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Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.

Phil Perry

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Here's a random thought. Watch the video of the "shooting" again. Trump swats his ear like there was a wasp on it. What if he had a fake blood capsule behind his ear and burst it when he swatted it? He certainly got to his feet quickly, stuck his head above his Special Services security squad to pump his fist and shout Fight Fight Fight. Is that what a normal person would do when they had just been shot? The other victims, including the shooter, may have been collateral damage.

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2 hours ago, red750 said:

Here's a random thought. Watch the video of the "shooting" again. Trump swats his ear like there was a wasp on it. What if he had a fake blood capsule behind his ear and burst it when he swatted it? He certainly got to his feet quickly, stuck his head above his Special Services security squad to pump his fist and shout Fight Fight Fight. Is that what a normal person would do when they had just been shot? The other victims, including the shooter, may have been collateral damage.

Another thought: wouldn't you think the SS would have surveillance drone coverage of the surrounding rooftops. Cheap and easy to do with the operators wired into the other agents earpieces. They would have identified the shooter at least five minutes before the shooting started.

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It's boosted his cause immeasurably. Somehow it's Biden behind it, Will Trump  try to cool the hysteria? It looks like NO way Jose. and He's the only one who could tone down the rhetoric, Putin will be rejoicing.  Nev

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11 hours ago, red750 said:

What if he had a fake blood capsule behind his ear and burst it when he swatted it?

You beauty! Another conspiracy theory. Tell it to the family of the person who copped the bullet behind Trump.


(Red: Attacking the thought, not the man. :surrender:)

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His luck seems never ending. The judge in the Documents case who was supposed to put him on trial decided to put the special prosecutor, Jack Smith on trial instead and found him guilty of being unqualified to bring any charges against Trump. 

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1 hour ago, old man emu said:

Another conspiracy theory.

I did say 'random thought.' It's just that he couldn't have scripted it better to boost his chances in the election, had those collateral situations not happened. 

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The whole episode is riddled with material for potential conspiracy theories (for both political sides).


1. How was it possible that nobody noticed a spectator entered the area carrying a rifle? Maybe all Republican MAGA supporters carry weapons anyway?


2. At the distance alleged, why did only one shot get close to target? - I counted 7 shots in the video.


3. With all the people crowded around, why did only one of 7 shots actually hit a spectator? Maybe there are others, or all 7 hit the same person?


4. Are the special services guards so incompetant that they were not scanning the area? Did they not do a survey of area in advance to assess likely sniper opsitions?


5. When 7 shots missed, and Don stood up to pose in defiance, he stood tall and made a stationary target. That would have been  an easier target, but no further shot was fired.


6. Why was there such a small flag hanging behind that spot? Usually at these do's the background is crowded by big american flags.


7. Why did special services evacuate Don by taking him up to a high exposed point on stage? If it was up to me, I would want to head low for cover.


Note they allowed him to stand tall at that exposed location.


There are lots of things that one could make a story about.


But in reality, the event didn't need a complex conspiracy to happen. All it took was one angry young man. Sure, it plays right into the hands of MAGA brigade. And they will make the most of it.


Maybe it would be an opportunity for NSA to ferret out a bunch of political manipulating social media bots.


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1 hour ago, nomadpete said:

The whole episode is riddled with material for potential conspiracy theories (for both political sides).


1. How was it possible that nobody noticed a spectator entered the area carrying a rifle? Maybe all Republican MAGA supporters carry weapons anyway?


2. At the distance alleged, why did only one shot get close to target? - I counted 7 shots in the video.


3. With all the people crowded around, why did only one of 7 shots actually hit a spectator? Maybe there are others, or all 7 hit the same person?


4. Are the special services guards so incompetant that they were not scanning the area? Did they not do a survey of area in advance to assess likely sniper opsitions?


5. When 7 shots missed, and Don stood up to pose in defiance, he stood tall and made a stationary target. That would have been  an easier target, but no further shot was fired.


6. Why was there such a small flag hanging behind that spot? Usually at these do's the background is crowded by big american flags.


7. Why did special services evacuate Don by taking him up to a high exposed point on stage? If it was up to me, I would want to head low for cover.


Note they allowed him to stand tall at that exposed location.


There are lots of things that one could make a story about.


But in reality, the event didn't need a complex conspiracy to happen. All it took was one angry young man. Sure, it plays right into the hands of MAGA brigade. And they will make the most of it.


Maybe it would be an opportunity for NSA to ferret out a bunch of political manipulating social media bots.


Just some thoughts on the above points:

1. He probably brought the rifle on site concealed under a coat.


2. He probably wasn't a good shot. Also a crowd of 50 or more people spotted him as soon as he started crawling on the low side of the reverse gable slope. They alerted police officers who were too close to the building to see him on the roof. The shooter had been exposed and law enforcement was looking for him, so he had to get to the top of the gable and get his shots off as best he could. He knew he was compromised so wouldn't have had time to frame an accurate first shot let alone the subsequent shots.


3. Three spectators were hit, one dead and two critically wounded. He also hit a hydraulic line on the elevated crane boom. In one video you can see fluid spurting out and the boom retracting. It might have been a ricochet as the crane was a fair way off target.


As for the rest of the points, all I can think is Secret Services incompetence. There's a lot of current opinion that the SS has gone downhill. I'd guess the sitting President gets the 'A' team and the others get the dregs. The SS only had control over the inner secured area. All the outer areas like where the shooter was located were under the responsibility of the local police. It seems stupid that a rooftop 150 metres from the protectee was not under SS control and was left to the local Sheriff and Deputy Barney.


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There's been a lot of critisism of the performance of the female members of the Secret Service team and general critisism of the new Secret Service DIA hiring policy which aims towards 30% women employed. In the video footage I saw they didn't do too well, and one lady in particular seemed very flustered. The problem with social media video footage is that video is often clipped to suit the agenda of the person posting it and context can be lost. It can show what looks like bad performance only, with any good performance cut out. To have a balanced opinion, you would have to see the footage in it's entirety.

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5 hours ago, nomadpete said:

The whole episode is riddled with material for potential conspiracy theories (for both political sides).


1. How was it possible that nobody noticed a spectator entered the area carrying a rifle? Maybe all Republican MAGA supporters carry weapons anyway?


2. At the distance alleged, why did only one shot get close to target? - I counted 7 shots in the video.


3. With all the people crowded around, why did only one of 7 shots actually hit a spectator? Maybe there are others, or all 7 hit the same person?


4. Are the special services guards so incompetant that they were not scanning the area? Did they not do a survey of area in advance to assess likely sniper opsitions?


5. When 7 shots missed, and Don stood up to pose in defiance, he stood tall and made a stationary target. That would have been  an easier target, but no further shot was fired.


6. Why was there such a small flag hanging behind that spot? Usually at these do's the background is crowded by big american flags.


7. Why did special services evacuate Don by taking him up to a high exposed point on stage? If it was up to me, I would want to head low for cover.


Note they allowed him to stand tall at that exposed location.


There are lots of things that one could make a story about.


But in reality, the event didn't need a complex conspiracy to happen. All it took was one angry young man. Sure, it plays right into the hands of MAGA brigade. And they will make the most of it.


Maybe it would be an opportunity for NSA to ferret out a bunch of political manipulating social media bots.


If it comes to a choice between a conspiracy and a cockup, it'll be the cockup every time.


And the headstone of that sniper should read "If only he'd aimed for the chest".

Edited by Marty_d
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The sad reaction is due to the comment about not taking Joe’s call because he was a “devout republican”. It’s not a religion, it’s bloody politics. When these morons wake up to this they might have a better country.


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