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Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.

Phil Perry

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"Mr Pompeo is set to help Mr Morrison launch his new book — Plans for Your Good: A Prime Minister's Testimony of God's Faithfulness — at the Australian embassy"


I can't wait to read sfm's new book. Can I hope for a picture of trump holding it up, next to his new bible?


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4 hours ago, Marty_d said:

What, Donny's going to have his way with him then pay him to keep quiet about it?

The Orange Clown spanked with SFM's bible. Followed by the laying on of the hands. Maybe he can cast out some demons while he's at it. Exorcise a big orange turd.

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11 minutes ago, spenaroo said:

is anyone actually still a supporter of the guy?

SFM has been greasing up to him in the last 24 hours or so, and all the Sky News talking heads (Paul Murray et al).

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4 hours ago, spenaroo said:

So question....


with the original title.

is anyone actually still a supporter of the guy?


no judgment of opinion. just curious with all the bashing that goes on here

The original title was a joke,  if you look at the first post you'll see.

In reality the sort of idiots who support Clive Palmer might be closet Trump supporters. 

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Well, the Prosecution has closed its case. The Defence called one witness who absolutely blew any possible doubt of Trump's guilt out the window. Trum exercised his constitutional right not to testify. Nothing unusual about that, not can any inference be made of that decision. Probably the best one he's made in this matter.


The matter has been adjourned until next Tuesday for closing arguments and the judges directions to the jury. That means the jury is not likely to come back with a verdict until the first week of June. It would be an absolute Laugh if they went into the jury room, had a pit stop and came back in 30 minutes with a "Guilty" verdict. Under New York practice, the sentence would not be handed down for a week or two.


In the event that Trump would be incarcerated, the authorities are already working on plans to deal with that contingency. One wonders if Trump would need to be protected from Bubba, or the prison protected from MAGA mobs trying to break him out. However, although a verdict might be reached in a couple of weeks, we all know that the appeals will drag on for years. The best service Trump could do for the legal system is to drop dead so that there is no one to prosecute.

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As far as getting cosy with Bubba goes, it would depend on the law regarding Trump's right to Secret Service protection. Maybe Bubba could get around the agents with a bit of old fashioned bribery

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Stormy Daniels said on Tv, it's tiny and mushroom shaped.


Also the worst sex of her life.


In the trial she said he insisted "I spank him with a magazine that had his face on the front cover". 


Egotistical sociopath doesn't do him justice.



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11 minutes ago, Litespeed said:

In the trial she said he insisted "I spank him with a magazine that had his face on the front cover". 

That's one way to kiss his own ass.

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It's the only way , he can't see his wee willy or feet. But he never seems short of sycophants kissing his ass, and licking the shit, no matter what he does.


If hand size related to willy (which is a myth) he would have babies hands.

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It's typical of the Media to seize on the salacious wherever it can. It's even better when the story involves a person who is involved in the sex industry as was Stormy Daniels (stage name).


Trump is not on trial for adultery. He is on trial for crimes against the rules of commercial activity - falsifying business records. The spark that lit that fire was his business involvement with Stormy.


Why was Stormy at Trump's place? She wasn't some call girl or street walker brought in for a bit of rumpy-pumpy. She was there to discuss a deal between Trump and her production company for the financing of the video products she was known for. It doesn't take much conjecture, relying on what we now know of Trump's business methods, to consider that the bedroom scene had more of the "casting couch" requirement than a desire by both to carve a notch into the beadhead. One could even stretch the point to conclude that Stormy was somewhat coerced into the session in order to seal the financial deal.


Thereafter, it is reasonable to assume that both of them had no need to spruik about the encounter, unless Trump would for typical Alpha male reasons (Guess who's screwed Stormy.) I'm sure that Stormy would not have considered it worth crowing about. Afterall, in 2008 when this happened, Trump was just another rich guy with a TV show. However, there were other people present at that time who would have known what was happening in the bedroom. Come 2016, someone spilled the beans to the Gutter Press, and word got back to Trump. From her testimony, Stormy was reluctant to tell her story as she had moved on from that earlier lifestyle and did not want to drag it up.


However, Trump was running for President of a country where murder and mayhem are OK , but even uttering a mild expletive brings calls for eternal damnation from the Righteous. Adopting the adage that money buys happiness, Trump concocts a plan to buy Stormy's silence. Why wouldn't she take the money for doing exactly what she wanted to do anyway - keep schtum? 


Having handed over the money, Trump created another problem - how to disguise the payment so as not to let the cat out of the bag. That's where the fancy accounting came into play. And that is what he's been caught doing. He has been arraigned on 34 charges, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 4 years. Not only do those accusations indicate a complete disdain for the statute law surrounding commercial activity, they also hint at the idea of interference with free and fair elections - the very cornerstone of the democratic system allegedly upon which the USA is built.


One has to wonder, if Trump is such a ridiculously rich man, why didn't he simply draw the money out of his own private bank account and put it in a plain envelope to give to Stormy. Also, were the businesses, from whose accounts the money was taken, his personal property or were there joint owners? If there were joint owners, does what he did also amount to stealing from them?

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13 hours ago, Litespeed said:

Stormy Daniels said on Tv, it's tiny and mushroom shaped.

Thanks Litespeed, I'll never be able to unread that. That and the thought I had mushroom soup the other night. Project for the day - Google mushroom free recipes.

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To be held on June 24 2024. Donny in attendance. They might have to change the location from London, England to London, Ohio because Donny's freedom to travel outside the USA might be severely curtailed.

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