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  • 1 year later...

Just a little bit of Chinese news !


90 cm of toilet-paper?.


China's new Facial-recognition-Scanners to be used in Zhangzhour's, High Tech Zone.


Will limit the use of paper to 90cm & a time limit, that when exceeded sounds an alarm.


Hoping to Cleanup the public toilet mess.


"read in APC feb 2019-page 114"






Or use water like the majority of the worlds population. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20191004-the-peculiar-bathroom-habits-of-westerners Cleans better & is more hygienic. Two thirds of the world squat mostly on keyhole type toilets. Some have thrones but with big flat foot places allowing squatting or seating. The Japanese have developed the system originally invented by the French the best with a warm wash followed by a blow dry.




The Romans had the most eco-friendly but possibly the worst health-wise.


The public toilets were truly public (no dividing walls and all outside), and when you were finished you'd pay a small amount to have yourself wiped off with a sponge on a stick.  After that the sponge went back in a bucket of water ready for the next ar*se.


Not sure how often they changed the water in the bucket.




It used to be about paper tigers. Now it's tuggers. Talking $#!t really. In Europe it used to be the big fat lady in black that made you constipated. (Go without rather than face her).  Then it's really hard.  Nev




Slight deviation. I saw a bit of footage on the news featuring a woman who was a thalidomide baby. Her arms were shorter than what should have been her elbow. I wondered how people like her, as well as amputees, get on in the toilet situation. Imagine going through your life needing to have someone to wipe you. Couldn't go anywhere alone.


Our Men's Shed co-ordinator recently injured his right arm and had it in a brace. He said using his left hand to wipe was very difficult. Just try using the hand you don't normally use. It ain't easy.



  • 4 weeks later...
  'red750 said:
... injured his right arm and had it in a brace. He said using his left hand to wipe was very difficult. Just try using the hand you don't normally use...


Much of the Old World regards the left hand as unclean, because it's the one used in toilet.


A good idea to adopt that practice if you are planning to travel.



  'kgwilson said:
Or use water like the majority of the worlds population.


Yup, the amount of climateers around here who will thoughtlessly throw paper into the sewerage. Washing with water is brilliant, haven't had an itchy ass in the 15 years I've been in China, and the thought of me smearing, not cleaning, poo up and down my crack and then walikng around and sitting like that for 4 days until my next shower is disgusting.


.. and then the same Climateers send shampoo, soaps, dishwashing water into the river systems, and now worst, recently discovered, is the plastic microbeads that are getting into the ocean from washing clothes, apprently a serious issue. Most of our grey water goes onto our vegetable garden.


Also, don't wash out your toothpaste from your mouth, spit the bulk out into the bin, but don't rinse, Google it.


I'm not a Greeny, but I am more green than most on a daily basis, including the electric cars I daily in for the last 4 years..





  • 2 weeks later...

"Two thirds of the world squat mostly on keyhole type toilets."


Great when your in need of a hip operation.


Or do you wash your Arse standing upright.


Then have wet trousers !.


Wet floor, Wet seat, Wet pants, sounds awful to say the least.






IT IS !.


I worked in a foundry were a lot of the toilets were locked, because of the water every-were. It seems a certain group of foreigners were Standing on the toilet seat to wash their genitals with bottles of water.


The next user 's were unable to use toilet until the management had it cleaned !.


The out -come was instant dismissal if caught standing on toilet, which had , its door cut to half height.& a worker spending ALL day watching for them. ( O,H, safety).





  • 2 weeks later...

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