OF the planet we adjusted to over countless millenia as are all other creatures we come across. Some may have gotten here on space dust but all have evolved and still are doing it. The Universe is so big we cannot fathom it and our temperate little blue planet may be a rarer occurrence than we once thought.


  Do unto OTHERS as you would have them do to you . Isn't a bad start and respect and treasure the natural world as without IT you will not exist. Once you upset the balance you then must manage all of it and it's not being done very well, anywhere. Nev




Careful Nev, you are getting a bit close to Buddhism. They would be to closest to an intelligent religion were it not for their reincarnation nonsense.



  'Bruce said:
As Dawkins has pointed out, the very central idea of christianity is insane... God arranged for his son to be sacrificed so that he ( god ) could forgive third parties ( some of them not even born yet ) for their sins.


Just imagine a guy who arranges for the death of  one of his own kids so he can find it within himself to forgive the bikies in the next town. 


His lawyer would advise him to plead not guilty on account of insanity.


And then three days later he reneged on the deal and brought the son back to life again.




My belief is that God is mother nature. She brought us into existence and she brought everything else. Did it a bit slower than the Christian version, but she is still controlling what happens. We should look after her needs, because she can quite easily decide that bacteria are the top of the food chain and we would be well and truly be up the well known creek. Rather than having a church and praying every Sunday we could be cleaning up the mess we have made of mother natures realm.


As you can see I am a believer.



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I would support extinction rebellion if they were trying to stop extinction. Elephants, rhinos, and many small animals need immediate help. They are being destroyed by human overpopulation.



  • 1 year later...

Religion is just a suppressive ideological fantasy, nothing the religious claim is true or factual. The only truth within the yahweh cult is the never ending violence, abuse, suppression, genocidal invasion and never ending wars these cultist have indulged in through out their history and it continues today.

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I don,t like the Muslim religion, because if you join it, it,s OK

If you want to leave it, THEY WILL KILL YOU.

As it is written.

If you tire  of Cristianity fine, you maybe ' excommunicated '.

So that you Can return to the fold, when ready.

Please tell ?. What funeral service do Atheists have.

My mother denounced the church, but still had to have a Christian funeral.



Have been to many funerals over the years, 90% atheist and they just have a going away ceremony so to speak. Bit of a talk about the person who died, maybe a few drinks and some food then all go home.

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