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I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread. The interesting thing is that almost every word of it is true! Yes ladies and gents, this has been wedge argument - the ones that politicians love so much. Nobody wins and everybody feels good about it. This is also the mehthod that the real power operators use to get their toady politicians elected. There was NOTHING WRONG with the Gillard govt except that they were doing things like improving public education and improving working conditions for carers. The big end of town did not agree with this and wanted lower wages and less tax (on the rich, of course). Notice how politics has gone much quieter now? So now we have a govt of tossers and liars. Not a bad trick I think. Don



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I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread. The interesting thing is that almost every word of it is true! Yes ladies and gents, this has been wedge argument - the ones that politicians love so much. Nobody wins and everybody feels good about it. This is also the mehthod that the real power operators use to get their toady politicians elected. There was NOTHING WRONG with the Gillard govt except that they were doing things like improving public education and improving working conditions for carers. The big end of town did not agree with this and wanted lower wages and less tax (on the rich, of course). Notice how politics has gone much quieter now? So now we have a govt of tossers and liars. Not a bad trick I think. Don

I reckon this be the start of a new argument.




It's a wonder someone hasn't brought up the carbon tax and human caused global warming, I can just imagine who the gullibles are that actually believed that half baked con job with Qld going through this hot spell.




I love these threads that bring the aviation community together:bash:


And for those with (as mentioned in another thread) a humour bypass that was tongue in cheek/sarcastic



There was NOTHING WRONG with the Gillard govt except that they were doing things like improving public education and improving working conditions for carers. The big end of town did not agree with this and wanted lower wages and less tax (on the rich, of course). Notice how politics has gone much quieter now? So now we have a govt of tossers and liars. Not a bad trick I think. Don

For you and Win:


There are 150 Members of the House of Representatives, and 75 Senators; they run the country, not Julia Gillard, not Tony Abbott, and particularly not this "big end of town" you've invented.


Many of the people there on opposite side of the Parliament are best friends, most of them work happily together in bipartisan committees for the good of Australian, and much of our legislation comes out of those committees.


The strength of the Westminster system is that the duty of the Opposition is to try to tear down, and find fault with the proposal of the Government. That's why there is a pathway through both houses which includes Second Readings. In most cases the finished legislation incorporates ideas from both sides.


You seem to be suggesting that Julia Gillard gets up one morning, yawns and says "Think I'll improve public education", or Tony Abbott says:




"Oh yes Rupert, how are you tonight?


"you want lower wages, and less tax for you?


"Sure, I'll get right on it"


Last I heard they aren't dictators, and that sort of thinking is an insult to the 225 people, their staff, department personnel who run massive consulting surveys and draft the legislation, and those of us reading a thread on Illegal Immigrants.




"The strength of the Westminster system is that the duty of the Opposition is to try to tear down, and find fault with the proposal of the Government. That's why there is a pathway through both houses which includes Second Readings. In most cases the finished legislation incorporates ideas from both sides."


We all...all of us know that the Abbott opposition was the most destructive of all protocols in the last parliament. Even to the extreme point of failing to grant a pair for a member to be with his wife to deliver a baby. Don't come to this forum with sanctimonious twaddle about our fearless and upright representatives in govt. The true job of an opposition is to formulate and present alternative policies to the sitting government. Formulate.... and then present.... none of which happened with this mob. Question - did anyone hear talk of selling off Medibank or Australia Post before the election? "We are on a unity ticket on education". Regards, Don




I find it amazing how history is being rubbished, the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government achieved bugger all, really, in six years what did they do that didn't turn to sh1t , but somehow that's the LNP 's doing, the watermelons had the majority of the media on side and majority in both houses and still couldn't get much to work, although they did a lot of talking ,that much is true. Now we have to hear about what a huge con job has been done when they got the ar5e, maybe ,just maybe, a large percentage of the voters decided that they'd had enough of the garbage of the last six years and did something about,,,,no that couldn't be true! The main thing I've seen come out of the last ALP jaunt is they've succeeded in dividing this country like never before, in the past politics was just something that we had to have, but now we have been categorised by the watermelon set ,we're are either for open borders or a filthy racist, we are either running around at every weather event screaming like chicken little or we are a "climate denier " , if we're in the minority that voted ALP we are supposedly much smarter than the fooled ones that got tricked into voting LNP,,,,,the only sure thing I can see out of the last six years is we now know the ALP can organise a root in a brothel ,,,as long as someone else pays!




The LNP are on the nose with the public already, as polls show. Tony is only a part time PM. Slogans of three words is what he specialises in. All the hype and emergencies???. The IMF and other world observers will be more competent on assessing what is going on here than the self congratulatory mob that are almost invisible, praising themselves. No honeymoon for this lot. Even Rupert couldn't organise that.. Lets see if he's game to go to a double dissolution. ALL the recovery is at the expense of those who are already doing it tough. Income tax starts at $120 a week with Tony and his expenses are $240 a day, tax free, for doing public stunts. Nev




matty, you're living in the back pocket of news corp. It's clear that you lack the intellectual power to differentiate between facts and propaganda.


Consider the budget emergency that keeps you awake at night, Fat Joe racked up $17B in 3 months, scrapped the debt limit and did a deal with the greens.






THEY blame the Labor party for everything. It's an old trick to get in and pretend to discover everything is worse than you thought so all promises made, are off. The rest of the worlds economists don't share the 'Concocted" story which was widely predicted to be put around to justify an austerity program that may well and truly put us into a recession. The Productivity Commission is hardly even handed. It reflects the Business Council and the IPA views. Gina and Mining get open slather and contribute nothing once the TAXES they should be paying are wiped out. Most of mining profits go overseas. the Hunter valley is a dustbowl with o[pen cut coal and the Great Barrier Reef will be destroyed so where is the Tourism( which IS sustainable) Industry going?. Be nice if any mining enterprise actually restored any area after they finished with it. the Industry is so powerful world wide it pushes elected governments around and abuses the local populations frequently. Nev



Be nice if any mining enterprise actually restored any area after they finished with it. the Industry is so powerful world wide it pushes elected governments around and abuses the local populations frequently

I think you're living in the distant past Nev. In Australia restoration of the land post-mining is one of the major costs miners have to budget for. And as for local populations, the example below shows an area where the local population is wealthy and a small town has been booming for decades but would have little reason for existence if the mine had closed.


Zoom in on your Google Earth and note that the denser and more lush parts of the forest within the mine extents is what has already been mined and restored, the striped parts have been costeened in preparation for excavation, the rest should be self-evident. It's the usual story, most mine knockers have never had anything to do with them ...





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