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Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.

Phil Perry

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1 hour ago, old man emu said:

change the location from London, England to London, Ohio because Donny's freedom to travel outside the USA might be severely curtailed.

Wishful thinking. Folks from the top of the food chain don't seem to get the same legal treatment as normal folks.

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3 hours ago, old man emu said:

To be held on June 24 2024. Donny in attendance. They might have to change the location from London, England to London, Ohio because Donny's freedom to travel outside the USA might be severely curtailed.

My suggestion would be New York. That's New York, a town in eastern Ukraine not far from the front line. With all Donald's hot air they could use him as a barrage balloon.

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That's Holly Valance - ex-Aussie actor (Neighbours of course).  Had a hit single "Kiss Kiss" in 2002.  


Now she's married a pommy billionaire and gone raving bonkers.

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4 hours ago, Marty_d said:

That's Holly Valance - ex-Aussie actor (Neighbours of course).  Had a hit single "Kiss Kiss" in 2002.  

She could do a remake - ' Kiss Kiss Donald's arse '.

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Mary Trump Recalls Uncle’s Childhood ‘Origin Story’ That Exposed A ‘Dangerous’ Trait


Mary Trump said her uncle Donald Trump’s inability to laugh at himself is a “dangerous” trait that can be traced back to at least a humiliating incident in his childhood, which she called the former president’s “origin story.”


On TikTok this week, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee’s niece recalled the time her father Fred dumped a bowl of mashed potatoes onto his younger brother Donald’s head to stop him from tormenting their younger brother Robert.


Donald stopped acting out and Robert stopped crying, she said.


But then everyone started laughing at Donald and he “probably felt humiliated for the first time in his life,” she continued.


The incident was frequently brought up at family gatherings and “every single time, even six decades after the event itself occurred, Donald reacted exactly the same way,” said Mary Trump, who is one of her relative’s biggest critics.


“While everybody was laughing about it, he crossed his arms. And he pouted and he sulked until somebody changed the subject,” she said.


In another video on TikTok, Mary Trump explained the significance of the moment that has entered “family lore.”


“I think it says something about Donald that even as a little kid, he was incapable of having a sense of humor about himself, which is really not great,” she said.


“Kids need to have that kind of resilience that he never had,” she added. “But worse, at seven decades later, he still does not have the ability to laugh at himself, which I think is a dangerous thing.”

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So far, it is hardly worth crowing about. It's a hollow victory.

Might have mattered more if the judge was a Republican, or if a sentence was enforcable.


But it is a step in the right direction.

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A great outcome for a country that doesn't mind allowing a convicted felon to run for president might be.................






Stormy Daniels for president in 2024. Have you heard her speak? When she opens her mouth, what comes out makes sense!

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Now that the trial is over he can squeal however he likes.  Whether or not he gets jail time (very unlikely), it doesn't change the fact that he is now a convicted felon.  If it sways some swing voters away from him it's a good thing.


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The options are:

  1. Probation
  2. House arrest
  3. Incarceration.

When you look at it, the New York law doesn't seem to have placed great weight on the offence itself. Compared to some length of imprisonment penalties in the USA, four years is inconsequential. Some poor druggie can get 10 years for a rock of crack.


Given that conviction was for 34 separate frauds, probation would be an outrage to Justice.


Given that Trump's home is a palace, house arrest would hardly seem a punishment. However, I wonder if a person sentenced to house arrest by a New York State court would be allowed to leave the State to serve the sentence.


While each of the offences for which he was convicted carries a four-year maximum term, in situations where a person has been convicted of multiple repeats of the same crime, Courts will often give the same sentence for each event, but instead of accumulating them, order that they be served concurrently. If not Donny would be up for a maximum of 136 years. Any reasonable person would consider doing that to be an abuse of the legal system. 


My bet is four years' incarceration on each, time to be served concurrently with a minimum of six months' before parole. Time would begin from date of conviction and that would keep him locked up intil the end of November - after the Presidential election.

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Listen to what Trump spewed out after the verdict. 


Trump blames the Judge, calling him corrupt. Trump seems to forget that a Judge is simply the referee, whose job it is to apply the rules fairly and equally to both sides. It was the members of the jury who made up their minds to bring in the verdict they did. One wonders what Trump would have said if the verdict was "Not Guilty"? I suppose he would have praised the members, but still call the trial a witch hunt.


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Six months under house arrest in his triplex apartment on top of Trump tower would be a good result. He’d have plenty of time to get out the tape measure and work out how big it is.

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3 minutes ago, rgmwa said:

Six months under house arrest in his triplex apartment on top of Trump tower

But does he still own Trump Tower? Wasn't it confiscated to meet fines set by another court? Maybe those were the fines that he milked his disciples for the money.

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