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Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.

Phil Perry

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Someone planned to take a potshot at Mr Tangerine Man while he was playing golf. No shots fired and the Secret Service caught the bloke. I wonder how many others will have a go.


I reckon Biden should quickly make a statement condemning political violence, but to advise Americans that the pen is mightier than the sword, so use the pen on election day to make a mark for Kamala which will stop Mr Tangerine Man this time.


Unfortunately, if that happened, he'd still be around stirring up trouble until 2028. By then he'd be 82 years old, which is the age Biden will be at the end of his term when he hands over to the next President.

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apparently it was a scoped AK47.....
.... hardly an ideal assassination attempt.

I think the whole semi-automatic rifle craze is whats keeping them alive.

none of the would be assassins are bright enough to know a hunting rifle would be far more accurate and easy to place a shot with

Edited by spenaroo
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On the positive side, the fact that both attempts were so clumsy silly, poorly planned and executed. And failed.


This makes it difficult for maga nuts to believably claim that the dems are trying to bump off their hero.


After all, a planned hit organised by somebody with deep pockets, would engage a sniper with the right gear, and a single shot would do it. He's  a big target!

Edited by nomadpete
Thankfully they failed to make him a martyr
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8 hours ago, Marty_d said:

The upside is, even if he does fluke / cheat his way into the white house again, maybe the lazy fucker will spend less time on the golf course.

Not bloody likely! When he was President his presidential schedule had to be arranged around his golfing. Trump visited a Trump Organization property on 428 (nearly one in three) of the 1,461 days of his presidency and is estimated to have played 261 rounds of golf, one every 5.6 days. That means he spent 47% of his time in personal activities. Also, while the figure is for rounds of golf, you've got to add in travel time to the course, plus time at the 19th.


Even when he was in Washington, allegedly "at work", he spent a lot of time watching news feeds. He was basically watching the ratings like the CEO of a TV station would to see how a program was running. A gnat has a longer attention span than Trump.

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The latest assassin, Ryan Routh, is a former Trump voter who has actually seen the light and appears to have arranged some of his brain cells into some sort of working order.

He wrote a book in 2023, and in it, he says -


QUOTE: "You are free to assassinate Trump," Routh wrote of Iran in an apparently self-published 2023 book titled Ukraine's Unwinnable War, which described the former president as a "fool" and "buffoon" for both the January 6, 2021, Capitol riots and the "tremendous blunder" of leaving the Iran nuclear deal.

Routh wrote that he once voted for Trump and must take part of the blame for the "child that we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless".


I find it interesting that Routh, typifies the average Trump voter - working, but owns little by way of assets, permanently angry about global and U.S. events, has a minor criminal record, obviously spends a lot of time online ranting, is prepared to resort to firearms and kill people to solve problems, at the drop of a hat - but, in a departure for the average Trump voter, was trying to recruit fighters for Ukraine.


New bodycam footage shows dramatic arrest of Trump suspect (msn.com)


This is the best comment I've seen on Trump for while, and it comes from a Springfield Ohio resident, Felicia Duncan. She wrote a letter on Monday to the Cincinatti Enquirer, saying "he brings out the crazies" -


QUOTE: She argued, "Trump "brings a lot of this stuff on himself."

"When he continues to push lies about legal immigrants like the ones in Springfield, Ohio; when he continues to insist he was not the loser of the 2020 election; when he continues to spout how he wants to use our military to round up' and deport immigrants who are not white from this country, he brings the crazies out," Duncan wrote. "One of those crazies tries to shoot him."


Edited by onetrack
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Donald Trump referred to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) as the “future vice president,” and social media critics were quick to call it a “Freudian slip.”


Speaking Thursday at a rally in Tucson, Arizona, the Republican nominee first referred to Democrat Kamala Harris’ running mate as if he were the current vice president.


Social media users pounced.


“Epic Freudian slip from Donald Trump,” one wrote. “He knows Tim Walz is going to be the next Vice President of the United States.”


The Harris campaign called it a “stunningly senile moment.”

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I seen junior Twat (vance ) blaming democrats for their rhetoric causing the shooting attempts. The only violence endorsing talk i have seen is Trump using words like Fight, rise up, take back what is ours etc, It is not his to take back, the people have to GIVE him and his mob the right to be in the government. If the idiot ever woke up to that he could tell people what HE WILL DO to make America great again rather than just name call and blame.

But a narcissistic person never sees themselves wrong even when there is blatant evidence. 

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The problem with his rusted on sychophants is that they think we are a communist country. To them, anything to help the poor average man is a communist action, even if they are the poor average man. "Let's not do anything Socialist!". And Donald plays up to that.







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