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I'd like to start my own Conservative party. Its aims:


- to conserve traditional Australian values of equal opportunity, egalitarianism and the fair go


- to conserve Australian ownership of core/strategic infrastructure


- to conserve a significant proportion of our natural places- and manage them sensibly


- to conserve skills and crafts central to our culture


- to conserve our way of life




no nev cant blame me for that one but


as got pissedddd of with the loss off job s going overseas valuesof Australia being denergrated assets of aust being taken overseas political party being run buy so called educated imbersiles


and yes I am now a fully paid up member of Australian conservative party


no longer vote liberal as I voted for them since 18 years off age so at 72 got old and fed up with waffler turnbull , princes bishop , pyne in arseee , local member sharman was told by me personally that turnshit would lose last election and she would lose her seat I was right on both neil



...that turnshit would lose last election and she would lose her seat I was right on both neil

Didn't he WIN the last election? Unless "turnshit" isn't Turnbull.




By calling a double dissolution he nearly snatched defeat from the Jaws of Victory. Not really a very successful Ploy. Bad advice from the (almost) faceless man behind the scenes who has subsequently resigned. Nev




The trouble is that Turnbull is intelligent, progressive and forward-thinking... so he's leading the wrong party.


In order to appease the conservatives he's turned his back on every principle he used to hold. Now, just to keep that dopey prick Dutton on side, he's created a multi-agency "Home office" which every expert in Australia said wasn't needed.


I'd love to see governments basing policy on science, instead of ideology.




I wouldn't like him to be flying any plane I was on. Too indecisive and can't prioritise the most important issues.


As far as being in touch with the ordinary man, He never will be. He lives in another world . He's only comfortable in a group of his own selection. Certainly with few of the Party he's leading.. er is currently the leader of and it's disintegrating under him and probably would anyway same as in many countries around the world where they have "Austerity for the Poor" policies, and it's a split between the Conservative RWNJ's and a few centre leaning small L liberals. Nev




nev totally agree many years ago Kerry packer description off him was spot on remember Conrad black and co saga


now who in hell are you talking about marty is intelligent, progressive and forward-thinking...looses 15 seats sets up a great new Dutton enterprise to keep leadership Tassie air aint doing you any favours better have a cuppa tea an a bex an a lie down marty neil




Last line optional. Not sure about the Bex. The rest I agree. Turnbull wants "PM of Australia" on his CV. I don't know about the actual level of his intelligence.. There was a general warning out years ago. Don't get between the abot and the Lodge. Oh what a luvverly mob they are. Self serving, Self destructive and causing destruction. Nev




I guess we all talk about the current crop of pollies. In a few years, the story is mostly the same with a new set of faces. It's like Groundhog Day. The only thing they have in common is that the majority of them are lying morons with their snouts heavily embedded in the trough. There's the odd good one, but they're an endangered species. Especially ones who have the interests of the Nation and the Australian people at heart.


How dumb are we for putting up with these idiots. We're the clowns and every three years we elect the clownmasters. They used to call it the 'Lucky Country'. Well hang on to your seats, our luck's about to run out.




I'm as disillusioned as the next bloke Willie, but in their defence, one reason politicians lie is because we the voters are almost impossible to please. How many of us would really vote for short-term pain to secure long term security?


It would be political suicide for a government to tell us the full truth:


- that Australia spends far more than it earns, and any balancing of the books is due to selling off bits of the farm


- that very few large corporations actually pay any tax here, especially the foreign-owned ones


- too many government jobs have little productive value, but help make statistics look better


- budget cuts are always made in low-profile areas, with little regard to long-term implications


- once the elections are over, governments only listen to political donors and pressure groups


- while there are mobs of thing that need to be done, too many Australians are idle




You're a braver man than me for defending that bunch, Old Koreelah. I personally don't believe any of the above reasons justifies them lying to the Australian public.


Sorry, but I don't understand your logic on that issue at all. Period.




I disagree Wille . Telling those sort of lies is a requirement. If they were as honest as you, there is no way they would be there.




My problem is not so much the breaking of promises but rather the notion that promises must be made in order to get elected. It seems like voters are like children sitting on Santa's lap. I just wish that politicians we able to ditch ideology and undertake to fully analysis evidence without reference to principles (either left or right) and do what works. Accurately define the problem, look for solutions (even if they go against your conservatism or liberalism) then do what is most likely to work. A term I absolutely hate is accusing a politician of doing a "back flip" I agreed to take a friend flying. When we got to the airfield the weather was marginal and I had not flown for a while. I started to prep the plane and then I broke my promise and did a back flip, I decided that even though I had said we could go flying, the conditions at the time meant I had to reassess. This is what I want from my politicians, not promises or ideology but a willingness to analyze good quality evidence and act on it regardless of whether it contradicts their personal ideology. I do not want my doctor to make childish promises about my health outcomes or treatments. I want evidence based medicine and I want evidence based politicians



At a time in history where we NEED good government we get some of the worst we've had in history. Nev

Too true, Nev. To tackle the fiscal, social and environmental issues (and not in that order) confronting us, we need strong, break-thru leadership. Turnbull looked the goods: intelligent, adaptable and able to keep his foot out of his mouth. Unfortunately, he and his party seem to be in the grip of the ideologically handicapped far right, who still believe in Reagan's failed "trickle down" economic theory.




I agree old K . I liked that Turnbull was a gentleman.


But I have to say I'm disappointed in some of his weaker performances. Maybe I was expecting too much.




Maybe the Labor party has moved from left to centre and bumped into the Liberals. Like dodgem cars, a lot of Liberals think the only solution is to move away from them to the right. Malcolm seems to want to stay in the middle but he's running out of like thinkers in the party.




turnbul is in the thinkers club the only one that he thinks off is himself and I have stated that for years sorry bruce you are not the only one conned by him and there are others


labour party move to the centre have wasted more taxes and cost me and you millions


proof I now know off 25 people that get 65 cent per kw back into the grid my return to the grid 725 kw at 65 cents for no power bill my mates return to grid 1100 kw to grid at 65 cent no power bill


power from grid to me 32 cent so it costing you 65 cents kw for my excess power work that out an I have that until 2025 26


when mark latham was with the labour party a complete drongo in my opinion why in hell has his opinion changed has he seen the real world


its not one party that cant get it right while ever we have these political correct weasels and sorry weasels pandering to the so called poor me persons what hope off good governance do we have neil



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