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"This is not America. We don't elect our leaders"


And that's the reason we don't want a Dictatorship-republic, Not voting for OUR leader, and have a Dickhead pollie. appointing Their friends to the highest position in Australia goes against the grain.





I hope you meant "demagogues"... I can't think of anyone in parliament who deserves demigod status.

I tried "demagogues" first and then thought that the way they act their ardent supporters might consider them as "demigods"



  • 2 weeks later...

I think that compulsory voting is undemocratic. If I don't want to vote why should I be forced to? If I am free to make a choice, then that choice may be not to vote for anyone. Why force me to go to the ballot box and spoil the paper. Completely ridiculous. If I don't vote I have no right to complain about anything.






Complain about OUR votes being ignored for Party room politics.


Their play on words that we haven't voted for an individual is incorrect when we tick all the right boxes for the People we like to govern us .


After all it takes a lot longer to do the whole list of candidates, than to tick just the party !.





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