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Racism masked as national security

Okey, FT. I'll bite. Call me racist. A word so overused and misused that it has become meaningless.


We should be quite discriminatory (another word whose true meaning has been lost by misuse) in the people we accept as new residents. I would love to invite tens of thousands of Japanese displaced by their tsumani/nuclear disaster to live here. They'd sure improve the place. Plenty of other ethnic groups would and have also made positive contributions to our country.


The big test, that we haven't yet had the guts and wisdom to apply, is whether they are likely to fit in and not become a future security concern. Some groups may well have difficulties with that test, and there is plenty of evidence that several ethic groups are over-represented in crime figures. Perhaps I'm dead wrong, but should we be playing fast and loose with our children's future?



Did anyone bat an eyelid when the Irish and English where coming to Australia in the latter half of the 20c when the IRA was actively bombing England.

If the IRA had, as part of its manifesto, the objective of spreading their creed to replace our own, then yep. We would have.



Did anyone bat an eyelid when the Irish and English where coming to Australia in the latter half of the 20c when the IRA was actively bombing England.

They weren't coming in the back door



Did anyone bat an eyelid when the Irish and English where coming to Australia in the latter half of the 20c when the IRA was actively bombing England.

Nope, the Greeks and Italians were quite welcome too, bought their good culture and moral with them, left their shiit at home and intergrated very well and made great advances for our culture.


I have little interest in people who want to escape their crap oppressive countries and yet want to fully maintain the same religions, beliefs and cultures here that made their countries the way they are. I am not religious and you don't need to be to understand that it's our moral based in Christianity that got us to where we are.


...and 36 pages? WTH?




Okay so time for a recap,


If you love your country ,your a bigot


If you think Islam is a dangerous cult ,your a racist,,,,,


If you believe we should have secure borders,,,,your a bigot and a racist


If you think the ALP is a band of thieves, thugs and incompetents ,,,well you've just not been looking at it the right way LOL


If you want to seem compassionate ,open the borders


If you want to give illegal immigrants a fair go , supporting a criminal activity is okay,


If a few hundred people drown at sea ,that's okay, cause we're being compassionate here,


If you think another countries sovereignty is more important than your own ,,,,well that's cause your a compassionate ,non racist, non bigot ,criminal supporting UN poster boy!


And, as it seems, in the absence of an intelligent debate ,posting cartoons is a good fall back,



Nope, the Greeks and Italians were quite welcome too, bought their good culture and moral with them, left their shiit at home and intergrated very well and made great advances for our culture.

I have little interest in people who want to escape their crap oppressive countries and yet want to fully maintain the same religions, beliefs and cultures here that made their countries the way they are. I am not religious and you don't need to be to understand that it's our moral based in Christianity that got us to where we are.


...and 36 pages? WTH?

Cough yeah right.


The Greeks and Italians were considered dirty black people when they first came.




So, let's get this straight.


1.People who think that human rights apply to all= red ragger


2. People who support a govt which got us through the GFC in better shape than virtually any other country in the known world = red ragger


3. People who don't like politicians claiming that we misheard them in the election campaign = red ragger


4. People who think that calling a prime minister a ranger (short for orangutan) is an affront = red ragger


5. People who call the present mob (quite correctly) tossers and lairs = red ragger


on..& on...ad infinitum yeah well you made your point



That about sums it up for the red raggers; I think the rest of us have learnt a lot about people as the story unfolded.

Yes true, I find it disappointing and hard to believe how many naive people there are that appear to have come down in the last shower of rain.



If the IRA had, as part of its manifesto, the objective of spreading their creed to replace our own, then yep. We would have.

The IRA was actively fund raising in any country that had irish immigrants sympathetic to the cause. The IRA ultimately ended up buying weapons from gaddafi. The very essence of a terrorist organisation.



Okay so time for a recap,If you love your country ,your a bigot


If you think Islam is a dangerous cult ,your a racist,,,,,


If you believe we should have secure borders,,,,your a bigot and a racist

Are you happy calling yourself a bigot and a racist yet? That's the first step



So, let's get this straight.1.People who think that human rights apply to all= red ragger


2. People who support a govt which got us through the GFC in better shape than virtually any other country in the known world = red ragger


3. People who don't like politicians claiming that we misheard them in the election campaign = red ragger


4. People who think that calling a prime minister a ranger (short for orangutan) is an affront = red ragger


5. People who call the present mob (quite correctly) tossers and lairs = red ragger


on..& on...ad infinitum yeah well you made your point

It seems this debate has polarised along political lines. Sad, because each side has something valid to say. I agree with you, Methusala, especially your concerns over human rights. The world is awash with refugees, and it's likely to get far worse. I'd just like us to be able to pick and choose who we let in.



The IRA was actively fund raising in any country that had irish immigrants sympathetic to the cause. The IRA ultimately ended up buying weapons from gaddafi. The very essence of a terrorist organisation.

All true, but did they ever present a threat to this country?




How many of the terrorists involved in 9/11 entered the country as asylum seekers? 0.


How many of the terrorists involved in 7/7 (London) entered the country as asylum seekers? 0.


If Al-Quaeda or JI or any other nutjob terror organisation is going to attack Australia, they're not going to trust leaky Indonesian boats to get their suicide bombers here. They'll fly them in like they did with 9/11.


Unless you think it's a fair thing to also keep out "proper" refugees originating in Islamic countries (defined as others in this forum as being people who walk to the country next door and live in a camp until Australia gives them a visa), then the only thing you seem to have against them is that they're "queue-jumpers".


Seems a bit petty to me.




Going back about 8 years or so Marty, a Victorian Minister told me his number one priority for his next government was terrorism. My thoughts were the same as yours, so I asked him why on earth that would come ahead of Health, Education etc.


He said "we've already got 15 terrorists tried, convicted and locked up in Port Phillip Prison, but the scary part is that we know we've only got part of the group"


I previously mentioned my Islamic dental specialist, and a significant part of recent new arrivals in City of Greater Dandenong are Muslims, and the Australian Government links I posted will show the exact number, and how they are chosen. It's not up to us to make definitions or decide what the qualifications are, and it's also not up to Tony Abbott; both parties decided that a long time ago.


I haven't lived in a refugee camp but I'd be pretty sure that if I had a young family, and read the papers each day about rich people paying people smugglers, I wouldn't exactly think it was petty.




TP, earlier in this thread you asked FT to provide references documenting his information. What is the point of your last post? Is it an opinion? Obviously this minister was either being ingenuous or was misled by his advisers. The real point made by Marty_d was Where is the evidence that these people don't make good citizens? At least try to lead good , factual evidence to support your case . Don



TP, earlier in this thread you asked FT to provide references documenting his information. What is the point of your last post? Is it an opinion? Obviously this minister was either being ingenuous or was misled by his advisersal point made by Marty_d was Where is the evidence that these people don't make good citizens? At least try to lead good , factual evidence to support your case .

The point of the post is that there are convicted terrorists living in Australia.


When you write about something you read, providing a source means you note the document you obtained it from.


I said I obtained my information from a Victorian Minister, and since it was obtained first hand, that is the source, and no it was not an opinion, he was quoting statistics.


He had no reason not to tell the truth.


The real point made by Marty_d was Where is the evidence that these people don't make good citizens? At least try to lead good , factual evidence to support your case .

This is what I posted:


"I previously mentioned my Islamic dental specialist, and a significant part of recent new arrivals in City of Greater Dandenong are Muslims, and the Australian Government links I posted will show the exact number, and how they are chosen. It's not up to us to make definitions or decide what the qualifications are, and it's also not up to Tony Abbott; both parties decided that a long time ago."



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