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It's always difficult when we try to compare the way Aboriginals live to the way we live. They had a virtual mono culture for many thousands of years and in that time, the only rubbish they produced was organic matter or stone chips. There was no need to pick their rubbish up as it was all part of the natural environment. So not picking up rubbish is virtually in their dna, and I think old habits die hard.


As a person of European heritage, it's hard to get the head around their different concept of hygiene and sanitation. When I worked in WA in the early 80's, whenever you wanted to find out where the station people were when they were mustering, you got up on a high sand dune and looked for the cloud of crows circling off in the distance. That pointed out a bronco yard where the Aboriginals were camped.


They'd spend three or four days camped at a set of yards, working the cattle before moving on to the next set of yards. They wouldn't take any food with them, just rifles, and shoot a beast for tucker at each set of yards. They'd sleep fairly close to the dead beast beside the yards, and just hack off a steak and cook it when needed. They wouldn't gut the beast or anything, and in the heat, the carcass would get a bit dodgy after a couple of days. The crows were always hooking into the beast as well, hence the always present tell tale cloud of crows circling above their camp.


Not my idea of hygienic food storage, but to them it was perfectly normal, just like not picking up rubbish. They never got crook because the meat was usually well cooked.



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In suburban Alice Springs, this carpet contractor I knew was asked to quote for a new carpet in the living room of an aboriginal tenanted house. There was a blood-soaked area 2m by 1m in the middle of the floor where they had butchered a kangaroo.


Too primitive for carpets, we thought. So did this group we knew who tendered for "appropriate first dwellings " at a settlement well outside the town boundaries. The tender group consisted of an architect, a building supplies shop manager and an aboriginal elder. It was rejected by Canberra as " racist"... yep, no carpets.




Let's not point the finger of Shame only at our indigenous countrymen. Have you ever walked into a house and almost retched because the air is so stale because the windows have corroded shut years ago?


What about entering a block of flats occupied by Asian or Indian workers? Five minutes there and you come out smelling like the main course of a festival feast. And our Middle Eastern friends are well known for butchering goats and sheep at home.




If you could see my bike, you would know that I am not a racist. My top speed is less than the peleton cruises at.


Getting back to housing, I wish we could see more cheaper housing for all those in need and not just aborigines. The alternative for some is the street and I hate seeing them do that. Surely we can do better as a society, and I don't care if the homeless are deserving or not, I don't want to see them outside in the cold.


OME, are aborigines in your area exempt from the backyard fire regulations? They are in Alice Springs.


Here's another thing which annoys me... Aborigines are allowed to kill wild animals, even those prohibited to the rest of us. I would agree with this "traditional hunting" if they used traditional weapons. Alas, they actually use whitefeller rifles.




The Dharawhal people of my area have been in contact with Europeans since Capt. Cook's arrival. They were the mob who stood on the shores of what the Europeans named "Botany Bay" and told Cook and his mates to F... Off! They didn't care for boat people.


Eighteen years later they investigated these ghost people who arrived on floating islands. Once their curiosity was satisfied, they generally ignored the Europeans. That was between 1788 and about 1790. Then they worked out that these white people were not going to go away, so the Dharawhal, after a few conflicts, took the attitude, "If you can't beat them, join them". They obviously tended to mix socially with the poor whites, and from them learned the rural skills that would get them work when food sources failed due to climatic incidents. There are records of many individual Aborigines being of great service to explorers, but the expressions of appreciation generally came as a result of the service the Aborigine provided, not from social interactions between the Aborigine and the Upper Class. Grave of Yuranigh - Wikipedia


The local Aboriginal clans around Camden Airport are the Cabrogal, Muringong and Norongerragal. Members of these clans only light backyard fires in their Webers.






Ho !,


Seems my area is there. OME.


Don't see many of them, But they can claim the land under my house.


I pay rates to parramatta, If they claim the land I bought, can I stop paying the white fellas in Parramatta.






I see where Donald tweeted that Rex Tillerson was "as dumb as a rock" and didn't do as he was told. Different to his earlier tweet in which he said he was terrific and a good person to work with. Tillerson replied that Donald doesn't read reports and briefings, ignores his advisers and acts on what he believes is the thing to do. A real loose cannon. Another senior White House official is about to quit, too. Don't remember who.




The Aboriginal culture has developed over 40 to 60 thousand years. Europeans come along, kill of as many as possible, steal their land and tell them to assimilate and integrate. We told them to change their culture but wouldn't modify ours. Where does the problem lie?



The Aboriginal culture has developed over 40 to 60 thousand years. Europeans come along, kill of as many as possible, steal their land and tell them to assimilate and integrate. We told them to change their culture but wouldn't modify ours. Where does the problem lie?

White fellas could benefit from adopting some aspects of Aboriginal culture.


In a non-indig. community there will be hell to pay if you intervene when a neighbour's kids are neglected or misbehaving.


Visit an indigenous community and kids will be playing free; every mother will take responsibility for them and provide a boot up the bum if they go off the rails. Kids wth slack parents know there is always an Auntie with a feed and a hug on offer.



I see where Donald tweeted that Rex Tillerson was "as dumb as a rock" and didn't do as he was told. Different to his earlier tweet in which he said he was terrific and a good person to work with. Tillerson replied that Donald doesn't read reports and briefings, ignores his advisers and acts on what he believes is the thing to do. A real loose cannon. Another senior White House official is about to quit, too. Don't remember who.

Wasn't it Tillerson who said Trump was a "f*cking moron"?


(Well, Tillerson and everyone else, but someone senior is said to have used those words.)



What if Trump order a war...

A scenario getting more likely as justice closes in on this incredibly corrupt and dishonest president.


History shows that when a leader is cornered they are most likely to distract opposition by manufacturing an external threat.


The signs are hopeful that cooler heads within the military will prevail and recognise that the most clear and present danger to the USA is its elected leader.




The Washington Posts fact checker was up to 6420 false or misleading claims by 30 October, 640 days into his Presidency. The worst day was the 7th of September when he made 120 false or misleading claims.



  • 2 weeks later...

US unemployment has been on a steady decline since 2010 (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-ab&q=us+unemployment+rate). So Trump hasn't reallydone anything other than have a marginal and probably short-term impact on umemployment. Although I think the trade wars also have only had a marginal impact on the economic cycle, he aint helping unemployement, even in the shorter term.


If you think the earth isn't heating, then NASA (US') own numbers would state otherwise: Global Temperature | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet Extreme weather events are on the rise..


I am niot sure the value of all this employment if we are going to render the world uninhabitable.. Of course, human nature is such that the solutions - scientific and sociological to reduce, reuse and recyle - while managing population growth and general standard of living - are not going to happen until it's too late.. if it isn't already




Jerry there is no end of reasons to be pessimistic, but let’s not give up. The best Xmas present we could give our kids, grandies, etc. is to do our best to turn the tide of political opinion on this most existential of issues.



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