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Male humans will never achieve equality in our society


We can already see that females can and have achieved whatever heights to which they have aspired. Even to the topmost jobs such as prime ministers or monarchs..They are not prevented from achievement.


I've seen many very capable males blocked from achieving the heights that they were capable and suited for. But they never cried about a 'glass ceiling'. There are many cultural and competitive obstacles to high achievements by either gender, but males are socially prevented from objecting to the unfair nature of how stuff works out.


Only female are allowed to complain about the unfair nature of life's obstacles.


I call that unfair. And patently discriminatory.




If I am destined to come back in a female form, it is unlikely that I would be allowed to retain the mindset I presently possess.


If I magically got gender swapped right now, I sure wouldn't be joining the ranks of feminists. I would retain my egalitarian opinions. Maybe I'd have to change my name to 'Nomadpeta?' But the very title "feminist" is a sexist word.




SEE, you expect women to be attractive (pretty). Men can be as ugly as sin and they just have character. There's lots of other examples of expectations of women. Walk in high heels etc. smell pretty, (loads of perfume) especially if you are an AFL footballer. Your missus has to look drop dead gorgeous. (Whatever that is) or you wouldn't be seen dead with her.. Perhaps it's about showing off what you can get like a fast bike you can't ride well or a plane you can't fly properly.. I have an old mate who reckons all girlfriends -wives become another mother to you replacing the one you had. Making sure you don't have gravy on your chin, your shirt is tucked in and your socks match. Nev




Erm. isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder.. And let's not forget, the girls want what is attractive to them, too...


Speaking for me personally (and something I have been imparting onto my son), when you pick your partner, you are doing it for life, so make sure she (or he, if he is so inclined) is right for him; not what's right for advertisers...


I did have what most blokes would call a stunner of a girlfriend - biggest PITA and it was a very short lived arrangement.




Well they used to live longer but with all the smoking and drinking (and playing football) it's getting closer to being the same.. Get what suits YOU not what looks good to others. She will look like her mother eventually. There are exceptions to that. You could get one that looks like her father( with or without the beard). If they drink beer and are happy with you. you've done well. it's got to last for a lifetime. That's asking a lot. Bit unrealistic but a changeover is expensive and the new model might not be any better than the old one. Nev



You are supposed to wear socks?

what are socks?

Ok, you can expect it from a Queenslander, but I would've thought a Pom would know what socks are... they're the fluffy things between your feet and your sandals!




I have this daydream of a politically correct politician about to be operated on by a retarded surgeon. The surgeon thanks the polly for the affirmative action policy which made this possible.




Maybe an extreme possibility. I'm not really a fan of affirmative action, but when time does nothing and there's an obvious disparity persisting, what do you do? If you have more on a a course than you can employ the lowest scores don't get there , often a fixed % (like in the services in past times). Bad luck if your course is all genius's. Nev



It's usually termed "affirmative action" which is contentious potentially, as the response is often "you got the position not because of your skills, but for political reasons". The current figures in many organisations show a marked preponderance of males in the middle to high management positions. The LNP are notably down on female representation. Should this be "rectified"? Your call. Nev

"Affirmative action" has always been with us. It is usually done by the simple expedient of hiring some of your old school mates. Blokiness has and will continue to have significant deleterious impacts whilever we continue to deprecate and ignore the positive contributions that are and can be made by women in all endeavours.




Present policies will have us ruled by childless women. They will have the gender advantage without the loss of time spent at home with babies.


Some of these are man-haters. This is not an extreme theoretical possibility, I know of a high-school principal who fits this category.




Don't use the "blokey buddies nepotism" as if that problem only applies to males. I have seen it rampant in women's groups too.


Whenever there is a majority of like minded individuals in powerful positions, there will be discrimination against anybody outside the "in group".


I've seen this often causing staff problems








ARL Footy club followers


AFL footy followers


Man haters


Male Chauvinists


Female favorers


Male favorers


Religious groups


Basically it is an automatic reaction by human groups. Since it is a hard wired instinct, it is unlikely that making laws will address the underlying cause. The best we can do is try to be fair in all our interpetsonal dealings.



Don't use the "blokey buddies nepotism" as if that problem only applies to males. I have seen it rampant in women's groups too.Whenever there is a majority of like minded individuals in powerful positions, there will be discrimination against anybody outside the "in group".


I've seen this often causing staff problems








ARL Footy club followers


AFL footy followers


Man haters


Male Chauvinists


Female favorers


Male favorers


Religious groups


Basically it is an automatic reaction by human groups. Since it is a hard wired instinct, it is unlikely that making laws will address the underlying cause. The best we can do is try to be fair in all our interpetsonal dealings.

Your suggesting "nature" vs "nurture". Being pig ignorant is part of family and societal conditioning, not hard wiring.




Yes, Col, I was suggesting that instinct is " nature".


But I agree that learned behaviour probably plays a big part. There are many parents who have never learnt to have open minds. Maybe there is a chance to improve education to break that cycle.


Don't let the 'do gooder' extremists control education though. They seem to have their own closed minds and 'blind spots'.


You can never expect education to totally over rule instinct. For instance most people 'know' the world is over populated, but still revere and adore having babies.




Equal numbers of both genders sure make sense on big ships. The Russians discovered this on icebreakers, some of which got caught frozen in for a winter. If there was a gender balance, they survived this ok, being like a village.


US warships should have done this too but they are too infected with puritanism, so they have mainly men. This means they need shore leave every 6 weeks or so, or the sailors start to answer back . On the shore, they disrupt the host port by providing a bonanza to girls who become prostitutes.



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