old man emu Posted October 16, 2018 Posted October 16, 2018 To the Bloke-in-the-street, is it worth the time and effort to listen to; watch, or read what politicians have said or done today? As I see it, political reporting nowadays simply involves a short video or sound grab of a politician from one party saying that the politicians from every other party are wrong, or crooked, or self-serving, or living in a Fool's Paradise. If the same politician says anything about their party's actions, it is always to claim that only their party is capable of doing great things for the Nation and the "Working Men and Women". Politics is the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government. It has nothing to do with governance, which is the way that the functions of a society are established and monitored. We should be told more about the laws that parliament is debating, and how those laws will affect our lives. The only way to find out what exactly is being considered in parliament is to read Hansard. No doubt much of the actual business of parliament is irrelevant to everyone, but members of the parliamentary press corps should be able to write a report to inform us. I'd rather be told about the effects of the Barbed Wire Entanglement Act, than have to listen to a litany of accusations about who's up who and who's paying the rent amongst politicians.
nomadpete Posted October 16, 2018 Posted October 16, 2018 Quote To the Bloke-in-the-street, is it worth the time and effort to listen to; watch, or read what politicians have said or done today? No!
Phil Perry Posted October 16, 2018 Posted October 16, 2018 Someone said to me today that the Aussie Prime Minister was talking about moving the Australian Embassy / Consulate / Legation or whatever you have there from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem ? ? ? ? This would Please Bibi Netanyahu immensely; but Infuriate the Pallies and Hamas and Muslims around the World. . . Is there any truth in this ? ? If so I have to wonder if Mister Trump has suggested this, since we are told here that ASIO Australia colluded with British Intelligence ( an Oxymoron if there ever was one ) with the Steele Russian collusion dossier designed to prevent his election. . . .? I have seen nothing printed about this, but friend Charles is a freelance reporter and isn't given to fantasies ( usually ) What does the team think ? ( Oh and by the way OME, I'm always interested in OzPolitik,. . .Dunno why, but I find it Sooooo Fascinatin' that I can't even remember the name of the current PM. . . . I HAVE however, consumed much free Champagne, following the wedding of an old friend today. . . .{ Her Father is some Rich Git } .[ what sort of weirdoe gets married on a Tuesday ? ? ? /Rhet )
old man emu Posted October 16, 2018 Author Posted October 16, 2018 Nocookies (This is a safe link to a relevant news report) Palestinians warn Australia risks becoming 'international pariah' if it moves embassy To put the second link into context. Former Prime Minister (chucked out by his own mob) resigned his seat (Wentworth). By-election in Wentworth. Opinion polls indicate that the electorate of Wentworth is going to protest and vote for the candidates from another Parties The Wentworth electorate has a large Jewish population. Talk of moving the Embassy in Isreal from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem surely is an example of electoral pork barreling. Not kosher!
Marty_d Posted October 16, 2018 Posted October 16, 2018 OME summed it up. A desperate PM who sees there's a fair chance his one-seat majority is about to disappear in the Wentworth by-election is throwing any thought bubble he can out there in an attempt to hold on to it. Bad policy on the run. Typical of this government.
facthunter Posted October 17, 2018 Posted October 17, 2018 An independent lady (Dr, ex AMA president) looks like getting in where they previously held an 18% majority under the deposed Malcolm Turnbull. There's 13% jewish population in the electorate but it's unlikely ALL of them will be in agreement with this new announcement. The LNP's candidate is a former Israeli ambassador. It's a not very, cunning stunt which is rapidly turning into another "own goal". Loss of this unlosable seat will produce a hung Parliament in the Lower House and they don't have control of the Senate either. The governments term ends in about 7 months and a loss is already predicted. on consistent poor polling.. They are in pretty much "try anything " panic mode, but deny that of course. The moderate guy "ruling " Indonesia has an election looming and THIS won't make his job much easier. Any Fool can see that except these fools. We are the country with the best Fools in the World. steering the ship. I know you will claim that Honor Phil BUT these people are "special"..Nev
willedoo Posted October 17, 2018 Posted October 17, 2018 Quote It's a not very, cunning stunt I had to read that twice.
Cosmick Posted October 17, 2018 Posted October 17, 2018 Quote OME summed it up. A desperate PM who sees there's a fair chance his one-seat majority is about to disappear in the Wentworth by-election is throwing any thought bubble he can out there in an attempt to hold on to it. Bad policy on the run. Typical of this government. At what cost. endangering Australian lives overseas if some nutter wants to go to heaven. So the Coalition can survive another 6 months. FFS
facthunter Posted October 18, 2018 Posted October 18, 2018 Panicking people don't make the best decisions. They can even drown a rescuer which is counter intuitive.. Nev
red750 Posted October 20, 2018 Posted October 20, 2018 Well, Wentworth is done and dusted. Phelps wins, one seat majority gone. Mr Norf and Souf must be grinning from ear to ear. However within his ranks, Mr Elbow Kneesy is a more preferred leader. Here we go again. Norf & Souf only remains because he is backed by the CFMEU.
willedoo Posted October 20, 2018 Posted October 20, 2018 Dave Sharma was very gracious in defeat. But I think he was just as embarrassed as the rest of Australia watching ringmaster ScoMo-ron and his fool off-sider carry on like a couple of aggressive defiant rednecks in the concession speeches. It really drove home how dis-associated these comedians are from what the Australian voters expect from them. God help us. We're governed by absolute fools. I guess they'll pay a bit of lip service in the next few days and chant a few weasel words like how they are listening to the voters and are here for us. But they are there for themselves and are not listening. In a few months time when they are on the opposition benches, these clowns still won't figure it out. They are the dullest, most untalented bunch of morons I've ever seen try to govern this country in my lifetime. Problem is for them, how do they reform to a point where people trust them long term, and they can go on to provide good government for all Australians. If the right wing of the party broke away to form a fringe party, could the moderate Liberals muster enough numbers to get anywhere.
old man emu Posted October 21, 2018 Author Posted October 21, 2018 If the Right Wing separated, then I think that the Libs would lose their major sources of income. I don't think the power financiers are from the Centre of conservative politics. The Conservatives won't have too much to fear from Phelps. I think deep-down she is a Lib, but with leanings toward fundamental social issues. I doubt if she would ever line up behind Labor.
red750 Posted October 21, 2018 Posted October 21, 2018 Hold the presses - it may not be over yet. Midday Sunday, Phelps lead over Sharma is less than 900 votes, with postal votes yet to be counted, then preferences distributed. Polling day counting is done by volunteer workers at the polling stations. The votes are recounted on Monday by Electoral Commission staff to pick up miscounts, invalid votes missed, etc. If the final lead is less than 100 votes, an automatic recount is completed, or a candidate can request a recount. It may be a week or more before we know.
old man emu Posted October 21, 2018 Author Posted October 21, 2018 ScoMo did his Party no good with his speech to branch members on Saturday night. Are we hearing the sounds of a tumbril coming around the corner?
kgwilson Posted October 21, 2018 Posted October 21, 2018 Quote They are the dullest, most untalented bunch of morons I've ever seen try to govern this country in my lifetime. Absolutely correct but still an understatement IMHO.
Yenn Posted November 1, 2018 Posted November 1, 2018 Sco mo's big worry is that he will lose the next election. That will mean he has been PM for too short a time to get all the perks that previous PMs get, except for Tony Abbot who is in the same boat.
facthunter Posted November 1, 2018 Posted November 1, 2018 The ones who stopped the boats have stopped the Votes. On water matters are kept secret.. Which boat was abbott in?. Was it the polliepeddling one? Nev
nomadpete Posted November 1, 2018 Posted November 1, 2018 Our Philistine pollies wouldn't lower their selves to engage in physical effort such as 'actively pedal'. Anyway, didn't the Wentworth outcome put old mate on the slippery slide?
Marty_d Posted November 1, 2018 Posted November 1, 2018 I just hope Shorten keeps his head down and doesn't do anything particularly stupid. If so Labor should be in with a good chance.
nomadpete Posted November 1, 2018 Posted November 1, 2018 Even that's a depressing thought. It's been a long time since we had any eloquent statesmen hanging around in parliament. Even then they were ratbags.
willedoo Posted November 5, 2018 Posted November 5, 2018 It appears that dastardly commo type varmints have been photoshopping Scomo's campaign bus. [ATTACH]49649._xfImport[/ATTACH] But not to worry, it's fake news. Here's the fair dinkum, thumbs up, baseball cap real version. Queenslanders will just love this daggy dad fair dinkum bloke and his bus. He's here for us. Go Scomo. The answer to all our problems. [ATTACH]49650._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Yenn Posted November 8, 2018 Posted November 8, 2018 He is here today, I think, or at least in Gladstone. Trying to ensure the Libs and Nats win the next election. As far as I am concerned the best way would be for them to drop Ken O'Dowd, who is the sitting member and has his snout well and truly in the trough.
Old Koreelah Posted November 8, 2018 Posted November 8, 2018 In order to preserve what's left of my mental health, I try to limit my exposure to the most toxic news but the following video clip might answer the original question: is it worth reporting on politics? The embedded video of a CNN exporter challenging the President's version of reality clearly shows how it's now the norm for journalists to be abused for speaking out. Pay close attention as a female staffer approaches him. Afterwards, he was banned from the White House and accused of assaulting her. Barack Obama's America can be seen in Donald Trump's midterm election losses - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) "Tthe world's greatest democracy" and the home of free speech has been taken over by this colossal hypocrite, who has stirred up such division that reporters are regularly abused and threatened.
Jerry_Atrick Posted November 8, 2018 Posted November 8, 2018 Clearly, the pressure from the great victory of the mid-term elections is taking its toll on the man...
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