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I simply cannot fathom any Australian citizen taking the side of a country that's renowned for corruption ,along with believing the accounts of people who've had their attempt at illegal entry thwarted, it's just hard to believe!


Who cares what the Indonesian politicians have to say, apart from the RAN messing with their kickbacks, isn't our sovereignty just as important as theirs?



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Seriously Metalman there is actual video of people with burnt hands, that's proof that our navy boys must have done it. It is isn't it?


Fair dinkum these are the same people that will stitch their mouths shut if it suits their cause, a little bit of hand frying is nothing.......



"I previously mentioned my Islamic dental:oh yeah: specialist, and a significant part of recent new arrivals in City of Greater Dandenong are Muslims, and the Australian Government links I posted will show the exact number, and how they are chosen. It's not up to us to make definitions or decide what the qualifications are, and it's also not up to Tony Abbott; both parties decided that a long time ago."


The previous governments survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to Australia so that they can simply see their own doctor.


However, time has shown that not all their statements were totally accurate!



I simply cannot fathom any Australian citizen taking the side of a country that's renowned for corruption ,along with believing the accounts of people who've had their attempt at illegal entry thwarted, it's just hard to believe!Who cares what the Indonesian politicians have to say, apart from the RAN messing with their kickbacks, isn't our sovereignty just as important as theirs?

There are some people who complain about anything and everything, RAAus, L2s, RAN, LNP and what ever pops into their heads, the best way way is to ignore them. I think if FT ever agreed with me about something it would mean I had got it wrong.




Yes, a great shocker on the face of it, until you read the small print.


"The remainder were unemployed, retired, studying full time, engaged in caring duties, doing voluntary work or trying to start a business from which they had yet to receive income."


When the government states the unemployment rate in Australia is around 5%, do they base that on the entire population? No. It's based on those who are "participating" in the workforce, and excludes retirees, students, the disabled, pre-schoolers and anyone who is under-employed and has given up on getting full time work.


So what's the real figure if you remove people matching those criteria from the cohort? Good old Murdoch press, give the headlines but never balanced analysis.



Yes, a great shocker on the face of it, until you read the small print.

"The remainder were unemployed, retired, studying full time, engaged in caring duties, doing voluntary work or trying to start a business from which they had yet to receive income."


When the government states the unemployment rate in Australia is around 5%, do they base that on the entire population? No. It's based on those who are "participating" in the workforce, and excludes retirees, students, the disabled, pre-schoolers and anyone who is under-employed and has given up on getting full time work.


So what's the real figure if you remove people matching those criteria from the cohort? Good old Murdoch press, give the headlines but never balanced analysis.

Well have a link to the actual govt report then..




I know it won't change your mind, but it does demonstrate that the article is merely quoting the study.




Just talking to a Nurse who has done stints on Christmas Island.


$45000 for 3 months work.


Nurses are ordered not to treat pre existing conditions... She teared up as she told me about being ordered to let children die. They are not even allowed to remove shrapnel from a pre existing wound.


This was before the LNP crack down. .



It's painfully clear which way you lean.

The first step in compliance is not wanting to know the difference between facts and propaganda. You're selling your freedom for security.



The first step in compliance is not wanting to know the difference between facts and propaganda. You're selling your freedom for security.

Now making some sense at last




Because it's so ridiculous that yes it is quite laughable to suggest anyone would be dopey enough to believe it Winsor*. Hence funny. spacer.png


* you come across as quite anti-Australian but I don't think you are kooky enough to believe all this nutty green / communist propaganda yourself. But then I could be wrong.




An analysis of the world according to some people posting here: (apologies to Methusala if I've repeated any of your points...)


  • If you care about the treatment of asylum seekers, you're a bleeding heart/watermelon.
  • If you think the ABC has a balanced and unbiased view, you're a lefty/communist.
  • If you think the Murdoch press is skewed to the right, you're a lefty/communist.
  • If you care about the environment, you're a greeny.
  • If you are concerned about Australian warships violating the borders of other countries, you're un-Australian.
  • If you don't believe the asylum seekers burned their own hands as part of some cunning plan, you're naive/un-Australian.



Well, I for one would like to proudly declare that I am a bleeding heart watermelon lefty un-Australian communist princess greeny. According to that criteria.



You find that funny Gnarly. Says a lot about your character.

As far as I am concerned you are in no position to be critical of anybodies character.



I don't think you are kooky enough to believe all this nutty green / communist propaganda yourself. But then I could be wrong.

Wrong would be my guess.



As far as I am concerned you are in no position to be critical of anybodies character.

Sounds like you're a bit critical of someone's character yourself there Teckair.



Nah, for that one just really stupid.

So a virgin giving birth is believable, but thinking some navy officer made a simple mistake is "really stupid"? Wow. How silly of me.



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