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I wouldn't say I'm keen on the text typing the youths use but I have found it useful, while getting thrown around in turbulence texting a mate with a private strip it is heaps easier to do "R U home", he knew what I meant!

Slip of a finger in turbulence could say fuk you me


Looking out my office window (as you do) I noticed a sighn (sic) writer painting on the building acrross the road. It took me a while to work out that he had painted a two metre long sign saying "enterance"


Another time when touring QLD I noticed a largish sign at a new building block "Clean Phil wanted"


I bet he got all he wanted.




So all done complaining about raa,now it's complaining about spelling, some need to fly more and /or just get a life




I understand that some people have reasonable excuses to use text language. It's when it's completely unnecessary that it annoys me. If I text a friend in the late afternoon, they'll most likely be in the middle of a movie or video game, not a situation where should have to reply in 2 and 3 letter words.


We are Aussies and we speak slang so why not spell slang, as long as you get the gist of what is written there should be no problem.Not everyone is (edjumacated) or educated to the same level and that comes down to our schools and the quality of our teachers and number of students per classroom and to the student himself who is probably texting/facebooking instead of learning in the classroom.


It is the sign of our times, my entertainment when I was young was out in the bush building log cabins, riding bikes and getting dirty and hanging out with my mates.


These days the modern teenager couldn't change a tube in a bike tyre but sure as sh!t can fix a computer or wiz through an iPhone as though it was nothing while I sit there going WTF how did he do that.


Point taken though Daryl, I for one have a few at times but I cannot look at the screen and type otherwise you would think I was talking Chinese.


Alf (slang and short for Alfred)

Slip of a finger in turbulence could say fuk you me

Looking out my office window (as you do) I noticed a sighn (sic) writer painting on the building acrross the road. It took me a while to work out that he had painted a two metre long sign saying "enterance"


Another time when touring QLD I noticed a largish sign at a new building block "Clean Phil wanted"


I bet he got all he wanted.

Well, depending on ya mates swing it could still be a " come on over" spacer.png



Talking about Aussie slang. When I was working for BAE in England. One of my English course mates said to me " Why do all you Australians have letter O added to most of your names ". I said- What do you mean ? He said- Well you have Johno, Davo , Bretto, even Camo instead of Cameron. I said- I dunno.spacer.png

Check out the column in Australian Geographic: "Dinkum Lingo". It's a great resource on our language. Written by Frank Parvo, who lives in Minnesota.



So all done complaining about raa,now it's complaining about spelling, some need to fly more and /or just get a life

Gotta hv sum fun m8




Speilbinding... Phil......


The title of the thread WAS spelling. While it is not important to the extent of being crucial, we should all aspire to improve in the interests of clarity and accuracy. Toe the line has a different meaning to tow the line .Nev



Dazza: Couldn't agree more with you M8! What annoys me is when people don't proof read what they've posted before they press the button. Should that have read "Better than"?

Moral of the story:Let him without sin cast the first stone......

Gotta love those typogrophical errors:wink:


"People in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones"




I am sorry if this thread that I started has upset some people, I didn't mention anybody in particular. No body is perfect including me, but I have found that my spelling has improved over the years that I have posted on here and on Facebook. I think that, that is a positive. I honestly don't know why people who are not as good as other people with spelling, are getting the sh*ts (sic) when spelling is mentioned. In this modern era with social media, it is a good idea to know how to type and how to spell. There are spell checkers out there and you never know, people may learn something. I know that I have. Cheers



I am sorry if this thread that I started has upset some people, I didn't mention anybody in particular. No body is perfect including me, but I have found that my spelling has improved over the years that I have posted on here and on Facebook. I think that, that is a positive. I honestly don't know why people who are not as good as other people with spelling, are getting the sh*ts (sic) when spelling is mentioned. In this modern era with social media, it is a good idea to know how to type and how to spell. There are spell checkers out there and you never know, people may learn something. I know that I have. Cheers

You may be able to spell ok but I hope you can fly ok because I have been scared by more than a few lately with poor skills and bad airmanship, very worrying , I don't care how they spell or what they believe as long as they don't fly when I commit aviation.



I am sorry if this thread that I started has upset some people, I didn't mention anybody in particular. No body is perfect including me, but I have found that my spelling has improved over the years that I have posted on here and on Facebook. I think that, that is a positive. I honestly don't know why people who are not as good as other people with spelling, are getting the sh*ts (sic) when spelling is mentioned. In this modern era with social media, it is a good idea to know how to type and how to spell. There are spell checkers out there and you never know, people may learn something. I know that I have. Cheers

Don't be hard on yourself, Dazza. After a lifetime teaching kids to spell, I realise how damned hard it is for some of us to get to grips with our mongrel language. Kids used to be subjected to pretty harsh treatment if they got it wrong, and many survivors of this regime find it hard to tolerate bad spelling or grammar when they see it in print. I was lucky to be good at word recognition, which sure makes it easy. I am crap at maths and several other skills.




I wonder if there is a correlation with people who disregard or who seem unaware of placards in the cockpit.


One recently where, right beside the tacho, was a placard stating max rpm for aerobatics was 2600 but "we use 2700".


And earlier, "I didn't know about the placard stating the use of aileron for spin recovery."


Plus my standard observation in pre-licence checks in PA-28: placard stating that unused seat belts are to be fastened.


Local pilots have been known to leave the dipstick loose so creates a real mess when the aeroplane is turned upside down. I see that one flying school has added their own placards to secure the dipstick before flight - if pilots can't think of screwing it in after putting it back in following check on oil quantity then I don't see that a little placard will remind them.


My old man used to say: "Don't trust anyone who can't spell, they don't know their own limitations."


I used to get job applications from graduates who used the spell-checker resulting in their name being spelt incorrectly. My customer rejected electonic reports and data with incorrect spelling of aircraft component names and wrong part-numbers as it could result in costly fixes to documentation to correlate certification data. With so many good applicants for an engineering job it didn't take much to ignore some-one's applicaton.


Similar very competitive situation wrt commercial pilots however I agree that there are more important skills (but getting off topic there).



Don't be hard on yourself, Dazza. After a lifetime teaching kids to spell, I realise how damned hard it is for some of us to get to grips with our mongrel language. Kids used to be subjected to pretty harsh treatment if they got it wrong, and many survivors of this regime find it hard to tolerate bad spelling or grammar when they see it in print. I was lucky to be good at word recognition, which sure makes it easy. I am crap at maths and several other skills.

You may be able to spell ok but I hope you can fly ok because I have been scared by more than a few lately with poor skills and bad airmanship, very worrying , I don't care how they spell or what they believe as long as they don't fly when I commit aviation.

Can I fly ? Yep, I can hold my own. spacer.png And I have been flying long enough to nearly wear a R22 in the cockpit of a jabiru in the circuit at Caloundra a long time ago. Plus a Moonie and I nearly collided over Nth Stradbroke when I was flying a Piper Archer when the visibility was so bad that there was no horizon from burning sugar cane. Should we have been flying fark (sic) no it wasn't what I would call VMC conditions. Did it scare me ? Hell yes and I learnt from it. Did I stop to check that they could spell ? Nope. But that was in a aeroplane, this is sitting in front of a key board.



Don't be hard on yourself, Dazza. After a lifetime teaching kids to spell, I realise how damned hard it is for some of us to get to grips with our mongrel language. Kids used to be subjected to pretty harsh treatment if they got it wrong, and many survivors of this regime find it hard to tolerate bad spelling or grammar when they see it in print. I was lucky to be good at word recognition, which sure makes it easy. I am crap at maths and several other skills.

I'm not the best at maths either Lyle.spacer.png




And of course two a vowels should not follow each other in a sentence.


Example: I sit in an aeroplane.


If you say it out loud you can see the n is used for continuity in the sentence.




We had a thread on that about three years ago and decided to castrate those who didn't realise they were turning or who tried to do two finals at once and haven't had another problem for a long time



Speilbinding... Phil......The title of the thread WAS spelling. While it is not important to the extent of being crucial, we should all aspire to improve in the interests of clarity and accuracy. Toe the line has a different meaning to tow the line .Nev

Sory Nev,. . . . I've jsut had a nwe pair of spcetaclse ( wonet hpaan agaiin ) Oh, and I hpoe you ejnoyde your weke away !





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