fly_tornado Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 My brother is a bigot, he reckons its a greatest hobby. Doesn't require any special equipment or training, you can do it at work, in the car, on weekends, at the supermarket and it can really give you the chance grow as an individual. There are a lot of races, cultures and religions out there you haven't had a chance to explore yet.
facthunter Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Catholics have been pretty good at breeding too, by order of the Pope. Go forth and multiply has to have a limit. The earth is not an infinite resource, to end up with standing room only There are crazies ( extremists) in all religions who threaten peace. Thank GOD I'm an atheist.. We all have the same needs and aspirations . If you got to know different groups you would find there is a lot in common. Good outcomes may not happen easily. That realisation is no reason to stop trying. Nev
coljones Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Why do we have beat up stories? I am sure that the daily telegraph (or insert you local NewsCorp paper) and the shock jocks have hit squads that are set up for slow news days. Short of a juicy story to cram into their otherwise paucious news slots - send out the hit squad, drive by and shoot someone, rob a bank, steal a little old ladies purse, run up a story about rec. pilots perving on kids in backyard pools, hop on scooters and terrorise a neighborhood pretending to be criminal bikey gangs and, best of all, cutting up all the government news releases, put the pieces in a big bin and have the work experience kid put them together for an exclusive news report. We are all victims but it is the media who are the perps - self aggrandising with a view of sowing strife without a care in the world - the only thing that matters is viewers, readers and listeners - they don't have to be bright - just bright enough to buy the advertisers' product. We have a free press but we don't have freedom of speech - that is limited to those who control the media.
turboplanner Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote Why do we have beat up stories? I am sure that the daily telegraph (or insert you local NewsCorp paper) and the shock jocks have hit squads that are set up for slow news days. Short of a juicy story to cram into their otherwise paucious news slots - send out the hit squad, drive by and shoot someone, rob a bank, steal a little old ladies purse, run up a story about rec. pilots perving on kids in backyard pools, hop on scooters and terrorise a neighborhood pretending to be criminal bikey gangs and, best of all, cutting up all the government news releases, put the pieces in a big bin and have the work experience kid put them together for an exclusive news report. We are all victims but it is the media who are the perps - self aggrandising with a view of sowing strife without a care in the world - the only thing that matters is viewers, readers and listeners - they don't have to be bright - just bright enough to buy the advertisers' product. We have a free press but we don't have freedom of speech - that is limited to those who control the media. What sort of lunacy is this? Rupert Murdoch employs hit squads to go out and shoot someone so his Newspapers have news stories to write? How utterly ridiculous, and a pitiful contribution to this thread.
metalman Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote Why do we have beat up stories? I am sure that the daily telegraph (or insert you local NewsCorp paper) and the shock jocks have hit squads that are set up for slow news days. Short of a juicy story to cram into their otherwise paucious news slots - send out the hit squad, drive by and shoot someone, rob a bank, steal a little old ladies purse, run up a story about rec. pilots perving on kids in backyard pools, hop on scooters and terrorise a neighborhood pretending to be criminal bikey gangs and, best of all, cutting up all the government news releases, put the pieces in a big bin and have the work experience kid put them together for an exclusive news report. We are all victims but it is the media who are the perps - self aggrandising with a view of sowing strife without a care in the world - the only thing that matters is viewers, readers and listeners - they don't have to be bright - just bright enough to buy the advertisers' product. We have a free press but we don't have freedom of speech - that is limited to those who control the media. I just assumed it was tongue in cheek, along the lines of security companies "bricking" industrial areas
winsor68 Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 You guys don't know you are racist...your kids will know you are eventually.
fly_tornado Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Asylum seekers is a wedge issue, well it was when the ALP favoured a softer approach. The wedge is designed to split the population. Imagine how well this plays out in Indonesia.
metalman Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote You guys don't know you are racist...your kids will know you are eventually. Wrong ! I'm not racist at all, I'm a bigot though,,,,,your right in that ,except I'm not bigoted towards any person in particular,,I have no problem with immigrants either,,,,what I've been saying all along ,and it's getting tiring , I'm bigoted towards people who want to harm my family, friends and myself, and whether the watermelon dogma likes it or not ,the main group of people who been very vocal about bringing horrible rites and laws to my country for the last 10-15 years has been the muslim cult, that is a fact. But if the best we can do is to resort to name calling then at least your good followers, a fish stinks from the head down ! I've yet to see anyone show me anything I've written to be wrong /false, I just get name calling and pithy little remarks. You fellas just don't get it, I live in Melbourne ,I live,work and play with people from every country in the world and I don't hate any individual just because of their country of birth ,skin colour , or even their religion ,until their culture/ religion becomes threatening, that's all ,if your a bad person then I will stand up against you ,if your not ,I'll give you the time of day ,,,,,if your a good person though ,who stands by while some bastard speaks evil garbage on your behalf and you say nothing ,at what point do you deserve respect for that, it's cowardice ! So FT and Winsor I had no idea you guys were so deeply religious ,I've obviously offended whatever god you follow and although I'm not sorry for saying the truth, I do hope your deity is a forgiving one , Matty
DrZoos Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote Possibly gives you a warm feeling zoos knowing you are regarded as equivalent to dog turd.... Why thank you as this highlights my point about the intellectual capacity and education of racists. If you cant handle a sensible comment without resorting to primary school name calling then perhaps I was spot on the mark. FT you are spot on about the wedge issue. Not that any party would be smart to play it as its very divisive and will ultimately backfire. But it will get individuals elected int he right locations eg Pauline Hanson Metalman I think your right about the need for some Muslims to speak up against radical elements. And i know some Muslims who totally agree. But unfortunately speaking out doesn't make headlines, where as speaking like a radical sells the front page. So we only get to hear one side. Im also aware from close friends in the NSW police force that the success of some of the task force arrests in the Lakemba area are directly as a result of community cooperation in intelligence gathering. So it is happening, we just dont hear about it. Im not advocating that we accept foriegners on any terms but our own, or that we accept behaviour from anyone of any background. But i do think labelling certain groups based on misinformation, stereotypes and other generalisations is not helpful. Sure we have race related problems, cultural based problems and we need to be able to name them and speak about them. But in doing so I think and i know others wont agree and thats fine, but i think we need to be careful when doing so that we seek out facts and truths rather then rely on stereotypes, generalisations, media misinformation and headlines. Pauline Hanson, Bob Katter & others have been over represented in the media because they use the exact same tricks to grab headlines that the extremists use. And the politicians that just want to talk common sense get ignored. Bob Katter has some great ideas and some shockers, but he sure knows how to grab a front page.
M61A1 Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote Why thank you as this highlights my point about the intellectual capacity and education of racists. If you cant handle a sensible comment without resorting to primary school name calling then perhaps I was spot on the mark. What he said was not name calling. Look at the link.
fly_tornado Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 uhuh, not just this thread. Mandatory detention and offshore processing costs $1.2B a year. Since the election, we have had 38 boats and 1100-1200 refugees arrive from indo. The boats keep coming...
M61A1 Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 I can give you an aviation related means to fix the problem, but I'm pretty sure that you'll call me "racist", not that it change my attitude one bit. I say it's pointless, because both parties here believe what they say, and have no hope of convincing the other. I doubt I will convince you that you're wrong, and you won't convince me that you're right.
turboplanner Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 FT, where did you get these figures, and have you ever heard of lead time? A whole new group of enforcement people has to be employed, trained and equipped, or did you think the government would just hire 300 people, give them 4 wheel bikes and 357 magnums and say "the beach is that way"
fly_tornado Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 it's your tax money at work. Mick, as far as I can tell people are predisposed to bigotry, its just who you are. Yes, I will call you a racist because I don't believe not calling you a racist, its just who I am. You can call me a "do gooder", "tree hugger" or what ever Alan Jones thinks "we" are these days.
Phil Perry Posted January 2, 2014 Author Posted January 2, 2014 I just wrote a massive tome on this subject, and guess what. . .? The system dumped it and I had to sign in again, . . so "Rollocks" to it I'm not gong to bother. Phil
fly_tornado Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 TP, we could be buying fishing boats right now and the problem would be fixed.
fly_tornado Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote I just wrote a massive tome on this subject, and guess what. . .? The system dumped it and I had to sign in again, . . so "Rollocks" to it I'm not gong to bother. Phil Divine intervention?
Head in the clouds Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote I've yet to see anyone show me anything I've written to be wrong /false, I just get name calling and pithy little remarks. You fellas just don't get it, I live in Melbourne ,I live,work and play with people from every country in the world and I don't hate any individual ..... Matt, I completely agree with your position on this and I don't think everyone quite gets your point and probably because, as I mentioned when I joined the conversation, the majority of people just aren't exposed to the realities which are most marked in the greater areas of the large cities, and perhaps that's why they just don't see that there will never be a perfect world. Most especially not unless people actively do something to make it that way. Complacency is a killer. The more people continue to watch injustice and atrocity taking place on their doorstep but do nothing about it, not even speaking up against it, the more it becomes the norm, the more it becomes somehow acceptable and the more it infiltrates into our society. Additionally, the less people actively reject it, the more the perpetrators will receive that as a signal that they are on the right track. It becomes self-empowering. I just plain ol' don't understand FT, he says the oddest things at times and I suspect is often deliberately provocative. He hasn't hit my ignore list yet because in between the Trolling he comes out with a gem occasionally. From Winsor's previous comments, which I read avidly, I have found him to be a very genuine, caring soul, very much concerned about the direction the world is taking and in what condition it will be for the grandkids. Even so, I don't think the extremist religious leaders who migrate here, ignore their sworn allegiance to support, protect and nurture this land and its peoples - and instead preach hatred, dissent, racism, sexism and religious intolerance should be allowed to do so. From what I understand of them muslim people are as fearful of God's wrath as any sample of extremely devout people can be, and as a result they are far more afraid of disobeying the word of their God's representatives, the Imams, than they ever will be of disobeying the laws of this land. At present we, as a nation, are tolerating the screaming wrath being spewed out of the pulpit by some extremist leaders in some hotbed areas of this country. Quite simply, that needs to be stopped. The absolutely inevitable result of failing to do so should be easily understood by anyone even mildly interested in history. Virtually every extended war, and wars in which the most heinous atrocities have been committed by man against man has been fought in the names of, and to spread the doctrines of, the most Loving Gods. Quote Why thank you as this highlights my point about the intellectual capacity and education of racists. If you cant handle a sensible comment without resorting to primary school name calling then perhaps I was spot on the mark. I did a double-take too, but GG wasn't insulting you, he was pointing out that you, being an 'infidel', are required to be regarded that way by people of the islam faith. Quote What a pointless thread...... I usually agree with you M61, and another couple of folk have said similar to you earlier in the thread but, like television, no-one is forced to watch it. I think it actually shows that a good proportion of people do have real concerns for the way the country is going and I don't think that's pointless at all. I could probably sift out a good proportion of other threads that are a lot more pointless than this. I also think it says a lot about the good nature of the forumites that such an emotive issue has been discussed without anyone losing their cool and turning into a keyboard warrior, that's a rare thing, gold stars to all!
turboplanner Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote I could probably sift out a good proportion of other threads that are a lot more pointless than this. Yes, the one about how good taildraggers, the aircraft of yesteryear, are for a start!
fly_tornado Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 In ww1 90% of casualties where combatants, by ww2 that number was 50%, by the time we get to Iraq that number is in the 10% range. Refugees generally are just trying to escape violence or persecution, they like you were born into their parent's religion. If you were born in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria you would want to get out. It really is just circumstance that makes you a refugee.
turboplanner Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Let the dribble continue, is it? My dental specialist, who clearly fits you category, applied to enter Australia, flew in when approved, is a model citizen in my community, and always forgets he has already reminded me that the Koran does not preach violence any more than the bible does. He, as a legal immigrant, is disgusted with fellow Iraquis, spending ten times as much and showing contempt of out Country in trying to do illegally what he did.
M61A1 Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Quote Yes, the one about how good taildraggers, the aircraft of yesteryear, are for a start! My point here is going to change their opinion because of something someone here said.
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