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That sounds like one of the smarter people Trump has hired.


Betsy DeVos, the previous Secretary for Education, was as thick as sh*t. In her confirmation hearing she said there was a case for guns in schools because of the risk from grizzly bears.




A common way of Managing things. NEVER have people smarter than you working in high places in YOUR organization. This poses a BIG problem for the Donald whose eyes are far too high in his head even allowing for the fluffy golden hair effect.. Nev



That sounds like one of the smarter people Trump has hired.

Betsy DeVos, the previous Secretary for Education, was as thick as sh*t. In her confirmation hearing she said there was a case for guns in schools because of the risk from grizzly bears.

I think she was referring to the teachers after a day of putting up with the students...




She would probably have been a real president - ie one who doesn't spend 60% of their day on "executive time".


Norm from the "Life be in it" ads looks like a real go-getter compared to Donald Chump.



  • 2 weeks later...

You can bet Clinton would not have proposed her daughter to run the Federal Reserve.


And I bet she would not insist on vetoing the "making rape in war by soldiers a war crime". Trump did yesterday because it offered to support those who are raped to get a abortion if requested.


The UN were gobsmacked he even lobbied China and Russia to veto as well. Both countries that support reproductive rights.


Let's not forget saying the land Israel stole from Palestine, is now recognised as sovereign Israeli land.


He has already started a trade war with Europe, Canada, China, human rights. Women's rights, kicked NATO in the balls and refuses to accept international law, treaties and anything the UN agrees with.


Oh and kissed Putin's are and the Nth Korean mutters balls.


What could possibly go wrong?




What could go wrong?


No matter how bad it is, Things can always get worse.


Our grovelling politicians are always straining to hang onto the coattails of whatever a US president says. Our political motto is "me too!"


It's a wonder we haven't started building a wall to keep the migrants out. Nothing would surprise me.




Netanyahoo is going to name some of the latest acquired land in Trump's name. He's made a big hit with the Israeli's. Don't give a stuff about the Palestinians or what the UN thinks..They are God's chosen People. That's not a bad idea IF you can arrange it. You can pretty much do what you like then and it's OK.. I think I'll come back as a God's chosen item. Definitely a good deal for you.. Nev




What will he do about the ever growing threat of the Chinese armanents. I can see what China is doing, but can Trump, or any of our Pollies.


China has got to the stage where USA is afraid of losing the top spot. I cannot see that China wants to fight a war with USA, but if it isn't strong enough to threaten the USA it will surely be attacked by them. This is also similar to the case of North Korea. So keep Trump on the sidelines and eventually he will go away. At least that is what the Democrats hope.



It's a wonder we haven't started building a wall to keep the migrants out. Nothing would surprise me.

What do you call "Operation Sovereign Borders"?




If 911 happened now & the US blamed somewhere like Vietnam, would they invade on the false pretence (WMD) like they did in Iraq and all the consequences leading to the IS caliphate? China is right next door & even though historically China & Vietnam have not been the best mates there is no way the US would even consider it. China is too strong and Trump has lost most of his mates.




IF Trump knew a bit more of the history of these regions, listened to any of his advisors and used his brain for once he might make a sensible decision occasionally instead of threatening to use his big red button and beat up people to make them do what HE wants. which seems to be all he knows how to do. He has also collected all the war mongers in the Military around him now so why would anyone in the world trust him to do anything but threaten them and worse? ALL the people you Bully will gradually get more powerful for the inevitable day of settlement for past scores, actual or perceived and there's been plenty of actual ones. He has been rude to most of his Usual ALLIES also and shows little respect for any Democratic process at home or abroad.. Nev



...listened to any of his advisors...

But I believe the last adult left the building when Jim Mattis resigned. I think Trump's main adviser is Fox News.



  • 2 weeks later...

A new low on the Golan Heights. Netanyahoo has announced that a new proposed settlement on Syria's occupied Golan Heights will be named after Trump. Just head straight up Bullsh*t Boulevard and take a left into Orange Clown Drive.




I'm currently reading "Edge of Eternity" by Ken Follett, the third book in his Century trilogy. This one encompasses the post-WW2 cold war period, including all the big events - the Berlin Wall, Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy assassinations, Vietnam, Martin Luther King, USSR's invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Beatles, etc etc.


Anyway, it's fascinating reading about Richard Nixon's presidency. Crooked business dealings, aggressive and self-centred president who believed the "liberal press" were out to get him... just sounded so familiar. Published in 2014 so it was before Trump's candidacy started in 2015.




Marty, on Nixon's plus side, during his presidency, the EPA was formed, the Endangered Species Act passed, integration in southern public schools was achieved, the draft was ended, the U.S. left Vietnam, they put man on the moon, improved relations with China and the Soviet Union leading to the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty and SALT treaty. He also floated the dollar and ended gold backing for their currency, introduced some health and environmental reforms and good medical research bills, and did a lot for minorities.


Other bills and constitutional reforms Nixon supported was the lowering of the voting age to eighteen, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Noise Control Act and the Consumer Product Safety Act. He was no saint, but did his bit for healthcare, the environment, the economy, civil rights and minorities, and did a lot for cancer research and clinics. I don't think Trump's record on the plus side will shine a light on Nixon's.



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