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Which of these is true:


1. The man is a scientific illiterate.


2. He never studied science, he did Chinese history and Language.


3. Those ancient Chinese knew bugger-all about global warming and resource depletion.






I don't know why ex PM's don't just go away and enjoy bludging off the taxpayer for the rest of their lives.


It must be their fragile egos that deludes them into thinking that people actually care what they have to say.




Mostly a PM has the job of being an empty mouthpiece. A PM with good ideas gets in the way of our power brokers.


After they get sacked, nothing changes for them except their home address.




We need to double the population, for the simple reason that if we don't we will have too many oldies and not enough earning and paying taxes.


Then we need to be able to provide work for these people, which is what all governments and government wannabees keep spouting about.


Just listen to what the pollies say, that is if you can bear to put up with their bullxxxx.




Kevin has his opinion, and one vote., as an ordinary person resident in Australia. Kevin doesn't regard himself as an "ordinary" person.. Oldies do a lot of unpaid work and there's not enough jobs for those seeking work now. The Major cities certainly don't need any increase in population, and the EARTH generally cannot sustain it's present level of population. Any system that relies on continuous growth is flawed and unsustainable. Australia is one of the driest continents on earth with a water supply and evaporation problem and little topsoil. Nev



  • 4 weeks later...
Which of these is true:1. The man is a scientific illiterate.


2. He never studied science, he did Chinese history and Language.


3. Those ancient Chinese knew bugger-all about global warming and resource depletion.





4. The man is a member of the order of phallicus cranius...



  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here we are on a natural spaceship. It is traveling at 2 million km per hour through space and it has built-in life support systems and supplies.


What have we done? We have learned to loot the supplies while increasing the passenger load without any thought to the future.


In aviation terms, we have overloaded the Jabiru with the whole family and set off across the pacific with a leaky fuel tank.




how in the hell 90 years ago aust built railways roads with 3 or 4 mil


how in the hell 70 years ago aust built snowy scheme with 5or6 mill


now with 25 mil aust cant pay its way got to borrow for Christ sake what planet are some on neil




Neil, 70 years ago (1948) the average yearly wage was a bit over 295 pounds (for blokes, less than 180 pounds for women). Now it's close to $82,500. Using that calculation, 3 million pounds back then would be worth about 838 million dollars now.




Bruce, Railway fettlers lived in a tent alongside the rail way line and miners lived in cottages smaller than many garages A house was cheaper BECAUSE it was small, basic with no insulation double glazing ducted air conditioning inside toilet ensuites No cement driveways, a single sink. Ice chest (no fridge) wood stove no remote control garage doors ( no garage) no car You grew your own vegetables and ate your own chooks and their eggs. Most kids had no shoes.


Ah for the good old days Not really. People just want everything straight away on the never, never now and have A house you get lost in and can't heat or cool without spending heaps on energy curtains and maintenance. . Get out of the house and get a life or live in your shed.. Nev




I often wonder if our lives would be much happier if we returned to a simpler existence in regards to our houses and the stuff we cram into them.


There are some modern things that make life more enjoyable - big screen TV's; good Internet speeds and a computer capable of handling high data transfer speeds and computations; a safe, economical car.


These are early-21st Century things. But I can get by with a gas stove, electric light, indoor loo and clothing suitable to the climate. All these things were created more than 100 years ago.


Have you ever gone into your kids' or grandkids' rooms and seen the heaps of plastic, fad toys that barely get played with? Do you notice that Christmas and Birthday gifts don't get played with later that about a month after being given? have you seen a kid lately use their imagination and make a toy out of bits and pieces they can pick up around the place?




Mine has piles of Leggo that are used all the time.. Imagination ?Yes. Isn't that part of being a kid? Parents just throw stuff at them rather than interact. When two have to work, that happens. Nev




Yes It must look nice. and meet all the regs as if it will be there forever. Most houses are Pretty crappy after 60 years and just get bulldozed out of the way for ^ + units on 400 sq meter blocks. The "slums of the future"? Like I said earlier there's no way out of the "Normal" and expensive system .unless you go over the "wrong" side of the creek or railway line with the original people, who might not want you either.


Some grey Nomads did it in old Hi Aces with an annex, canvas water bottle and bull bar and not much else.. Now they have RIGs with $400,000 price tags , NO ground clearance under the engine and the caravan parks are getting more expensive by the week. The best sites are booked out from one year to the next. Motels were meant to be cheap and affordable. How long did that last? Nev



I often wonder if our lives would be much happier if we returned to a simpler existence in regards to our houses and the stuff we cram into them.

There are some modern things that make life more enjoyable - big screen TV's; good Internet speeds and a computer capable of handling high data transfer speeds and computations; a safe, economical car.


These are early-21st Century things. But I can get by with a gas stove, electric light, indoor loo and clothing suitable to the climate. All these things were created more than 100 years ago.


Have you ever gone into your kids' or grandkids' rooms and seen the heaps of plastic, fad toys that barely get played with? Do you notice that Christmas and Birthday gifts don't get played with later that about a month after being given? have you seen a kid lately use their imagination and make a toy out of bits and pieces they can pick up around the place?

The Mrs and I were trying to clear out the loft recently,. . and we were both Gobsmacked at the stuff we had bought for our two Daughters over the years. . .


The girls were born in 1982 and 1985 respectively. . .and their toys were serially rammed into the loft when unwanted.


Does anyone want a Huge Yamaha Keyboard with 1000 voices and automatic accompaniment ?. . . Or a seven pad Yamaha Electronic Drum Machine, complete with four sets of Drumsticks ?


These thnigs will end up down at the tip,,. . .I can't be arsed trying to sell them on Ebay,. . . as there's too much competition from other parents with the same problems. . .


I found VHS Video camera, which I bought for the kids many years back and it still works. . . C type VHS, ie, small cartridges. . .they Loved it at the time,. . but that Pre-dated Mobile Phones . . .OMG. . . How many of those bloody things have we bought over the years . . . .They just HAD. . .to have the latest model didn't they. . . or be Looked Down upon as Dorks at SCHOOL. . .with parents who didn't care. . .



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