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  • Yep right on the money.

Thanks for proving my point Teckair.


Righty-ho boys and girls, I'm packing up my bat & ball and going home. This discussion is about to get into name-calling because as far as I can see, all the points have been made. I'm ignoring this thread from now on, so if you want to score points off me, go right ahead, but I won't see it.


I respect everyone's views about flying, obviously not so much when it comes to politics / religion / human rights, so it seems logical to restrain myself to the flying threads from now on. Have fun, play nice.


Cheers, Marty



Thanks for proving my point Teckair.

Righty-ho boys and girls, I'm packing up my bat & ball and going home. This discussion is about to get into name-calling because as far as I can see, all the points have been made. I'm ignoring this thread from now on, so if you want to score points off me, go right ahead, but I won't see it.


I respect everyone's views about flying, obviously not so much when it comes to politics / religion / human rights, so it seems logical to restrain myself to the flying threads from now on. Have fun, play nice.


Cheers, Marty

Good luck with that I did that the first time about 500 posts ago.




Realistically, the ABC leans a long way left, as the Murdoch press leans to the right, finding a balanced and accurate view is rather difficult.


Which is why, in issues like this one, I base most of my view point from personal experience and the experience of others that I trust. Our media in this country has their own agendas, and is often not reliable for an objective viewpoint.



Realistically, the ABC leans a long way left, as the Murdoch press leans to the right, finding a balanced and accurate view is rather difficult.Which is why, in issues like this one, I base most of my view point from personal experience and the experience of others that I trust. Our media in this country has their own agendas, and is often not reliable for an objective viewpoint.

I agree, M61A1, but perhaps the degree of bias is in the eye of the beholder. Given the rampant right wing slant of most commercial media, particularly the Murdock press, perhaps it is vital for the ABC to ensure at times that an alternate perspective is available. The fact that they are on the current government's hit list is a good indication of fair and fearless reporting.



I agree, M61A1, but perhaps the degree of bias is in the eye of the beholder. Given the rampant right wing slant of most commercial media, particularly the Murdock press, perhaps it is vital for the ABC to ensure at times that an alternate perspective is available. The fact that they are on the current government's hit list is a good indication of fair and fearless reporting.

While I agree that the Murdoch press is biased to the right, I just can't see how biasing the ABC to equal amount to the left makes it unbiased.


A lot of the so called " journalism" , from the ABC, is downright and obviously selective and subjective in the extreme. A publicly owned station has no right to be that way.



...A lot of the so called " journalism" , from the ABC, is downright and obviously selective and subjective in the extreme. A publicly owned station has no right to be that way.

If you have well-founded concerns, then report them to the Broadcasting Control Board. The Howard Government made a number of appointments to the ABC and controlling authorities, so I'm sure they'll respond to your concerns.




The issue of ABC's balanced reporting is red herring, the Murdoch press want to end the competition.


Why aren't all the conservatives praising Abbott for his $200 Marriage counselling initiative? Such vision



If you have well-founded concerns, then report them to the Broadcasting Control Board. The Howard Government made a number of appointments to the ABC and controlling authorities, so I'm sure they'll respond to your concerns.

There has been plenty in most arenas of media about the ABC's bias, like most other media, if I find it to be offensive or irritating, I just turn it off. So I don't watch a lot of telly these days.



The issue of ABC's balanced reporting is red herring, the Murdoch press want to end the competition.

Why aren't all the conservatives praising Abbott for his $200 Marriage counselling initiative? Such vision

I personally think that they'd be better off, making them all register type of iron clad pre-nup, that details how they will separate, how their belongings will b split and how their children will be managed, while they're still on good terms. Then force them to abide by it when they divorce. That should free up the FLC a fair bit.


I don't get how Murdoch's biased media is not ok, but ABC media is....they're both as bad as each other, just in opposite directions, pick some middle ground, and maybe you'll find the truth, but you'll never know.



perhaps some concrete examples of ABC bias?

Off the top of my head, almost anything in current affairs where they can get away with it, in regard to illegal immigration, climate change, feminism, you name it, and they will be out to the far left of it.


I ceased to watch their current affairs shows as well as the commercial ones some time ago.


I get the distinct impression that that there are people starting out in the industry, trying to make a name for themselves, by being rather topical and progressive, but failing miserably



OH C'mon, If our good friend Alan Jones says there is bias you better believe there is bias. Why bother with the facts, they might weaken your obedience?

Didn't know he was a friend of yours FT?


Have met him a few times off-air and he was very sociable.


Despite being referred to by some as "The Parrot", I have only seen him eat a cracker when he had a glass of bubbly in the other hand, which goes to prove that it's not only "polly who wants a cracker"




Australia has made Alan Jones very wealthy man, he's been calling for more action on this marriage counseling voucher initiative for a long time.


Australia is in safe hands judging by the accolades the international community comments.





...I don't watch a lot of telly these days.

Perhaps you're missing out on some very educational shows. The ABC creams the commercials for quality, despite an abysmally small budget for drama production.


We need to have a good hard look at what we'd lose if Murdock had his way and the ABC was privatised or downsized.



I was hoping for specific examples. Rather than just a list of things you personally disagree with.

Fair cop......but I'm not going to sit down and watch a few bits just so I can tell you what I think is wrong.


Judging by other media, a very recent one would have to be the reporting on the burned hands issue, but I didn't watch it so I cannot comment on it honestly.


Actually the reporting on our live export was proven to be a lot of garbage......another that springs to mind.



Perhaps you're missing out on some very educational shows. The ABC creams the commercials for quality, despite an abysmally small budget for drama production.We need to have a good hard look at what we'd lose if Murdock had his way and the ABC was privatised or downsized.

I'm not suggesting that it be privatised, or that Murdoch get his way, just that, given that they are public property, that they remain neutral, I don't think that is much to ask.


When I do watch telly, it's usually of a documentary nature, so generally it's ABC or SBS.



Australia has made Alan Jones very wealthy man, he's been calling for more action on this marriage counseling voucher initiative for a long time.

Australia is in safe hands judging by the accolades the international community comments.



Australia has made quite a few objectionable people wealthy, I'm not sure what your obsession with Alan Jones is, but I can assure you that I don't listen to talkback radio, most of them seem to have the same method, where they ask loaded questions and if they don't like the answer the interviewee gets conveniently cut off.


As far as facts, you seem to have missed 2 keywords in your picture, "probably", and "think", that makes it an opinion,(an educated one perhaps) but an opinion nonetheless.


This whole thread is just a bunch of opinions, nothing more, and, so far I've not seen anything, that changes the way I see the world, and I imagine there are a lot of other posters, just the same.


Essentially, you will view me as a racist and a bigot, and I will view those that think these illegal immigrants are all just innocent refugees, as quite clueless to the reality.



Essentially, you will view me as a racist and a bigot, and I will view those that think these illegal immigrants are all just innocent refugees, as quite clueless to the reality.

My personal sentiments entirely.


Time may, or may not, prove us to be wrong.



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