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"Don't expect anyone to be grateful."


If the unemployed got the " minimum wage" and not $10 on their dole money, working for the dole wouldn't have to be as bad.


They might even like working again.


And diesel subsidy on Queensland registered boats is only for them, without the rest of Australia getting it. (NSW pay's full tax on boat fuel in Queensland).





IF you value transparency and justice the Diesel rebate is not a subsidy. The express purpose is for roadworks though the corresponding petrol equivalent some goes to consolidated revenue. so perhaps the diesel does also. IN New Zealand they had a counter on one wheel and you had to do a return and send a corresponding amount of money IF you used Diesel on road. Lawn mowers, diggers and pumps generators etc HERE all pay the cost which again is NOT what the impost was supposed to be used for. The NZ system was cumbersome but true to purpose. Nev

In NZ there is no road tax on diesel. At the pump diesel is always considerably cheaper than petrol. Owners of diesel vehicles have to purchase road user charges which varies according to the GVM of the vehicle. Hubometers are installed on large trucks, B Doubles etc and checked against the payment data when they go in to a weigh station. The system has been around for as long as I remember & probably came about because of the very large rural farming community who more than anyone else had diesel machinery on farms. Now the situation is quite different with a lot of diesel cars & utes on the road, not to mention trucks.




The Toyota Medium 4 WD I hired had meter fitted when I was last there. At the pump the diesel charge is absent... so the price is about 2/3rds that of petrol, but you pay later. Actually the hire company ended up picking that one up so you win sometimes. Nev




AND NOW ladies & Gentlemen


The government will stop the dole for all who cant pay their FINES,


because they can't pay for a train ticket. from the meager, below poverty level work start allowance





AND NOW ladies & GentlemenThe government will stop the dole for all who cant pay their FINES,


because they can't pay for a train ticket. from the meager, below poverty level work start allowance



And yet they can give the big 4 banks, which have been ripping people off for years, 17 BILLION dollars in tax cuts.


It's all about making the rich richer and f*ck the poor, for the coal-ition.


get a job to pay their fines oh shieeet they cant cause of the imported wind turbines and solar panelsbloody smart country Australia neil





Rob the bank and follow their example. The Quality and integrity of an organisation is inversely proportional to what the CHIEF takes. Note takes, not makes and think about it.


Wind turbines? That idea will never get off the ground. Submarines. Good for US?, or just another bottom of the Harbour scheme? .Nev



  • 2 weeks later...

Visited Rylstone Fly-in


It was cold,! Just like the Environmentalist want, on the way home I noticed a lot of houses pumping out smoke from their chimneys,


When home Put the electric blanket on first, then the heater to get some Warmth into the house.


I will HATE the New world that is going to be colder, Just for the sake of a few centimetres of sea level.LoL






That's the way it is now. I can use my heat pump (reverse cycle aircon) powered from the solar panels & get 8kw of heat output from less than 2 kw of electrical input. OK it isn't good enough on an overcast day or at night but storage technology will sort that out in the not too distant future.




Moire extreme weather events are what's been predicted for a long time now and there's a lot of evidence of that happening .The general trend is to warmer Air and sea temps rising and the warmer oceans will cause more energy to go into the atmosphere by way of Latent heat of vaporisation That's the energy source of cyclones and flooding rains. No environmentalist wants the world to be cooler. They want to limit the temp RISE so predicted changes won't make life impossible in some areas of the world for millions of people. Nev




"way of Latent heat of vaporization"


Good ! we can do with a considerable increase of RAIN, in most of NSW. as it is in another drought.


The saltier the sea get's, the less evaporation &l less rain.





"way of Latent heat of vaporization"Good ! we can do with a considerable increase of RAIN, in most of NSW. as it is in another drought.


The saltier the sea get's, the less evaporation &l less rain.



Be careful what you wish for. A little warmer, a bit more rain...that means somewhere else there's a bit less.


Minor variations in climate cause massive problems for people. How many more boat people do you want to see?




You get your rain in deluges and cyclones. and more droughts. (Extremes) Concentrated and no use to farmers as it causes erosion and crop damage, and transport problems. Property damage imposes large costs on the community. Rebuild infrastructure and the same happens again a few years later.. Climate change has nothing to do with sea salinity, which must gradually increase with river run off but CO2 absorption has a lot to do with oceanic acidity, which massively affects sea life Plankton and shell fish,coral. etc Nev




Well I thought it was GOOD of the power producer's putting all that STEAM, from their cooling towers, into the air, so the land downwind gets a bit of moisture. LoL






It all evaporates soon after leaving the top.of the tower. Unless a cloud forms and some rain happens somewhere nothing changes. it's less valuable than a forest or lake at putting moisture into the air. Bushfires can cause clouds and rain but I wouldn't want it to be a widespread as a way of doing it. Nev






But with a bit of luck, the miserable amount of rain produced by the steam of the cooling tower's could help to Grow a new forest,


"Bushfires can cause clouds and rain" Is that why we now have TWO fires instead of one, One for the Fire'is & one for the Arsonist.


Have not seen an improvement in the rain gauge yet. BUT did have to buy a large AIR-FILTER to be able to breath in my own house on the bad smoke days.





  • 1 month later...

I've battled with despair but cannot remain silent as my grandkid's future is threatened;


Australia's government is ignoring the clearest evidence that we need to change, fast, but stupidly emulates the worst ideas coming out of America.


The sea is rising fast; Americans are already wading in the streets, yet Trump's fossil-fuelled regime is busy undoing decades worth of environmental protections.


Meet America's new climate normal: towns that flood when it isn't raining


It can only get worse, far worse as our scientists discover yet more ominous trends:


The rate of Antarctic melting has nearly tripled in the past five years


Underwater melting of Antarctic ice far greater than thought, study finds


Meanwhile, in La-La Land, where it’s already cheaper to generate power from renewables than from burning coal, politicians try to out-do each other in subsidising dirty, outmoded industries:


Turnbull offers Queensland power station funding if it votes LNP in state poll


When will the average voter wake up?


There is some light at the end of the tunnel. Across the ditch, our gutsy NZ cousins are steaming ahead with innovative new industries under a far-sighted government.


New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, Is Young, Forward-Looking, and Unabashedly Liberal—Call Her the Anti-Trump


Is there any hope for Australia? When traditional National Party supporters stand up against Big Coal, we have a chance:


'We've turned a corner': farmers shift on climate change and want a say on energy | Katharine Murphy


Australia’s future is in the balance; vested interests and the Extreme Right are in election mode.


If re-elected, they’ll cement themselves in power by claiming a mandate to implement massive cutbacks to civil liberties and traditional Australian institutions.




Here in the UK,


Scientist's want All car's off the roads in12 years, the government said ok to 22 years.


A daily paper read this morning, !,


Why does it matter to me, I often keep a car (if I like It) over ten years, Current Delica is starting it's eleventh year now.






so 650million for a solar shieeeet that may never work in south Australia bruce your power prices are going up again qld to get a coal fired power that's good cause is affordable 650 million should build a top off the range one and not have to replace the guts of it every 10 years and you will be able to sell more power to vic and nsw and sa neil



so 650million for a solar shieeeet that may never work in south Australia bruce your power prices are going up again qld to get a coal fired power that's good cause is affordable 650 million should build a top off the range one and not have to replace the guts of it every 10 years and you will be able to sell more power to vic and nsw and sa neil


I think you have underestimated the cost of building a coal-fired power station


A new coal-fired power plant would cost $3 billion, drive up energy prices and take eight years to build




Well over 3 Billion is the cost and they cannot be started or stopped quickly. Only efficient at near full output (Super critical) and how many of them would you need? One is totally reliant on the network. With 50 year life a common concept, Who's going to fund such a proposal.? Surely NOT the government and a free enterprise (pretending) one at that.. The CO2 reading are the highest in thousand s of years. Oceans are getting more acidic. Humans are affecting the climate so stop denying it. just to make profits for a bit longer for mainly over seas companies. The longer action for climate is deferred the bigger the cost of doing something effective about it.. We have plenty of sun and wind and it's always sunny or windy somewhere and there are already proven ways of storing energy. Solar and wind are the cheapest known sources of electric energy. You can easily use solar to produce hydrogen for mobile (vehicular) use. Coal is industrial revolution fuel and belongs to the sooty smoggy black lung and silicosis era of yesterday when we knew not of the consequences. for the climate and the bigger environment. Nev




Craig Kelly wants to put it on the site of Hazelwood. That's BROWN coal (about the worst form of coal out there). It's nearly PEAT and how long will it take to dismantle the existing buildings and clean up the site?. They are out of their cotton picken minds. You should have an IQ above 30 to run for Parliament.. Nev



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