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Jeez those Greens must be powerful, they're stopping progress all over the place.


But hang on, the LNP is actually putting PHON-ey ahead of them in preferences, and Labor is always trying to distance themselves. Where on earth does all their power come from??



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The ABC, and in particular, the rural reporters are NOT left leaning. I agree that surely, if the Bradfield scheme had any practical chance, an engineer would have seen it succeed. Engineers, in my experience, don't lean at all towards the left.




You Darling Basin people are right to holler about Australia's Watergate, but pity we poor electors of the seat of Hume. Taylor is the current member, and running again for the seat of Hume.




I contacted the Party of my choice to have them deliver a candidate poster for me to display. That may salve my pain, but since in the latest State elections, the McMansion owners all voted for the Libs despite rocketing energy prices, clogged roads and almost non-existent public transport, crowded hospitals etc, etc and so forth, I don't see much hope for any other Party.




You can vote early, right now. That means you can vote for whoever, but you will not know what they really stand for. As I see it we are getting a daily give away to try and attract our votes. What the pollies don't appreciate is that a lot of Australian voters are not swayed by what is in it for them, but rather by what is in it for Australia. So far I can see very little for Australia.


Labor one day says it will make childcare cheaper, next day it is going to raise childcare workers by 20%. The spokesman this morning couldn't answer the question as to where the money will come from.


LNP is offering lower taxes, especially to the affluent and saying it is financially competent. They were going to have us in the black years ago, but that didn't happen. Instead we have them donating billions to the Barrier Reef Council, or whatever they call themselves. I wonder what happened to that money. They were dragged screaming and kicking into the banking royal commission and what good has that done. There was evidence of criminal activity, but nobody has been charged yet.


Pauline Hanson's party seem to want to mine more and more coal and build coal fired power stations.


Palmers party. If you believe anything that man says you are at best gullible.


The whole lot of them spout nice words which say nothing.




Yes, they cause electile dysfunction which is grim. They are a bad example to the kiddies of how supposed grown ups behave. Worst of all they must think we are stupid when we are not, are we?. Nev




I'm not stupid.


I am confused.


If I vote for any of the turkeys on the ballot paper, I'm contributing to the problem by encouraging some fool or another.


If I don't vote for any of them, I'm contributing to the problem by failing to keep some fool or another out of office.


Not stupid. Just stuck in a "no win" situation.




From my perspective at least Labor have a solid leadership team, costed policies and a vision for the environment. Three things the government, not to mention the crank parties on the right, do not have.


Yes Bill Short-ass is not a popular bloke. Never has been. But you're voting for the party, not just the leader.




That's just it. Both Libs and Labor are trying to make us think that this election is the same as a US Presidential election.


The only people who can vote for or against Bill Shorten are the electors of Maribyrnong, and the only ones who can vote for ScoMo are those of Cook.




You are so right. I messaged Morrison a few years ago when he was a minister in the Federal government about a matter under his portfolio and he Informed me he responded to his constituents in his electorate of Cook.. . (By inference YOU don't count if you don't vote for me directly). What utter BS is that? I've yet to see him answer a question directly in question time either. There's a lot of money and time invested in blackening Bill Shorten's name. Remember the TURC (costing US over 60 million) that was extended to run (without it being requested by the commissioner) right up to just before the election. providing constant front page headlines by the "usual " Newspaper, about ALLEGATIONS only direct from the Royal Commission. If you keep saying things often enough people believe it.. Goebells proved that. Nev




Back in your school days, if you had a kid who kept bad-mouthing another, the mates of the bloke who was being bad-mouthed would take the bad-mouther behind the bike shed and administer school yard justice. Unfortunately, there are not enough willing mates to take some of these pollies on at the ballot box and belt them around the head with a voting form.



You are so right. I messaged Morrison a few years ago when he was a minister in the Federal government about a matter under his portfolio and he Informed me he responded to his constituents in his electorate of Cook.. . (By inference YOU don't count if you don't vote for me directly).

Nev, I'm not sure how it goes these days, but what you described was normal for ministers to not respond to people outside their role as a local member. The usual protocol to contact a minister is through your local member. If you do that, you'll get an answer, but not if you try to do it directly. Your local member will forward your correspondence to the relevant minister, and then they're obligated to reply.




So? Cheated on his wife with a married woman. That's the man you want as PM. What about the 'other' accusation. Was not charged, not because he wasn't guilty, but because the police couldn't get the evidence to mount a case.




"The conservationists could not stop a practical attempt."


I hope your wrong !.


The Danni mine is looking like a disaster.




If it doe's proceed they can use that big leftover hole for a dirty big Dam.






Let's face it. People are more confident of what a snake oil salesman says than what any politician utters.


Would the introduction of Medicare be the last time politicians did anything for the real benefit of the people? I suppose that, on examination, GST did provide a degree of certainty in taxation.


Pretty small gain over 50 years.



So? Cheated on his wife with a married woman. That's the man you want as PM. What about the 'other' accusation. Was not charged, not because he wasn't guilty, but because the police couldn't get the evidence to mount a case.

What the hell do his marital indiscretions have to do with his ability to be PM?


I'd much rather have someone with some (perfectly legal) trouser-based indiscretions in their past than some bible-bashing conservative hypocrite.




I love Annabel Crabb's work.


Steve Dickson's visit to a strip club teaches us two things about One Nation


And - apropos of the previous post - I don't believe Dickson should be pilloried for his, admittedly, unsavoury behaviour in a strip joint. None of our pasts would stand up to exposure by hidden camera, and if they did, we've obviously had very boring lives.


He SHOULD however be well and truly pilloried for his disgusting cozying up to the morally bankrupt NRA.


Still, as Annabel points out, it's refreshing to see a One Nation candidate jump ship before the election for once.


I wonder whether Pauline ever stops to think about the reason that she only gets dick heads and losers as candidates?




It always goes this way. Funny how they all get pissed and blame that and the photographer for the problem. Not their actions. Pauline is Tragi comic, opportunistic with a bit of paranoia. Loves the media , when it works for her and she's being bullied and picked on when it's not. No doubt the tears are real but it's the money disappearing she's lamenting. They get paid for every vote. Nev



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