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Helen Haynes is outstanding.   Not  all independents are Teals and Independents are not a PARTY. Parties have policies which their members can affect. They can also have some pretty awful preselection processes and be taken over quietly by things Like Christian cults (Evangelists).  The God wants you to be rich LOT. Nev

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problem I find with Pauline, is the same one I have with Jacquie Lambie....

They say some good stuff.... but they are the wrong people to be saying it.
Be like the big 4 banks suggesting how to end rising mortgage costs...


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If you look at  some of the work back bench MPs do, they certainly earn their money. The trick with the higher up ones is to go for the ones that feather their nests,, but also do at least a sembalnce (or better) of good for the country.

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They are only there by winning the vote....  so I say, be very careful who you vote for.  Personally, I vote independent ( Sustainable Australia ) these days, not that I have a say in the safest Nationals seat in the country. Mind you, the previous guy achieved the pipelining of the Wimmera water scheme, which cost millions but has saved huge amounts of water from evaporation and seepage from earthen channels. So even party hacks can have a hidden good side.

And, spacy, I suggest writing to the council, keeping a copy, if you again find hazards around the place.

I reckon the complaint in writing would help with suing them for injuries received.

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We had a strategy planned against the guy who lived near us in Alice Springs. He often tailgated you on the main road into the town, so we were looking at ways to make the tail( brake) lights look like they had worked till they were slammed into, where of course we were planning that they didn't work at all and that was how we were planning to get the guy.

Just disconnecting them is not enough because the globes, even broken, would show if they were working till they were hit or not.

In the event, we did nothing and I reckon the tailgating guy was lucky.

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