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Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.

Phil Perry

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6 hours ago, Jerry_Atrick said:

And, yet he is adored by those that hold the bible so dear - and therefore, presumably representative of envangelical Christian values.

Trump knows suckers when he sees them.

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7 hours ago, Litespeed said:

ou first line is problematic dear OME...

I really must stop click-baiting.


I agree that Donny deserves incarceration. At least that should save us from his rantings. However, the point I was trying to make relates to the Biblical Sins of the Father(s) deriving from biblical references primarily in the books Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers to ancestral sin, the sins or iniquities of one generation passing to another. 


Why should a man be tarnished by the "sins" of his forebears? If you wanted to play that game, the Kennedy clan should carry the burden of Joseph Kennedy's alleged bootlegging activities during Prohibition.


Another point I wanted to make was the sensationalisation of Old Fred's Yukon activities. Does anyone raise the point that many of those made rich by Yukon gold were very likely to have availed themselves of the many services Fred's place provided?

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Pentecostals are  about worship (and Power) of Money. Dog wants you to be greedy. Calling it a Christian religion is  a bit rich. Christ said "you have turned My Father's House into a Den of Thieves" and overturned the tables.    Nev

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I went to the library this morning thinking of picking up a biography of an early Australian female convict who made good. But my eye fell upon Mary L Trump's book about her well-known cousin. Can't wait to start turning the pages.

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What  took you so long?. It's ALL there. I've been recommending it for , well since it was available and I've lent it to many people. It's an easy read in plain language although she is a psychiatrist she doesn't use complex words.  Nev

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Her uncle certainly doesn't use complex words, mainly because he doesn't know any or doesn't know what they mean. He knows Cat, Camera, TV BigMac and even one that doesn't exist Covfefe. He said "I know words, I have the best words, but there is no better word than stupid". That describes him perfectly.

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2 hours ago, facthunter said:

What  took you so long?.

Just a simple lack of desire to read any type of book. I was being distracted in other ways. I like to read in bed, but I've been taking an iPad with me and playing Scrabble. I just decided to do something else that I like before going to sleep.


I'll comment on material in the book when I finish. At the moment I am getting confused between Fred, Mary's grandfather and Fred, her father.

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4 hours ago, facthunter said:

That doesn't ruin the reading of it

I'm approaching it unbiased, unless you call being curious about what she has written is a bias. I suppose it is, because lack of curiosity about the content is of itself a bias. 


I think that after reading a book that is of contemporary popularity, I might go back to re-reading Greene, Orwell and maybe even Hemmingway. James Joyce's "stream of consciousness" style would blow my Grammar policeman's mind.

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You don't expect to find linguistic sophists  in the Police Force.. I have no idea how popular Mary Trumps book is but FACT is often stranger than Fiction.. I have a Passion about FACT but it's getting much more difficult to find and worryingly that's DELIBERATE. Nev

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I'm 80 pages into the book and it has mostly been about the way Old Fred treated mary's father Fred. There have been a few asides mentioning Donald and how Old fred's treatment of Fred helped form Donald's mental pathology.

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Trump Takes His Hatred Of Sharks To Bizarre New Level In Wild Rally Rant


Two of Donald Trump’s signature dislikes met head-on during a rally in Las Vegas on Sunday as the former president railed against both renewable energy and sharks in a wild rant.


Trump, who has frequently attacked electric vehicles, on Sunday complained that electric boats are so heavy they are prone to sinking ― but went off on several tangents as he spoke, including one about sharks.


Then, he wondered if it was better to be on a sinking electric boat or in the water with a shark.

“Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?” he asked.

Trump was clear on which he would choose.


“I’ll take electrocution every single time,” he said. “I’m not getting near the shark.”

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He will make the USA look  stupid and trash the meaning of democracy world wide. When will the Republicans start to actually THINK of what they are condoning and the example it sets for all to see in plain sight. Nev

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I remember not long after he was elected, Rex Tillerson the Secretary of State called "Trump is a complete moron" when Trump rambled on about wanting to increase the nuclear stockpile 10 time its current size. Simplistic and to the point but absolutely on the money. Of course Tillerson was fired.

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On 07/06/2024 at 2:03 PM, facthunter said:

SHE Blames the family for his condition but mainly the father. That doesn't ruin the reading of it.. It won't work you up with rage but gives the reason why HE is AS he is..Enjoy   Nev

News Flash!!!!!

I agree with Facthunter's precis of the book. There's 205 pages of text, of which 194 deal mainly with the father, Fred. A quote, attributed to Aristotle is,  'Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.' In essence, the quote suggests that a person's early years play a fundamental role in shaping their identity and character, laying the foundation for the individual they will grow up to be. It underscores the importance of early childhood experiences and the significant influence they can have on a person's future.


In a similar vein, Alexander Pope's ‘'Tis education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined (Epistles to Several Persons - 1732) well describes why Donald is the person he is.


Being a "middle child" with several years' gap between him and his elder siblings allowed him to observe what their father did to them and to develop tactics to lessen the effects of his father's actions on him. Later he was used as a weapon used by his father to humiliate his elder brother, also named Fred.


As reading material, I found the constant repetition of examples of the father's actions called to my mind that Aboriginal lament, "Poor bugger me", as it related to their interaction with Lord Vestey. By the final chapter, which is the one in which the author applies her experience in the field of psychology, I had the opinion that it was a whinge-a-thon because she and her brother were cut out of the family fortune.


What I did gain from the book was that the Trump family was made toxic by the father, and I suspect by his mother. Raised in such an environment, it is little wonder that Donald is the person he is - very damaged goods.


What is distressing is that those sycophants who hang around him like flies to a turd, have seen through his facade and know that while ever they flatter and bolster his ego, they will have access to the power he may be able to control.


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God tells a lot of  them to vote for the Don. That's a big advantage. SOMEHOW I reckon that's not true. God is pretty smart you know. I doubt He, She, It would be fooled that easy. Unlike his followers.  Nev.

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2 hours ago, old man emu said:

What is distressing is that those sycophants who hang around him like flies to a turd, have seen through his facade and know that while ever they flatter and bolster his ego, they will have access to the power he may be able to control.

That's the real concern for the future of America. Plenty of those sycophants are a lot smarter than he is.

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