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Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.

Phil Perry

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You just answered your own statement. . . if both sides are just as wankersaurius. . .what the hell does it matter to us outsiders ? we can have no input on the outcome.

Both sides are NOT the same.


It's like giving equal weighting to the opinions of an anti-vaxxer and a virologist. One knows what they're talking about and the other knows nothing.


Trump is the anti-vaxxer who cares nothing about climate change, health, education, gun control, sustainable jobs or any of the other real issues his country needs to deal with.


Literally any Democrat would be a huge improvement on him.



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Sorry Marty, but you are wrong. Trump is fundamentally isolationist. He wants to promote US business and believes that the best customers for US produced goods are US citizens. This makes fundamental sense. Another description is "isolationist". May be out of time but makes sense. Difficulty is that the system is populated with imperialists who still believe that there is scope for the US to effect world domination. I note that the mad dogs are warning Russia to withdraw their support (military in this case) from Venezuela. Big chance when the US crazies repeat their tired cliche, "All options remain on the table"!



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Sorry Marty, but you are wrong. Trump is fundamentally isolationist. He wants to promote US business and believes that the best customers for US produced goods are US citizens. This makes fundamental sense. Another description is "isolationist". May be out of time but makes sense. Difficulty is that the system is populated with imperialists who still believe that there is scope for the US to effect world domination. I note that the mad dogs are warning Russia to withdraw their support (military in this case) from Venezuela. Big chance!

I notice you don't address his other faults, which are legion.


But even on the isolationist approach, it doesn't make sense. Unless he's going to shut down the internet to stop Americans buying stuff produced at lower cost than is possible in the US?



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The Trump administration has come under fire for a budget proposal that would eliminate federal funds for the Special Olympics. (Guardian, this morning)


This is the depths to which an exceedingly populist outfit will stoop when pandering to their moronic base.


Trump has decided to risk chaos in international trade by utilising tariffs in an attempt to prevent Americans' internet purchases feeding China. You see, I do see the negative side of Trump in this and many other actions taken.



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Donny has a turkey neck. Turkey is the traditional Thanksgiving food.Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Presidential Election Day in the United States of America is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. They have to hold it in early November so that the turkey will be ready for Thanksgiving.



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All Trumps antics are just a smokescreen for his much worse crimes.


We expect elected leaders not to use their powerful position for personal gain.


America has a long history of corrupt politicians, but with some notable exceptions.


As President Harry Truman (the bloke who said "the buck stops here") neared retirement after decades of public service, he was almost penniless, so congress created the presidential pension.


Trump is no Harry Truman. He has cleverly distracted the media and the public from his colossal corruption with a steady stream of relatively minor scandals (most of which are far more serious than the one that got Bill Clinton impeached).


Enough collusion talk. It's time to focus on Trump's corruption | Michael Paarlberg



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Clinton was ultimately acquitted. The political judiciary closed ranks. Nixon was also impeached but resigned before anything happened. Trump is so slippery nothing may ever be done even though his corrupt conduct is now legendary. The latest is that he always cheats at Golf. His caddy always gets his ball out of the woods so it mysteriously appears in the middle of the fairway and is the only one who ever checks hit tweets but that is only during the day. His lies & false or misleading statements are fast approaching 10,000 since taking office.



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Now it's normal so it doesn't matter any more. His followers are rusted on and he will be worshipped forever as the only "real" politician. Every other one is FAKE.. Hate every other government but ME, ME, ME. (The DICKtator). HE loves dictators. and a big red button to clinch the deal.. Nothing like a level playing field .Nev



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The media called the election wrong and have ever since then not forgiven Trump for showing them up. The Democrats believe they are born to rule.


A pox on all of them I say, but is Trump any worse than Clinton would have been?



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WW3 is likely to be fun?. I don't think so. This guy is a big risk in many ways. He doesn't look after the traditional allies. Has the language ability of about a 12 year old. His job will be used to advance his own position rather than America's. He's a chronic misrepresenter of facts. and unsuited to be the chief of the armed forces or anything above a TV host with a low rated "flesh" show. He didn't expect to get elected but considered it would improve his "exposure".. He's trashed the idea that the American form of Democracy should apply universally in one fell swoop. Nev



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While I don't particularly think he'll start WW3 (hopefully cool heads in the Chiefs of Staff, if there are any left, would refuse any order that would cause direct conflict) - I think his actions and influence are particularly unhelpful when it comes to climate change.


He's gutted the EPA, withdrawn from Paris, unashamedly supports big polluters, despises environmentalists and only likes nature if it's been turned into a golf course.


I really don't know if he's viewed in the US the same as he's viewed by the rest of the world. Every world leader knows he's a clown and totally out of his depth. I can't see how anyone with half a brain within the US can seriously consider him as presidential material.


However we know he's already given hope to scum like white nationalists. If he still has widespread support among the right-of-centre population over there, then his views and actions on the environment may influence policy for years to come.


It's going to be interesting to see what happens in 2020. One would hope that even centre-right voters would backlash against him... but I don't think it's likely.



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A complete clown with the intellect of a retarded amoeba but the rust belt still think he is their saviour despite failing to entice any industries that moved offshore to return or reduce the jobless rate in these states. A friend & LAME who is in IOWA working reckons they still think the sun shines out of his arce. He is of course a self proclaimed genius as we have all been told..



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Mexico can beat the USA by stopping exports of the products that Wall Street corporations produce there.


President Trump’s administration is exploring the option of levying a tax on U.S. imports from Mexico. The tax could be as high as 20%. Such a hefty burden could impact United States' trade with its third-largest trade partner, which exports everything from cars to televisions, fresh fruits to beer, and crude oil to edible oil.


How Much Does the U.S. Import From Mexico?



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He's surrounded himself with warmongers. Why THEN should we expect NO WAR.? He's threatened most possibles already and increased military spending above it's world beating level. Hasn't helped in Vietnam or Afganistan or anywhere else but he hasn't noticed things like that. Sells record amounts of War materials to the Saudi's to inflame the already totally unstable ME because there's money in it.. ME war equals world war and instability in the extreme almost instantly for us all. the most powerful country in the world is run by a question mark who consults no one and is a real DILL. Lets get real here as entertaining as he may be. This is not a dress rehearsal. it's the real thing. Nev



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How does this man surround himself with the biggest bunch of idiots ever seen? Steven Mnuchin is the Treasury Secretary one of the most powerful positions in Washington. He was an investment banker.


He was facing a Congressional Committee enquiry. He complained that he had been kept longer than any other witness, and produced a previously prepared list. He said he was going to be late for his next appointment.


The chairman of the enquiry, Maxine Waters, said he was free to leave.


Mnuchin: Could you please clarify that?


Waters: You can leave any time you like.


Mnuchin: What are you saying?


Waters: If you wish to leave, you may.


Mnuchin: You want me to stay here?


Waters: No. I said you could leave.


Mnuchin: You didn't dismiss everybody and bang the gravel.


No, I didn't misspell it, he actually said Gravel when he meant gavel.


What hope is there?



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