Phil Perry Posted February 27, 2019 Posted February 27, 2019 Sea level data ALTERED by scientists to create false impression of rising oceans
octave Posted February 27, 2019 Posted February 27, 2019 Sea level data ALTERED by scientists to create false impression of rising oceans Phil do you consider this site to be a source of reliable information? The article states that NASA confirms sea levels are falling. This is what NASA does claim New Study Finds Sea Level Rise Accelerating (Feb 14 2018) So how trustworthy is NaturalNewscom Natural News - Wikipedia well not very, it is known as a conspiracy site. FACT CHECK: Does NASA Data Show That Global Warming Isn’t Causing a Sea Level Rise? It is interesting to read a list of the "most viewed articles" on this site, here are just a few: How the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact might unleash a violent civil war following the 2020 election… which is exactly what Democrats want Florida now following California in forcing toxic, deadly vaccines onto millions of children EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATE Vaccine debate makes more people question safety and effectiveness – so the industry has SHUT DOWN all discussion 3 Reasons to start your morning with a glass of cayenne pepper water Elderberries are more effective than vaccines at protecting you against colds and flu
nomadpete Posted February 27, 2019 Posted February 27, 2019 Phil is simply presenting the 'other side' of the climate change 'argument', and the antivax argument. It is always wise to read up on both sides of any argument. And doing a little background checking shows that the climate change data and vaccine benefit data are based on much more believable sources than the climate change deniers and anti vaxxers.
spacesailor Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 IF The mozie problem, was almost iradicated by DDT.But that would put a lot of people out of work. BAN the NEW problem, and people keep earning money, and the wheels of industry are saved. No chance of upgrading our old friend DDT, making it safe for larger animals, And humans, eagles & the newborn. Spacesailor
Old Koreelah Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 What a funny species; all our best brains tell us what is our biggest threat and the best way to save ourselves... ...and we ignore them. The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells review – our terrifying future
facthunter Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 There's a lot of effort put into opposing doing anything REAL about it. and poo pooing the fact of it happening.. Knowingly telling lies is legal. Nev
nomadpete Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 The new problem highlighted by David Wallace-Wells, is the new apathy being shown by the climate science 'believers'. Something similar to the crisis fatigue. After a while, acceptance of the hazard changes into a fatalistic acceptance of the inevitable. This is not good. Right now we need enthusiastic activists to stick it to the politicians and policy makers.
spacesailor Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 OR Do it your-self, Go plant trees out in the wap waps, cover your lawns with shade sails, recycle your grass cuttings & compost Your garden. start a "small holding ! ( worm-farm ). Lots of things to do Without Joining any groups, But being a member could have Bigger results than we individuals know about . ( I didn't have a garden as a child, it's all new). spacesailor
Old Koreelah Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 I like your suggestions, Spacey. Anyone who believes our safe, comfortable, unsustainable way of life will continue is deluded. We should all be ready to weather some very challenging times, the like of which our generation has not seen.
nomadpete Posted February 28, 2019 Posted February 28, 2019 Agreed. When I was young, I was only concerned by the threat of a MAD war (mutually assured destruction). Now there are many possible world crisis. And the worst thing is that more than one kind is really going to happen. Its depressing. I'm stockpiling my home brew ingredients - and some good books - I want to have some solace as I watch the demise of the hoomin race!
Phil Perry Posted February 28, 2019 Author Posted February 28, 2019 Dear Mr. Octave, I saw this post and was surprised that a couple of aussies were arguing a different view, us knowing that the scIence is definitely settled. Indeed it was only the fact that the proponents were Australian that piqued my interest,. . I KNEW what the response would be before I posted it. Bast of luck with the settled science bit by the way,. .. this has a habit of being unsettled as more data becomes generally available. ( That which is allowed to be published that is ) The Earth actually orbits the sun. . . . and I believe this to be a cogent argument until a better one is P R OV E N beyond any absolute doubt. In the meantime, anthropomorphic climate change, causing rising sea levels is still in the discussion stage Let us keep it that way, until a definitive, Provable answer is found..
nomadpete Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 C'mon Phil. Now I'm confused. Which side of the fence are you on? I can't take the pi55 out of you unless I know for sure. PS Why DO you believe the Earth orbits the sun? All I know for sure is that it RISES in the east(ish) every morning, and it GOES DOWN in the west(ish) every afternoon. It is a proven (obvious) FACT that the sun comes up, and goes down. Anything else you claim is just a story, made up by scientists in an effort to get study grants!
octave Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 Phil amongst scientists it is not controversial. Let us say that the science is incorrect then we have started a transition to other forms of power generation earlier than we could have. This, of course, comes with the costs we see now rather than experiencing these costs later. Now, if the science is correct then to wait until it is proven (proven is not a term a scientist would use) would be disastrous. I take statins to lower my cholesterol because the majority of the evidence suggests that this will lower my risk of cardiovascular disease. There are of course a handful of researchers that think that cholesterol is not linked with CVD and or that statins may have deleterious health effects. Although I would prefer to believe that cholesterol does not play a role in CVD and I don't have to worry however I am not willing to cherry pick the small one or two studies that contradict the orthodox scientific position. I go with the vast number of studies that have been thoroughly peer-reviewed. I also balance the 2 scenarios in terms of possible outcomes. Phil do you believe that a gradual but determined shift away from fossil fuels as WE ARE DOING NOW will be a disaster? If I turn out to be wrong then perhaps future generations will look back and criticise us for misunderstanding that data but will, however, have all that unused coal and oil to do with as they please. If you are wrong the situation is much grimmer. If someone presented me with a gun that had 3 rounds and 97 empty chambers and offered me $1000 to point it at myself and pull the trigger, I could think to myself the odds are fantastic a 97% chance of not harming myself and making a profit. Although the odds are good the possible consequences are catastrophic. If evidence comes along to blow some or all of the theory out of the water we are still able to postpone the move away from fossil fuels (which is inevitable) If we just talk about it until it becomes obvious then it becomes too late and it will leave us with little or no choices. In any case, what you or I believe does not make much difference, the transition is on, even CEOs of fossil fuel companies say that.
spacesailor Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 "In the meantime, anthropomorphic climate change, causing rising sea levels is still in the discussion stage Let us keep it that way, until a definitive, Provable answer is found.." Phil. DON"T WAIT, It Maybe LATER then you think. Throw that Cheap shade sails over everything you can !. I mean It shouldn't hurt anything (hopefully). We (my house) have just had a "Brown-out" The electric jug wouldn't boil, fan didn't spin up to full speed AC didn't work either, BUT the telltale lamps were on, Digital readout worked. Had two electricians (son-in-law & grandson) rush over, AND there's power to the meter, but not 240 volts ?, weird. A new thing for my electricians. Going to replace all the (almost new) Circuit Breakers. Does it Matter if the world circles the Sun OR the Sun Circles the Black-hole in the middle of the Milky Way . spacesailor
pmccarthy Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 There’s will always be scary stories and there will always be people who scare.
Marty_d Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 In the meantime, anthropomorphic climate change, causing rising sea levels is still in the discussion stage Er, no, it's not. The discussion should be well and truly over. Almost 100% of scientists in the fields relating to climate agree that it's real, it's caused by humans and it will cause sea level rise. It's like an obese person doctor shopping until they find one (probably an alcoholic who was struck off the medical register 20 years ago) who will tell them that their weight will have absolutely no impacts on their health. Comforting, yes, truthful, no, and if they listen to that advice instead of all the real doctors, fatal.
spacesailor Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 "it's caused by humans and it will cause sea level rise." AND I thought it was the SUN !. spacesailor
octave Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 "it's caused by humans and it will cause sea level rise."AND I thought it was the SUN !. spacesailor Maybe do some reading?
spacesailor Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 I did !. A meteor Hit our Earth & cause a Nuclear winter 60 million years ago. (ish) Now we're out of the Ice age & into this NEW Hot age. If we had not used the fossil fuels to develop into this NEW age, This modern life, that we can Pick & choose which path to take next, it would NOT exist. We certainly would NOT be having this discussion, as the Silicon chip would be a dream. beyond the realm of None industrialised man. Sorry if it tilts the Apple cart, But I like this Hot era. No standing in front of fires trying to keep the frost away,& thawing my Chilblains., from which I suffered terribly. We have to Adapt. If that means putting up a TREE to get some (shade) relief, recycling EVERYTHING, re-composting our kitchen scraps & doing what the ENVIRONMENTALIST tell us is GOOD for OUR planit. THEN lets Just stop talking & get on with it. ( hands up, who has put water diverters on their drain pipes, they're cheap at Buning). Used my Reticulated water hose for the first time this year ( I've got heaps of spare water) Just can't carry it, But will make a pump (solar) to get the water from my tanks, to the flower beds were needed. REMEMBER !. Don't wait for the OTHERS to do it. Sorry about the Rant, Octave. spacesailor
storchy neil Posted March 1, 2019 Posted March 1, 2019 Used my Reticulated water hose for the first time this year ( I've got heaps of spare water) Just can't carry it, But will make a pump (solar) to get the water from my tanks, to the flower beds were needed. been doing that for years space from both shower and washing machine as my house is well above the ground level water will run down hill ( oh sheet wounder if I could put a hydro gen in the hose ) But I like this Hot era. No standing in front of fires trying to keep the frost away nah I like the hot weather cause them young women and their short skirts better not go there neil
kgwilson Posted March 2, 2019 Posted March 2, 2019 When the earth received the energy from the sun, captured it over 4 billion years & stored it as coal and oil, then humanity discovered how to release that energy, it provided the path for human expansion, innovation and exploitation. While we have been using coal for thousands of years it wasn't till the industrial revolution that the pace ramped up. In 200 years we have simply taken most of that energy that took 4 billion years to accumulate and used it releasing all the waste and by-products into our atmosphere. In that 200 years the worlds population has expanded from 1 billion to nearly 8 billion. It defies any form of logic that such a massive release of energy from within as well as the same amount coming from the source of all energy, the Sun, being received at the same time has had no effect on the earths climate. It took almost 200 years for humanity to even realise this and there are many who have a vested interest in denying it. The pace is accelerating and Governments still talk of "Growth" not sustainability. We are heading towards the tipping point where it will become irreversible. Of those alive today only the very young may be around to witness it. Humanity may survive but the cost will be complete apocalypse.
facthunter Posted March 2, 2019 Posted March 2, 2019 The effect you describe is true, but in addition gases like CO2 and methane in the atmosphere becoming more as a % than in the past traps heat so that Less escapes out through the atmosphere than comes in from the sun. "Greenhouse Effect". The earths Core also puts heat up to the surface as it always has so any reduction in what goes out causes the temperature to rise, Less clouds and snow means less reflection of heat also. Permafrost melting will release Methane so THAT may really get things going the wrong way at a great rate. The sea has been able to store CO2 but the acidification is now showing signs of affecting hard shelled animals/critters like plankton and coral. Nev
spacesailor Posted March 2, 2019 Posted March 2, 2019 "nah I like the hot weather cause them young women and their short skirts" ME TOO !. Don't tell !. 57 year anniversary This month. What do I buy. After 56 it's getting hard to find something NOT bought before ?. After all if it's not bought already, I can't afford it. If I can afford it It's not wanted, hence not bought before !. Not for the Home or garden, Not jewelry. (got too much) not ornaments (dust collectors) Not animals ( Lady cleans up after them,& I want ALL the petting). HELP "In that 200 years the worlds population has expanded from 1 billion to nearly 8 billion." Then we WILL be eating "soylent-green" from that, OLD1953 "Quatermass experiments". (just a note( " the project wasn't abandoned, 6 episodes were made and aired, but the BBC lost/recycled the last 4 episodes so no recordings of them exist anymore)). "typical." There was NO "soy" in the food made to feed Billions of people. I don't know if this episode (with Soylent-green) is one that survived./ spacesailor
pmccarthy Posted March 2, 2019 Posted March 2, 2019 I bought her a rain gauge for Xmas this year. The ungrateful XXX hasn't used it yet!
spacesailor Posted March 2, 2019 Posted March 2, 2019 NO rain. In Spain. Is there any-where, An automated dusting appliance for getting rid of the Red dust settling over Australia AND new-Zealand. I could buy a Third world country maid, at a reasonable price ?. spacesailor
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