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A couple of the topics discussed during the lead-up to this election have been immigration and the Asian influence. Today I had to go to Box Hill,, the city in the east, and to Box Hill Central shopping mall in particular. It is a very large mall, and walking from one end to the other, I reckon I saw at least 1000 people, and if I was lucky, 20 of them were Australian, and I think they were visitors like me. Honestly, I thought I was in Hong Kong or Beijing. People in the food court at 3pm eating thick soup with ladle like spoons, or dangling noodles from chopsticks. My first visit to that mall in about 20 years, I used to work just near there, and I could hardly recognise the place.



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I guess aborigines used to play spot the Aussie in the late 1700s at certain enclaves..


I remember growing up in Melbourne and if you went to Brunswick or Carlton it was the same - but Italians an Greeks - then in Coburg, the Turks moved in; the Vietnamese in Kensington - and so on. All over the world - especially in modern times, the population is changing - even Japan are allowing immigration now. Apart from a brief episode, I have embraced it - the cultural vibrancy far outweighs many of the disadvantages - there are more probs with alienation and segregation


Yes - there have been problems and I am waiting to hear about how bad the Muslims are. The reality is most are great people - but I do accept they could come out stronger when atrocities are commited. But I certainly don't tar all with the same brush...





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I did the ABC Vote compass questoinair today, seems I am just about middle of the road. So I will probably get run over. As with just about any survey, the questions are loaded. Should there be more immigrants or less or same? No chance to say why I think there should be less.


Do you trust candidates? Answer should have been of course not.


Bob Hawke dead, that is a loss, he was the last dinkum Aussie in politics.


I saw Shorten on TV when he was at the mine disaster as a union man. He didn't impress then and the mine manager came over as more caring and competent, but Shorten is still way ahead of any of the other political leaders except Katter. Who on nthinking about it is a dinkum Aussie.



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"the cultural vibrancy far outweighs many of the disadvantages"


I don't think every one has the same feelings,


Take Fiji: Well you can't now, !.


they had a revolution to stop the immigrants running their country.


Could our high Muslim population over-power our voting system, has any-one even given it a passing thought !.


I must be bad as those wet toilet floors & seats make me angry.





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Spot the Aussie is the same in Sydney. I was in Westfield Parramatta recently and the occasional white person stood out in the crowds of black and brindle.


I think I'm starting to develop an apathy towards the presence of Middle Easterners. I hate trying to use the roads when Asians are also driving. But I really despise the racism of Indians.


Non- Whites and Non-Aborigines might make up less than 10% of the total population of the Country, but that 10% lives mainly in cities like Sydney and Melbourne. If you don't live in the Capital cities, you just can't understand the negative changes these people have made to the Australian Culture. The Aussie principles of Mateship have gone out the door and a self-centred, self-serving culture has come in.



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This sign in Chisholm electorate in Melbourne has stirred the Labor camp a bit. It's in Mandarin and tells voters the correct way to vote is to place '1' beside the Liberal candidate's name. The complaint is that it's in AEC colours and could be misleading to Chinese voters. Both Liberal and Labor candidates are Chinese Australians.





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Just come back from voting.


Don't the Libs hate it when you take the How to Vote cards of Labor and Independents and turn down the Lib's one.


That Senate Ballot paper was hard to fill in. Trying to work out which small groups to vote for so that you used up all your numbers and could leave the Libs out. I suppose I should have numbered all the Labor names then made it up with Independents.



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I counted the available senate spots below the line (44 where I am) and happily started backwards, giving Fraser Anning's representative number 44. Did that back to 15 then switched and numbered my favourites 1-14.



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I counted the available senate spots below the line (44 where I am) and happily started backwards, giving Fraser Anning's representative number 44. Did that back to 15 then switched and numbered my favourites 1-14.

Did the same!



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I feel for him. All those years in the embassy, he knew that one day, the US would get him. And they intend to make an example of him. All because he championed truth in politics.

Julian Assagne is an opportunstic TWOT. His Wikileaks crap caused unending chaos to the lives of ordinary people, but of course you wouldn't Know about that.


A Friend of mine was a member of the BNP ( British National Party) labelled by the UK media as NAZIS Why ?. . because they began publicizing the industrial rape and trafficking of vulnerable underage white girls mostly in council 'care' Trafficked and shared through Taxi companies between cities where elderly Muslim, mainly Pakistani men PAID to abuse and rape them. This was kept quiet for Years by complicit Labour Councillors and Social workers and the POLICE in many Northern towns in the UK. And it is still going on unabated to this day. Although, thanks to TR, some of the bastards are being convicted.


Tommy Robinson (AKA Stephen Yaxley Lennon ) has taken up the cudgel and has been following these traffickers and continues to harass them, and the people who protect them ( The british government and the judiciary ) , which is why he has been harrassed himself by the police and the BBC as a slimeball Racist and trouble maker and locked up ( illegally ) for his trouble. And yet he continues to campaign bout this disgusting practice by (Mainly ) Pakistani Muslims who have undoubtedly Enriched the UK with their customs.


My mate was Doxxed by Assange, name, address, Business address, the lot. His 5 bedroom house was torched, and he was under attack for some months until he gave up and left the country putting 19 people out of work. He now lives Off the Grid' in a mobile home, travelling all around Europe. He never Wanted to do this. He is just ONE of many people damaged in this way by trying to do some good. If they Lynch Assange,. . I reckon it's fair, but No doubt Donald Trump will welcome him to the states for all the dirt he uncovered about crooked Hillary and the British intelligence collusion in spying on his campaign to be top dog. . .. . .



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All the pundits were wrong wrong again ,shorten is on the way out mr has been man, hopfully the labor lefties will be put out in the political wasteland for years, now I will as a retiree know that MY money that I Earned is safe from the pilfering lefties



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Let's face it, in all the polls taken over the last five years, whether it be against Abbott, Turnbull or Morrison, even when the Two Party Preferred vote for the LNP was at it's lowest, not once did Shorten win the preferred PM vote. Simply, people didn't want their lives Shortened.At the last change of ALP leader, when they changed the voting mechanism, the rank and file wanted Albo, it was the party and unions who got Shorten over the line.



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